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Posts posted by rekkami

  1. Hi all, I'm rekui and I wrote a PvE guide for the merc's innovative ordnance spec. This is my first post here because I usually only hang out in a couple discord servers, but someone suggested that I share this here as well.


    Link to the guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F8Oz5RvrDxxZzuEn4nzQICFFrJEShLm5zLZz-VNNJAk


    Brief introduction for the guide: The guide is meant to be an in-depth resource that is accessible to players who have never touched the spec, as well as players who are already familiar with it. It is updated to patch 6.2 and it'll continue to be updated as needed.


    The first five chapters cover the basics. I tried to write the guide with the intent that a new IO player can read these chapters and learn what they need to know to start practicing on the dummy and consistently do the rotation in operations.


    The sixth chapter Advanced Topics is where I get into some really interesting and juicy strats/tactics that will help in harder content. Players who are already comfortable playing the class will get some good use out of this chapter!

  2. Please reconsider the carnage/combat changes. If the spec was overperforming (it's not, but let's say it is), then give it a dps nerf. Don't change the way it's played. It's one of the few classes that really require decent apm and knowledge/experience/skill to play well. It has a unique playstyle that rewards you when you pull off something difficult. Please don't take that away from us.
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