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Posts posted by TyrFoge

  1. The Fallen Master Hair has something weird going on with the right sideburn with it's textures (plus it does not look the same as the left one). Also there is something wonky going on with the mustache. Instead of going down it goes out (look at it from the side) this is making it not go down to and flush with the upper lip like a beard actually does making it a strange O pattern on the face...😮

  2. 29 minutes ago, mirrordances said:

    This is really the opposite of the direction I hoped for. I wanted more from the GS rep tracks - a rep vendor, some new dye schematics to learn, etc. (Are there ever going to be new dye schematics for artifice? Please???) But to take away both the rep track and its use for conquest on alts? Without any warning? Not happy.

    I logged on all excited about the new season and the new stronghold, and I still want that stronghold and the other rewards. I'm not leaving. But this really took the wind out of my first-day enthusiasm - I read the patch notes and all the announcements, I thought I knew what I was getting! Instead I found out in my first few minutes in-game that one of the most useful conquest objectives AND one of the most useful elements of Galactic Seasons had been taken away without those changes being mentioned in any way. And this disappointment is going to keep repeating with every login, as I try to click tokens out of habit and get nothing out of it. Please don't treat your loyal players like this.

    This is very well worded. Removing the ability to get Conquest more easily through season objectives was simply a bad call. I was fine doing content that I've done 1000s of times before if doing said content helped me reach Conquest more easily. I understand that a few players have complained in the past about having to reach reputation within a time frame (I never experienced this and reached max reputation easily) but the decision to remove that 45k CP and not replace it with something similarly as easy was a bad call. I'm sure many players mainly participated in Galactic Seasons in the first place (including myself) was it helped reach Conquest more easily. That's not the case this season.

    What a bummer...

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, VegaMist said:

    Such a let down! Releasing a hat which didn't remove hair was the best Christmas gift, and then they turned it into bait-and-switch. One good thing out of it is it debunked the myth that it's not possible to have hair and hat due to "technical reasons" - we just saw that it absolutely is possible even if imperfect. But I'd take imperfect over bold any day of the week since imperfect can be dealt with (and potentially fixed in the future) while bold makes almost every hat (and hood) in the game unwearable for me.

    ^ ^ exactly this. If they can do it "on accident" and be able to fix it surely they can reverse the process and do it "on purpose". Having that hat remove hair now is almost as disappointing as the fact that sets gloves (rings) make your characters hands disappear completely with certain robes... 

    • Like 3
  4. On 12/12/2023 at 4:02 PM, Kirtastropohe said:

    Definitely need Baylan and Shin armor.

    Yes this. As much as we all love Mandalorians I think their armor sets have run their course here for the time being. It would certainly be nice to see some Force user love for a while. Maybe finally get a proper Palpatine style black Sith robe with correct arm lengths...

    • Like 2
  5. On 12/13/2023 at 12:55 PM, Cindron said:

    I ran it 28 times trying for the decos.  Several times the flashpoint glitched with the final two fights not popping.  What I gathered was:  Nul Destryoed Piller 2, Nul hidden switch 34, Nul ruins activator 22, Nul ruins archway 1, Nul statue of the defender 1, Nul wall panel 2, and last Obelisk of Nul 30.

    Why the Obelisk requires a large hook is beyond me when it can easily fit in medium narrow or even small.

    And yes I killed every single thing in the flashpoint each time.

    I've ran the FP more than this and lost track and still  never pulled any any Arch, Nul statue of the Defenders, and Warriors of Nul so I'm mad at you.! Kidding aside it's pretty frustrating if you ask me. I have no hope of using them in my personal strongholds without being able to get multiples but without even 1 I can't use them in my Guilds stronghold by donating. Maddening...

    (and I couldn't agree more about the Obelisk having the wrong hook size)

  6. 13 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

    I just want to preview the new white and gold dyes before I spend my cartel coins

    I agree. That is one of my biggest gripes about anything that's "bundled" on the CM.

    It's the same issue with Decos specifically since they aren't in Collections either. I wish they'd change bundles to actually show individual preview able items that are in them.

    Anyway, someone linked them in gen chat so we could do exactly that and is it just me or does the Pearl White (maybe it's others too I dunno) look odd in the preview on some things? Would make me hesitant to actually use such an expensive dye on something if it looked wonky in the Preview window that's for sure...

  7. On 11/29/2023 at 2:13 PM, IIHawkerII said:

    It's been a... Tough trend lately in Cartel market outfits lately that's really put me off spending in the CM. 
    If an outfit has metal and cloth elements, please make sure they're on separate dye slots and not the same. It's really, really hard to make a good looking outfit if you go to dye your jacket brown and it dyes the metal brown as well. Please be smarter with the dye slots and adjust them to cover 'just metal' or 'just cloth', not both in random places across the outfit. 

    I can completely agree with this. The Mandalorian Nomad and Reforged Mandalorian hunter sets are 2 of the big offenders that come immediate to mind with this frustrating problem.

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  8. On 12/6/2023 at 6:58 PM, fediamond said:

    honestly i agree with you, it should be included in the cartel market in a future update as a general customization, along with tenebrae´s hairstyle (just in case people wanna make a sith similar to him)

    There's also a Jedi in Ossus that has a man-bun as well...anyway I digress

    That request shouldn't be all that difficult for them I would think. They would just have to unlock the style for both genders. Considering the Sith species haven't gotten any if the new hairstyles in any updates there may be something in their coding making that more difficult somehow...

    images (1).jpeg

  9. Ok "need" is a strong word but it would be super cool if we were able to add these new enhanced dyes as Primary and Secondary only to add some nice accents without doing the WHOLE outfit...😀

    Chrome White Primary and Secondary

    Pearlescent Red Primary and Secondary

    Metallic Gold Primary and Secondary

    Metallic Black Primary and Secondary

    Matte Black Primary and Secondary

    Pretty please with metallic cherries on top!!! 🍒

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  10. 6 hours ago, Jesseriah said:

    - The original red sith eyes when SWTOR launchend.

    - Wrinkles, old faces and dark side effects but without the eyes and the face getting deformed (in other words: sith faces like Darth Angral for instance)

    Great in game reference to what most would love to have for wrinkle options! But I (and many many others) have been requesting THIS for years (and years) as well. 🙂

    download (1).jpeg



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  11. 14 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

    Rodians can easily fill all but the lip thing. And it's not like we even get on-screen kisses very often. But if we stick to strictly this, sooner or later we're going to run out of species to make a PC with.

    It's not a "fits some" of those three limitations or "kind of close". It's all 3 or no go.

  12. On 11/30/2023 at 7:09 AM, Vendettus said:

    Species would need to be 'near human' to be even considered. Falleen, Chagrian, Zeltron, Devaronian, Pantoran-- these would be relatively easy and have a much better chance of becoming playable races than those who can't easily be put into situations where they would need to talk or kiss with existing animations.


    "New race options" has come up every month or so since game launch. Time after time the Devs have made it clear that ANY new race must have 3 parameters to make them available for consideration to add. 
    1) Human like lips (romance cutscenes etc)
    2) Human heights/body style (body type 1-4 in game)
    3) Speaks basic with no modifications required to voice actors (cutscenes)

    These 3 stipulations eliminate the "New species suggestion" so often I wish the Dev Team would make an official statement in the forums about it so we could just cut and paste the link... 😛 

    Edit: Or better yet they paste the link themselves 😜

  13. On 2/4/2023 at 9:38 AM, sandstroller said:

    I've run Ruins of Nul a ton and still never seen a few decos drop;

    - Nul Destroyed Pillar
    - Nul Ruins Archway

    Can anyone confirm they got these and please if you recall....where did they drop (mode, boss, something else)?

    I've run this FP alot of times trying to get all these decorations. I did get a Nul Destroyed Pillar but have never seen anyone get an Archway.  I personally am struggling to get any Nul statue of the Defenders and Warriors of Nul. The drop rates must be abysmal... :(

  14. On 11/5/2023 at 5:11 AM, TyrFoge said:

    From my perspective Galactic Seasons really has attempted to try to "appeal to everyone" as much as possible...  Want a little story mission?✔ Like armor sets?✔ Like weapons?✔ Like Decorations?✔ Mounts?✔ Strongholds?✔ Titles?✔ Achievements?✔ New Companions?✔ (except for this season). And that makes sense to me befitting Galactic Seasons purpose. 

    For the sake of not repeating myself I shall use technology to quote myself instead. 😆     

    Overall I liked this GS actually. Not the hugest fan of some of the cosmetic look of some of the items but overall not much complaint. I specifically liked how the Reputation wasn't tied specifically to only characters that have the companion making CQ easier to get on whatever character you wished that 45k on. Very nice. 

    From reading the thread somehow I feel like we wouldn't be having this conversation about "getting yet another companion" at all if 3 conditions were met. 

    1. GS companions were not placed on ships automatically.

    2. Companion sheet got an overhaul allowing us to order them and hide them as we please.

    3. GS companions given were not connected to GS requirements for completion and is instead added as a cosmetic like all the rest. 

    That about it?

    • Like 4
  15. On 11/10/2023 at 2:43 PM, arunav said:

    There are definitely both of these in the game, and they are both really nice, especially the Jedi one. 

    Yeah I know the 'Dark Lord' and 'Ancient Jedi' flairs exist I was talking about the basic symbols do not

    On 11/10/2023 at 2:43 PM, arunav said:

    The Agent is really the only base class without a flair. I would personally prefer an Imperial Intelligence flair, since that corresponds with the class story portion of the Agent's journey, but there must be some reason it wasn't added with all the others. As such, a nicely made Imperial flair would work. I'm sure plenty of people would use it, alongside a Republic one.  

    This. Ideally I'd prefer all 3 just as you're saying. 

  16. On 11/3/2023 at 1:20 PM, Ominovin said:

    Given that the agent is supposed to be covert, anything that screams 'agent' would never be used by an actual agent, leaving us in a weird loop:  Anything that qualifies actually disqualifies itself...

    This made me laugh. TY for that I needed it!😂

    But I agree with other posters here. Why haven't we got a simple Empire, Republic, Jedi, Sith, Intelligence, SIS etc symbols yet for flairs? It would make sense to add such a thing...

    • Like 2
  17. On 11/6/2023 at 11:49 PM, DeannaVoyager said:

    It does, if it's placed on your personal ship and we can't get rid of them. A lot of us don't want it cluttered with ugly, generic companions that are not part of our personal story.  

    I cannot argue with this at all.

    Semi off topic: I'd even take it a step further and say until they make it so that you can place companions yourself on the ship (pick and choose which ones you want) they shouldn't add companions to the ship at all. I don't even necessarily like even Lana and Theron on it by default. They don't have to make the ship like a SH (even though that would be nice!) with hooks but we should at least get a checkbox of who we want on there. I'd spend more time in there if I actually got to see more of who I wanted to see (romance options for example). 

    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, krackcommando said:

    as someone pointed out to me in fleet when I asked about this, search them in collection. make sure you don't have "owned" checked. 😎

    The boxes being referred to here are the sets/weapons/crystals that are not added to collections. (They should be added to collections)

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  19. 4 hours ago, Whykara said:

    I'd rather have the option to scrap T7. There's no reason for him to stick around with an Imp side char and no reason for me to let him. He could very well be an enemy spy. But this is what @eabevellameans. We have a lot of existing companions that are in dire need of fleshing out. 

    Can't argue with you there!

    4 hours ago, Spikanor said:

    but here is the question you need to think also your self about it.

    from how long can you keep going on with it before people lose intrest in it and not like the gelactic seasons anymore.

    the gelactic seasons are a good thing but to keep giving us a new companion that will be use for only 5 month's and after that its not going to be use anymore is at some point also no fun anymore and also not good for the gelactic seasons.

    most people wane see that there class companions also get some love and get use more then only focus on new companions each time.

    and the companion sheet is also a big mess that need some chance's since 5.0.

    Nor with this!

    I wasn't attempting to make any case for "getting a companion everytime" just that I see both sides of the argument.

    It does seem however (to me at least) that there is a pretty even split of "wants a new companion" and "doesn't want a new companion". So what harm does it really do to "get yet another companion I'll never use" in order to appease a large portion of players only interested in one? From my perspective Galactic Seasons really has attempted to try to "appeal to everyone" as much as possible...  Want a little story mission?✔ Like armor sets?✔ Like weapons?✔ Like Decorations?✔ Mounts?✔ Strongholds?✔ Titles?✔ Achievements?✔ New Companions?✔ (except for this season). And that makes sense to me befitting Galactic Seasons purpose. 

  20. On 11/1/2023 at 12:38 AM, eabevella said:

    I'd rather they spend time developing actual main plot and actual companions with their own story arc (classic companions, Land & Theron) instead of wasting time on an one time... thing.

    And no more meaningless companions, ffs.

    I get this sentiment. I honestly do and agree. But alot seem to disagree and enjoy the companions. So that said how hard would it have been to give us an Imperial astromech or at least a skin for T7 as a reward? (since everyone has him post KOTFE)

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