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Posts posted by fifteendollers

  1. You can't do it with metrics only either. Reality needs to be factored in as well. Instant cast for melee classes was a game changer in 5.0, the numerous nerfs were what hurt. Ranged still need to cast, and while not every fight requires you to move, it does impact players in a way that no dummy parse will show.


    Do you even think before you post?

  2. Doesn't this fall under the, "I can't help myssssssssssseeelf category?" I did say we would seriously look into it, and we actually think it'd be a fun change. Yet, allowing custom animations or VFX changes on characters is not as simple as it may sound. It's been added to our big list, but right now, it's not a high priority change. When that happens, will definitely let you know.




    Thanks Keith. This one post has made me feel a lot better. It means a lot to me.

  3. I listened to them, but I did not agree with them. They are repeating themselves so that they can say that they responded to us in order to appease people, not to further conversation on the issues. They don't have to repeat themselves, but a good two way conversation would be nice.


    A two way conversation will never work, because you'll never agree with Bioware.

  4. Hey folks,


    One of the topics we have seen come up a bit in the past couple of weeks is all of your feedback regarding Class changes and what is happening with it. We understand we have not kept you updated on the threads where we posted the Class changes so we want to talk through what happens next and how we will use your feedback.


    For a multitude of reasons, Class balance is one of the most challenging communication topics. We dislike having to nerf a Class as much as you do, but sometimes we have to do it for the overall health of our game (as we talked about in our "How Class Balance Happens” thread). We understand that no one ever likes to see the effectiveness of their Class reduced. It can change the way you play, take enjoyment out of playing that Class, and make you feel slighted if you believe the changes happened because of another type of gameplay (PvE or PvP) which you don't even participate in. We are very sensitive to all of these things.


    We knew Class changes were a top priority, so we provided insight about how we intended to balance all Classes ahead of next week’s patch. Since we took so long to make changes after the release of KOTET (5.0), we had quite a few big changes to make, and that’s what you’ve been reading the last few weeks. It is going to be rough for some Disciplines as they are way over target, but it is important that we bring them in line. Additionally, we may have missed the mark with some of the changes and if we went too far or not far enough, you can expect to see additional adjustments in the future. Going forward, it is our intent to stay on top of Class balance so changes will be less severe/sweeping than they are in 5.3 and the upcoming 5.4 patch in August.


    Let's get a little more specific! The following list is not comprehensive, but here is some of the key feedback we have read coming out of the Class change posts:

    • Arsenal/Gunnery needed survivability/utility nerfs, not DPS - As we said in the balance thread, we want to get damage targets in line first before we touch too much utility. They did get a slight nerf to survivability in 5.3, and we will monitor both their damage and ability to stay alive going forward.
    • Corruption/Seer nerfs went too far and may also negatively impact DPS - Admittedly those two Disciplines were substantially overperforming and will receive the most significant nerfs in 5.3. But, we will watch their performance closely and make changes if we’ve gone too far. The same is true of the impact on "Sorc/Sage bubble" for DPS. We’ll change it or give them other defensive options to compensate if needed.
    • Madness/Balance buffs are nice but they are still Force negative! - Beyond the changes already listed, they are receiving a buff to their Force regeneration to no longer be rotationally negative. We have doubled the effect of Sith Efficacy / Psychic Barrier so that each channel of Force Lightning / Telekinetic Throw will restore 8% of total Force (minus the cost). To be clear, that’s a net of +3 per tick of damage or +12 total Force per channel, not including the ongoing passive Force regeneration that also occurs during the channel.


    When we start talking about 5.4 changes, we will work to do better in keeping the conversation alive around Class balance. This way we can make sure everyone has a clear understanding of all concerns/feedback going into the update.


    Thanks everyone!




    Here we have Bioware having to repeat themselves because people didn't bother to listen to them the first time.

  5. This translates to, "I hear you.....but we aren't going to focus on that. We are going to nerf the damage output.....then sometime later fix the survivability." This does not translate into listening to the audience...this is the opposite. If you *agree* they need a utility/survivability nerf, but also nerf the damage, they get a double nerf.


    No, YOU aren't listening to Bioware. They aren't going to touch defense until they've controlled for DPS output. Bioware can't properly gauge how effective Merc defenses are until after they've taken their DPS out of the equation.


    This represents users WANTING to play Sorc/Sage DPS in Operations. Lack of sufficient output will make this not possible. Please, please reconsider.


    Sorc/Sage DPS in operations is fine. If you're not getting invited to Ops as a Sorc/Sage DPS, find a better guild.


    The best plea I can advise to you is, I HOPE you aren't using Parsley as your numbers. Those are dummy #s for a perfect rotation and ideal circumstances. Few people are able to do that. Your intention is pure, nuke 20-30% of the "TOP" DPS. However, you are going to nuke 20-30% DPS off EVERY Merc, not just those who are parsing the highest.


    Mercs are not getting a 20-30% nerf to DPS. Stop making up numbers.

  6. Yeah, they are definitely wight up there with "Heal to full". The problem is, they get feedback that doesn't fit their "metrics" so they disregard it and then wonder why people are upset or the game is broken.


    I'm off to look for a friendly raiding guild in ESO.


    Maybe the feedback is just wrong.

  7. Actually, the entire idea is to nerf the most popular classes the hardest to try to get people to pick another "main" that they then have to grind on to get gear which takes them through the end of the year. What they haven't figured out is that people like me are done with the 5.x grind. I parsed yesterday, I will parse Tuesday. If my parse is substantially below what it was yesterday, I'm out. I'm not grinding again in this stupid system they were told would drive players away. Server populations are terrible. You'd think they'd look at feedback and make changes to keep players, but that doesn't seem to be what happens. They just shove bad ideas out the door and then promise to fix them later without realizing "later" is way too late.


    Classes are popular because they are overpowered. The people who aren't affected negatively by CXP are the people who play the one class they enjoy most, regardless of how powerful/weak they are.

  8. Customization of powers...ie animations, colors, styles (different if you have your saber out or not, I mean why does my inquisitor have his saber out half the time??), things like that. We can tune weapons, how about a slot for powers?



    The ability to customize animations.


    It would be great if we could slightly customize our character's animations. Maybe just have an ability to use the mirror-classes stance and/or animations. For example, if I put a certain weapon tuning into my lightsaber, my Sith Warrior can use the duo-handed fighting style of the Jedi Guardian. No new animations, but just porting the animations over.


    I only have one "Crazy" idea, but I promised not to ask for it.

  9. Crit DR is already high enough you can have both. I don't see any issue and neither does BW. But good luck in getting BW changing this as they seem content with it. And all your suggestion have been to make extreme changes over a nonexistent issue. Both Meele and Ranged use 1400-1500 Alacrity and 1800-1900 Crit in PvE regardless of most classes.


    I'm not interested in optimal stats or diminishing returns. I'm interested in being able to make the choice to stack alacrity to 15-30%, to lower my cast times by 15-30%. Apparently in full end game gear alacrity only stacks to 16-17% (sample size: 2), just barely enough, but I'd have to give up a lot of crit rating to get there, and have full end game gear. 16-17% alacrity is not worth giving up so much crit rating. Or maybe it is, I haven't tried it in awhile...

    Admittedly I'm only hypothesizing about end game gear because I only have Tier 1 gear currently. I got some alacrity numbers from other players who do have full 248 gear.

    Edit: don't have to hypothesize anymore, found Dipstik's formulas for Alacrity. Mind you, they're formulas for 4.0, don't know if anything major was changed in 5.0.


    As I said earlier in the thread, I'm giving feedback on a problem I see in game. Bioware is free to consider my feedback or not. I'm not going to hunt down their families if they don't do exactly what I demand they do ASAP.

  10. That's a matter of class ability design, not of Alacrity stat budget. If mobility really matters a 3 sec base cast ability in the rotation is a still a problem even if you have the stat budget flexibility to dump 2000 points of Alacrity on it.


    What Alacrity won't do, because it's not meant to do it, is turn that 3 second hard cast into a 1 second hard cast. That sort of thing is a matter of advanced specialization class design. If you want ranged classes to have significantly more damage on the move you need to lobby the developers to make changes to those sorts of mechanics. Stat budgets don't have enough space in them to cover changes that large.


    Just a few things.


    Personally I don't want casters to have more damage on the move, I want them to cast faster so they can get back to moving faster.

    I realize this is hyperbole on your part, but a 3 second cast dropped to a 1 second cast would require 66% alacrity, which is ridiculous to ask for. I'd ask for 15% at least and 30% at most, which would also take a lot of crit away from my stats. A 3 second cast (2.5 seconds assuming the spec lowers it by .5 seconds) dropped to a 2.5 second cast (2.1sec)(15% alacrity) or 2.1 second cast (1.75sec)(30% alacrity) is reasonable enough for me in a high mobility situation, especially if I lose all my crit to get there.


    But yes you do have point with class mechanics. If a spec would give an inherent boost to alacrity or some mechanic to increase cast speed to a sufficient level (high enough for high mobility kiting), that would be an alternative to increasing cast speed via alacrity.


    You'll probably have to ask in the context of PvP related changes too. For PvE all of the ranged classes already have a pretty significant excess of mobility and aren't really challenged more than they should be in terms of DPS on high mobility fights.


    If ranged classes aren't challenged enough in PvE because they have too much mobility, maybe their mobility should be nerfed by making them stop to cast more.

  11. That's a long time you should have L2P by now. You know... Instead of ************ on the forums and creating negative and useless threads. By reading your OP you clearly got owned by some random melee class. FeelsBadMan.


    Edit: I didnt bother to read the rest of this thread nor will I read it any futher It is a waste of my time.


    Thank you for your irrelevant and worthless feedback.

  12. Snip


    I fully understand your reasoning as it applies to total output. I'm talking more along the lines of practical function in high mobility situations. Lower cast times help casters kite while keeping up output in high mobility fights. But to reach those practical levels of alacrity requires more rating than can be achieved with the stat in it's current state. Most notably because the GCD reduction would make those levels far too strong for instant abilities.

  13. Alacrity is a really good stat and 1% alacrity increase is equivalent to a 1% DPS increase.


    My issue with the stat being weak is with the fact that it takes far too much Alacrity rating to reach the next percent. And, in conjunction with Ramalina's post, sacrifices too much Crit rating to get to that next Alacrity percent. Alacrity rating has to be numerically weak because of the GCD reduction. If the GCD was reduced by the sort of percentages that would be useful for casting in high mobility fights, then instant abilities would be far too strong. I'd happily stack Alacrity rating over Crit if I could get some decent percentages out of it, but 15-30% Alacrity would make the GCD reduction way too strong for instant cast abilities. Instants get far too much use out of alacrity compared to casted abilities.


    Alacrity is great for casting classes as it allows more abilities by reducing CDs on your attacks and make the channel faster allowing more damage to be fit in a shorter amount of time. Second reducing the overall GCD so it's actually useful and allows more abilities. For example, Alacrity is what allows Virulence Snipers to fit 4 GCD under Weakening Blast and the first tick of the second Cull. In simple terms, alacrity is one of the most powerful stats out there especially with Crit DR. Change alacrity and we kill the playstyles of classes.


    Casters only get the benefit of the GCD reduction if they are free-casting. In high mobility fights they still have to move in between casts, negating the extra time gained from a lower GCD. Compare that to instant cast abilities. Instants aren't limited by movement, so they can be spammed at will, efficiently maximizing each lowered GCD.

  14. If you were around before 3.0 you would know that what you suggested was exactly how alacrity functioned, and it was so bad that no dps spec would ever use it. It was a garbage stat and even after the crit/surge had gone up to crazy diminishing returns, it was still better that stack that up, or just power/mastery, than it was to use alacrity.


    I've been here since launch. Alacrity has always been bad because numerically it's a weak stat. Instead of increasing the percentage gained per point of Alacrity, Bioware made it so it it's lowers the GCD, which is pointless for casting yet very effective for instant abilities, because instant abilities are only limited by the GCD.

  15. You are incorrect, obviously you haven't tried healer in current patch. I'm an excellent healer and I can be taken out by 2 excellent dps with same gear pretty easily. Lets instead excuse your inability to learn how to play and just nerf the healers? Good idea.....or not. Granted, if 2 poor dpsers with bolster gear attack me I can squeeze off heals on my group and stay alive, but really thats a problem with the current bolster system not healers. Once they fix bolster everything evens out.


    You just watch, the nerf will make excellent healers die in 1v1 situations and that'll be the end of healing in PvP. After that lets get rid of DPS in PvP and then the stealthies can just run around in empty warzones because there are no players left.


    You're not supposed to survive being 2v1'd.

  16. i dont see any problem. but i do think you are mistaken by the reasons you came up with.


    what i also see, this new trend, is players complaining about mdps vs rdps because u know..5.3 is coming and nerfs are coming, and their classes arew getting hit by the hammer.


    i do think for once devs are correct in their way of seing classes dps output.


    Fair enough. I personally don't have any problems with any of the changes in 5.3. I also used to main a Merc before I deleted him after 5.0 hit. Now I main a Lightning Sorc. I don't have any problems with the nerf to Sorc heals because I believe a DPS class shouldn't be wasting GCDs on heals when they should be DPSing. I also believe that a range DPS class shouldn't have to rely on self heals or DCD's to survive. They should be relying on their DPS to kill the target before they die, and their range advantage to kite. It's my opinion that caster classes cannot kite in this game due to a variety of factors.


    I want to make this perfectly clear for anyone reading. The definition of kiting is the ability to maintain a safe distance from melee while maintaining DPS. Kiting does not mean running away until the melee stops chasing you so you can free-cast. Free-casting is not an inherent advantage, its just means noone is attacking you. If noone is attacking you, you aren't kiting.


    The ideal case for a caster vs melee situation is if the caster can get enough distance from the melee to be able to stop and cast one ability before the melee class catches up and hits the caster with one ability. The caster then again gets enough distance to cast a single ability before the melee catches up and hits the caster again. This is what kiting is to casters. It goes without saying that this is a simplified example.


    If the caster cannot make enough of a gap to cast one ability before the melee is back on them, they can't kite. If the caster is attempting to get out of melee range but cant, they will be taking free, unanswered hits from the melee class without doing any damage back. In cases like this, the caster is better off tanking the melee and spamming damage, since they wont be getting any damage avoidance from attempting to kite, and they wont be doing any meaningful damage while attempting to kite.

  17. fair enough. but in any case welcome to the terror of mellee classes in 5.3 ;)


    also, your claims have no place because during 8months no one cared for mdps dps or their downtime..but now..aparently the game has changed


    its gona be glorious the outcries in 11th july, to rdps classes, until ofc they nerf them aswell in 5.4 :rak_03:


    Hey I'm just giving feedback on a problem I see in the game. Bioware likes feedback. Bioware is free to consider my feedback or not. My job as a player is simply to give feedback, that's it.

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