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Posts posted by InnerRampage

  1. Is this just something wrong with my own graphics or something? I notice most of the newer hairstyles whenever I make it black they appear to be a funny shade of green which isn't appealing at all.


    If this is an actual glitch can we please have this fixed?


    Yeah I see it as well.

  2. So my question is what happens with companions in KOTFE? I want to give some companions gifts to boost their level so they are stronger, but some companions don't stay too long with you (example Darth Marr). How do I know which companions will stick with me and which ones won't? I have HK-55 right now, but should I give him gifts? Or will he just die/go away randomly and I lose tons of money on comp. gifts?
  3. I am a relatively newer player to the game, and I stared a sorcerer class, and lightning seemed cool, and I thought it would be good. I am now level 70 and it is honestly garbage, why do they do this? Why don't they put in the lightning class description "WARNING: This class is complete garbage and you will not be able to do any relative DPS during high level ops/FPS/Anything! So pick this class if you really want to waste your time!" It seems like false advertising to me.
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