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Posts posted by RStaves

  1. 46 minutes ago, go_rogue said:

    I got completely booted out of game, just thought it was a crash, but when I logged back in, I'm getting Satele Shan Server is Offline. One of my friends is still logged into the server, but I can't get in. Is there a log-in issue going on the Satele Shan?

    Thanks, another thing I notice when you log on there is No sound like there normally is it seems there is a missing general link to the game from the launcher and right prior to this My launcher was stuck in a loop for several mins

  2. i have harvested Zakuul swamps 3x over and only grade 9 are found. Darvanis same.. would be great if SWTOR just put them in each location randomly. Takes 4 Iridescent Bondar attachments (2 pcs of grade 10 bondar per component-total 8) per holocron of strategy, Only grade 10 arch mats are those i gain from sending companions on missions. This is an unbalance in artifice crafting. We should be able to spend less time and cost for grade 10 mats.
    go to Iokath for Grade 10
  3. In the Gathering Part of Crafting, you did put listing what was gathered into the chat window, but if your person is Gathering and Not the Companion you don't get the list, Now in your bag you can choose what leaves the bag the lowest to go to storage is White, but you can choose everything Gold and lower, The request form many is that what you gather stays in your bag until you choose what to do with the gatherings, finally the list in the Storage bag is Much better it does need the ability the list by Grade of material added though.
  4. I have a theory as to why the crafting is completely messed up in 6.0. For example crafting a single dye of the new schematic (yes, a dye) requires jumping through an insane amount of hoops.


    Irrespective of the gathering skills now providing more materials, when you take into account the amount of materials now required, BioWare would need to increase the node yields for tier 11 mats by a MUCH larger margin than they think is acceptable (it isn't).


    Personally I think it's to push people towards CM dyes instead. In terms of actually crafting anything of note in 6.0? I looked at the new relics, green relics requiring MM Flashpoint, SM / HM / MM Operations, Ranked PvP materials? For a green relic? Starter gear? Throw-away gear once gear level is high enough? I honestly can't say I'm going to bother crafting anything of the 6.0 schematics. Not starter gear, not dyes, not anything. It simply isn't worth the time or effort or cost to do so. I'm only going to get the achievements, then un-subscribe.

    The thing is you can't even see what your gathering let alone what things or what level Nothing, if you quick on Print screen and get the exact moment you might catch what you collected but if it was 6 items then that won't work either oh and you have to not have youe companion out to do this

  5. The new way to store what you gather, the top left of your personal bag is the icon to control what goes in your bag and what you sent to the Crafting Bag everything is stored in you can at the low end say only White and lower get moved, or the top Gold and lower, so now you want everything you gather to stay in your bag but alas you don't get that. in the Messages, you gather a thing and nothing is posted. you don't see what you gathered. I have tried this on Multiple characters from Nodes to killed thing like Bio or Scavaging and if it is a gain on your skill you see that but you do not see what you gathered and nothing shows up in your bag. Is there a way to fix this so you are gathering into your bag to decide what to do with the items
  6. I understand your worries many of us have been playing sense the game first came out, that being said, we wonder what has happened did a new programmer sit down and try to do the update ? Your Updates have so many checks and balances that after 7 years a Update should be like making a PB&J sandwich , you done it about 336 times so far. Now thank you for working to fix this , hoping to see a small present, we dont work on the game but we do pay to play well a lot of us do.
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