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Posts posted by iFenris

  1. Using Sentinel as an example for this. I have Dark/Light V achievements in my legacy so I can choose Marauder classes for my JK. But am I able to choose Sentinel then swap to Marauder after finishing class story when creating a new character in 7.0 or is this only available for any character created prior to 7.0?

    Sorry if I explained this poorly as explaining things is something I struggle with

  2. so if weapons are not added to the outfitter, could you explain how we are supposed to be able to use cartel market weapons as we do not have access to moddable gear? like what features do you need our feedback on, how it works should be in the exact same way as the already working outfitter works no?



    also nerf deception sins to the ground, the class deserves it


    Aww, did a deception destroy you in pvp? That’s a shame.

  3. ESO is like a good example of what Bioware could do if they had the budget and quite a few people on the dev team. Yearly story, the first half slowly moving towards the big main event with flashpoints then the latter half being the big main event/conclusion, with a raid focused around the story then repeat to leading up to next years story continuation.
  4. To clear up some confusion we're reading, Force users will be able to change their first Combat Style to its mirror if they meet the Light or Dark-side alignment requirements to do so. That has not changed.


    So to confirm, my existing DS sentinel who has done the story and has Dark V can swap to the mara playstyle?

  5. Thank you for the update. This is not good news, but it is helpful to know. I was looking forward to swapping my Twi'lek Operative to Scoundrel to reduce clipping, but I don't want Operative AND Scoundrel, so this is quite disappointing.


    I have one question though: does this apply to swapping Force users to their mirror combat style? My main is a Light V Sith Sorcerer and I've always wished I could swap him to the Sage combat style. This character is at least 9 years old, and I don't think I have it in me to reroll him. :(


    This originally wasn’t the case. Previously only force classes were able to flip. Tech classes already had to select the mirrored tech class as a secondary.

  6. While Imperius is awesome, there's one that I don't believe many try to become, Darth Occulus. I have all three named titles. Occulus is my favorite because I can play both sides or against them. Occulus, the Sith version of the Gray Jedi. :csw_vader:


    It’s Occlus.

  7. If there is to be a character Appearance update sometime next year for the 10 year anniversary thing. Aside from the obvious in updating the textures etc. Is it possible to request separation of eyebrows from complexions. As for example, there are a few complexions I really like but do not like the associated Eyebrows and vice versa.

    Same with Lipstick/Paint and Eyeshadow/Paint from cosmetics? With pretty much the same reason as with complexions. Would add some more variety maybe?

  8. Back then yes. and Yes I did. I have all those sets. I copied a character over and did NOT get credit for having them. Also mine are epics these are blues. I am guessing they are adding in an alternate way to obtain them in 7.0 probably for people who didnt play back then. Id like to know the source of that alternate way


    They probably haven’t set it up to recognize current sets yet then. This is PTS.

  9. In my case, Theron is abandoned after nathema conspiracy (not dead), Arcann and Senya still alive and with me (with my Character of course), but the conversation won't start. I'm sure there is another reason with this issue.


    Dead or Abandoned. Both are considered the same to the game.

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