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Posts posted by djencode

  1. Ilum is being deprecated in Game Update 1.2. The Open World PvP area on Ilum will still be present in 1.2, but rewards previously gained in Ilum will be available in Warzones and that's where we expect the bulk of PvP to take place for now.


    As we said during the Guild Summit, the PvP team is 'going back to the drawing board' with Ilum. That means they want to rework it to be fun and engaging. We accept there are issues with the current design and want to ensure that what we end up with is enjoyable for PvP fans. We have no ETA on when a redesigned Ilum might be available, but when we do have more news, we'll share it.


    The PvP team definitely monitors these Forums and would love to see constructive feedback on Open World PvP and how you feel it could be improved. They have their own ideas, of course, and they've read many of the posts here but more feedback is always welcome.


    This is sad, because I was one of the few people who actually really enjoyed Illum World PVP. I find most Warzones unbalanced, frustrating, stressful and annoying. I guess I'm going to have to make the switch to a strictly PVE character now. Pretty much my entire guild hates Warzones because due to a lot of small things, they just aren't fun.

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