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Posts posted by duranterich

  1. Tanking is really a PvE role, so better to have it work well there and poorly in PvP than the reverse.


    I will have to disagree with you there. I've been using a Guardian/Jugg Tank in PVP for about a year, and it can completely change a match, not even comparing it to ranked.


    As a healer in PVP, I LOVE it when there is a competent tank guarding me. Taunt reduces all damage received on friendly players if the enemy player(s) isn't/aren't attacking you.


    Tanking in PVP in this game is as viable as PVE, and more enjoyable because I get to wear DPS gear (at least for me).


    Some of these changes have me worried.

  2. Background: My first character was a Sentinel about 2-3 years ago. I still main that character, and played all specs of Guardian (mostly Defense). I've been a sub ever since and have played more than I'd like to admit during lockdown. Thank you for being my sanity. I understand feedback is important software devs, so here I am.


    My comments about ability pruning will echo most of this thread thus far, I'm not a fan. However, this is PTS, I will save my comments and judgement for further builds


    Does this feel like a Jedi Guardian? Please explain why or why not.

    Really difficult to say based on what we are given. Since we only have live to compare too, no. I've never felt overwhelmed by abilities, in fact, more would have been okay. Tanking made me feel like a Guardian, misplacement of some abilities makes me feel less so


    Is there anything that feels missing or out of place in the combat rotation?

    I understand that interrupts, CC break, and potentially even Saber throw aren't part of a typical "rotation", other than that I'd say nothing is "missing" out of our rotations. I'm not counting the CC abilities in that.


    What are your initial thoughts with the effectiveness of the Jedi Guardian against enemies?

    Less effective from what the PTS is giving me.


    How are you enjoying or not enjoying this class?

    Since I primarily played DPS geared Tank as a guardian in PVP, I am not enjoying this current PTS build. I feel this current toolset we are given to protect my team is lackluster.


    TL : DR

    P.S: I think the team should have waited a bit longer. I feel like this current state is missing so much that would allow tester's to give any type of constructive feedback

  3. I think "we're putting a semi reverse NGE into the game and will also update, tech, visuals and UI" is a big announcement considering the resources they have at the moment.


    I strongly believe that with how spaghetti-coded the game was, detaching the advanced classes from their base class and turning the semi-WoW system into a FFXIV system was a very big development process, hence why Keith, Eric and Charles were so excited to finally announce it.


    The ramifications of this new approach to advanced classes is also huge. I'm not saying it will happen, and I am also not claiming it is likely to happen, but combat styles opens the very distinct possibility of new advanced classes later down the line. One of the biggest issues with new classes has always been class stories, voice acting for an entirely new class and companions for it. With gameplay being removed from all three of those, the process of adding an advanced class is doable. They could finish the process in 7.0 and then for 8.0 add a new class or two for the first time in twelve years. For example, what about a non-force-using melee DPS like a Teräs Käsi fighter or a gladiator? They could use a quarterstaff/vibroblade and have melee combat like the Assassin/Guardian, but no force abilities. One of the things that always bugged me about making a melee Mandalorian with stuff like the Mythran hunter glaive is that they still shoot lightning or throw pebbles with the Force. If I could play a glaive wielder without any force abilities, I'd immediately do it.


    Now, I'm not saying that will happen or is likely to happen, but a man can dream. All things considered, this was a huge announcement and certainly beats: "okay, two new flashpoints and two ops" from SoR out of the water for me.


    Ya know, you make a fantastic point.


    This opens the door for a melee "Tech" class to be chosen by BH/Agent/Trooper/Smug. Even if they were just carbon copies of the force users, I'd be happy.


    Abilities like Force Push could translate to a single target knockback with a wrist pulse generator, Force Pull is grapple (already in game), just to name a few.


    *waves at Devs*

  4. I am in a similar boat. Last week I did Medium Yield for both solo guilds (Imp and Pubside) and hit conquest. I didn't remove or add anyone all week and all contributions were individually rewarded at weeks end, however my guilds did not receive commendations.


    Edit: Just read through the other thread and found this post, it's acknowledged and we are getting compensated



  5. I do agree that this item is slightly lacking in texture detail compared to the most recent set of releases.


    A very nice armor set though! I want to buy it as soon as the quirks are fixed. Did you try that armor on with a female character? If so, are the knee pads missing in game? In the preview window they are missing.

  6. The new Cybernetic Pauldron Armor Set has a bug on the legpieces where the kneepads do not show in the preview window. This only occurs on female characters, can only test BT2. Male characters BT2 seem to show kneepads. Not sure if this occurs across multiple body types


    I haven't bought the armor set so I cannot say for sure if it happens in game, this is only from viewing from the preview window

  7. Bumping this thread because they are still bugged. The terminal needs an option to just reset arrival points, or something. I deactivated my Alderaan SH because it's way too big too keep running back to where I need to be. Transferring ownership doesn't seem to work, and I'd really like to use my Yavin SH. I'm almost tempted to deactivate and repay for unlocking all of the rooms but don't feel like risking it...even though fixing the arrival point would allow me to use it again


    Edit: Bit the bullet and deactivated the SH. So you have to pay the reactivation cost but do not lose all your rooms. Not sure if was known. Doing this DOES reset your activation point and allow characters to log back in to the place you logged out at, not the arrival points. So this is a semi-expensive fix for the bug for now. At least I can use the Yavin SH again.


    Edit Edit: This method does NOT work for Alderaan, Arrival point still reverts you to the entrance....great.

  8. So I purchased the DT-11 Blaster without waiting for a video about it.


    I'll first say the design and animation for the pistol is spectacular, the barrel animation is great. I'm always a sucker for the cool animations, even if you can barely see them when fighting. The pistol itself is nicely sized, my favorite part is the tip of the barrel, gives it some nice beef.


    But I digress on one point, the sound. Borrowed from Mischief (and possible Anarchy, I never owned the second because of initial disappointment), the blaster sort of sounds like a pea shooter? Disappointed that I spent money on this, let's just say I'm hoping (not the first) for the sound mod to be a part of the game at some point. I'd take a basic blaster pistol noise over what was attached to this awesome looking blaster.


    Since I saw no other reviews of the blaster yet, I thought I would post here so if anyone was curious, they could find this thread.


    P.S: Before anyone pops up to post about "Are you surprised?" or "Cry more, don't get mad at a game", the primary reason of this post was to inform other player's before the purchase, and potentially inform developers that this sound isn't liked by all players. I'm sure some enjoy it, but I never post, and my only posts have been about the sound..so take from that what you will.


    - RD

    Edit: I just looked at the Official SWTOR post about 6.2 Cartel Items and noticed the video of the DT-11. So doh me, now this is just a complaint post.:rolleyes:

  9. Lol. Sorry, I should have been more precise. What I meant was: I still choose to believe that the Payday Blaster now using the exact same sound as the Gambler's Luck is an honest mistake. They tried fixing something on the gun, didn't work on the first attempt. They'll try again. I hope. At least that's what I choose to believe until Bioware tells me otherwise.


    With regards to the DT-11: It sounds like an average blaster. I'm not thrilled, but it's alright.


    I still think, sound tunings would be nice.


    Thanks for the response. After picking up the DT-11 last night, it has the same sound effect as Mischief (another platinum weapon). Also not thrilled since I already have Mischief.


    I do also think it was an honest mistake at this point since the DT-11 doesn't have the Payday sound, so hopefully it gets rectified at some point. 6.2a doesn't have a fix for it...so we shall see :confused:

  10. Sound doesn't play in preview. Anyways as far as the post goes... I'm not exactly sure what constitutes "correctly" except for what the developers intended. That said this seems more and more to be a constant in CM releases. The "I love it" and "I hate it" threads inevitably pop up. Especially when something is changed. Perfect example is the Dark Honor Guard saber. When it was released the thing sounds like a doorbell (still does) and threads popped up complaining and what happened? Numerous counter posts about "I LOVE IT!". Same can be said about items that have voice modulation like the Infamous Bounty Hunter helmet. Plenty of posts about "I love it" and "I hate it!". The only real solution to making EVERYONE happy is allowing players to choose their own sound effects for modulations like a tuning. That all said as much as I would love for this to happen odds are against it.


    Yeah, second the not being able to preview sounds in the window. Not sure where that came from.


    The sound effect thing is doable, I think. And profitable for EA/Bioware, just as much as Weapon Tunings can be. Adding a slot to weapons, have a crew skill craft basic ones (such as dyes for artifice) but then also sell new ones on the CM.

  11. Obviously you don't know how companies work, they have the right to do whatever they want with THEIR products even after you bought it. Does it suck that they changed it in such a way that you are no longer happy with it? Sure it does, but they are well within their rights to do that. I'm guessing that a whole lot of people complained about how it sounded which is why they changed it, not trying to sell other blasters on the market. Consider that the Payday is still available. Now consider that IF all they wanted was to sell a new blaster they would have just have removed the Payday and all other blasters from the market all together. Going all tinfoil hat about it isnt gonna get you anything but angry and likely wont get anything resolved. As was said here before, try being polite and reasoned and contact Customer Service. Maybe, if enough people feel the way you do, they will revert the changes or even *gasp* work with the community to find an amicable solution. It takes more than one person being pissed about something to make a change. After all, the StarWars universe doesnt revolve around only you :-)


    Only software companies and companies that forcibly link their hardware to the cloud can do this, which is becoming quite common anyway. Can't even say cars are immune to this because if Musk wants to update your Tesla to make a clown car noise when starting up, he can.


    Still doesn't stop the pitchfork gang though.:wea_03:

  12. Well, the DT-11 doesn't sound like the Payday blaster used to. Not even close. Unfortunately, since it too is a very neat looking gun.


    Thus, I still choose to believe it was just an honest mistake. I mean ... last year when they added something to the story we couldn't invite others to our strongholds for how long? Two weeks or something like that, if I remember correctly.


    Would you say the DT-11 has a unique sound? You saying that it isn't like the Payday used to sound does make it seem like it was an honest mistake and not what OP is saying Bioware did.


    Still waiting on someone to upload the soundbyte to YouTube

  13. I definitely feel that you're angered at this, as I am a bit too. I just messaged a customer service representative and I hope I get a response.


    I was going to buy the DT-11 if I found out it had an appealing sound, but if this is true, and they knowingly swapped the sounds to sell a new blaster, that is a terrible business practice.

  14. Bug(?): Exiled Padawans Helmet on PTS did not hide the hood, however it does on Live. Was this intended or a bug?


    OPINION: Was hoping to buy this set for use with some hood up/temple guardian type looks but if it hides the hood that defeats the purpose.


    Bug: Next is Lana's armor listed in collections as both a Bronze and Gold armor set

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