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Posts posted by CretinUseelad

  1. None of the issues mentioned will make any difference to ranked as long as wintraders aren't getting banned. I'd still like to know why Mike B stopped his monthly posts and stopped monitoring the pvpreports email. I'm assuming Bioware made the calculation that expending any resources policing ranked was a waste and stopped entirely. They literally don't even read the reports, let alone do any investigations or hand out any punishments.


    As a result, blatant wintraders with video evidence and/or screenshots as proof are getting top 3 rewards. Not to mention Bioware botched handing out top 3 rewards worse than they ever have before.


    And for those that inexplicably think wintrading isn't a big deal (whether due to apathy, self-interest, or some other garbage reason), Bioware also stopped banning blatant throwers that more directly ruin the ranked experience for everyone.


    Nothing else matters until these issues are appropriately addressed. Bioware has banned wintraders in the past, usually slower than people would like, but they did at least take action, proving that it is indeed possible. There should be no feasibility concerns here.


    Yeah wintrading is lame but so is Huttball. I would rather a map vote filter so I can never see Huttball on my screen again then worry about 8 people wintrading TR late at night while I am asleep.

  2. Curious about thoughts around this. 12 points is nothing to a pvper, but losing streaks, poor environment for maturity, skill gaps, gearing gaps, inability to make minor choices like map/mode exclusion and the issue of experienced premades vs solos/unskilled premades are actively discouraging. Pvp is a great method for gearing currently, but it remains with the issues that have long hung over its head, so how would you guys feel about lowering the points from 12, to say 9?


    The devs don't pvp and they don't read the forums. They don't care. But please direct your suggestion to this post:




    Maybe if we put all our suggestions in 1 thread it will be easier for them to not read all the other posts and not read the aformentioned post slightly less..

  3. Need to keep this thread at the top since its the only one with actual pvp suggestions and it has been drowned out quickly by all the random nothing posts. Please revert back to ranked missions still count for loses. The people queueing for their black silver crystal or whatever they hope to get makes finishing weeklies on multiple characters take longer then it should. Not sure why they made this change in the first place as it doesn't really benefit anyone. Make it count and the non pvpers get their weeklies done faster and leave the queue.
  4. This seems like a technical issue on your end perhaps? Maybe your internet is broke? Hardly worth adding another pointless forum post to the oversaturation that is pointless posts to the PVP section. Yeah bro there is totally abilities that make your keyboard stop working. If a Sorc hits you with crushing darkness it unplugs your keyboard and makes your toilet flush.
  5. oh you don't think the 3 second from stealth big burst window then until you stealth out again you hit for 30k is fun 7.0 sin? Noone thinks its fun and that's why noone plays sin now aside from the few people I see that seem to have only one character...I can't think of a less fun class to play rn in regs tbh then sin...
  6. OP hates pvp because 7 people including himself can't kill 2. The reason for this is your average below average Star Wars fan who plays this game does less then 5k dps and crits on average for 20-30k. Star Wars fans are just lazy. Too lazy to learn their rotation. Too lazy to make friends and too lazy to queue with said friends. But they are not too lazy to rage whisper you after a game for killing them or playing with your friends.
  7. Lets assume new ranked season has started - how it would look like?


    My thoughts - Sins, Op and Mara everywhere :D


    Wintrading on high level


    Team ranked without any pop if not coordinated within the guild or interested people


    and it would last 10m without prize announcment :D


    Oh but there is PVP reVaMp CoMiNG so ThEy MiGht Fix?


    Oh wait devs would actually have to PVP to know what to do with pvp.

  8. That's actually the opposite of what you want. This is a dead horse but lets continue the beating.


    For Ranked to ever truly work; There needs to be a population that can support multiple matchmaking tiers. From fresh players that have played two hours and are level 80; To players that have played 10 years and min/max everything.


    That is the only way Ranked PVP will ever work. The gatekeeping mentality needs to go. Population will sort out 90% of the issues with PVP. Assuming Biodady has a matchmaking system in place.


    To get the population real rewards need to be offered, but not just towards the upper tiers. The Rewards need to be something that a large group of people would want. The easy way out would be cartel coin rewards. 10 coins per match win up to a maximum of 1,000. That's just a quick example but use whatever reward the players want.


    Uhm no? Since its ranked? And gearing in this game takes ZERO skill? Make a noob bracket or whatever just stop letting lazy PVERS pop in at random to ruin a game then never queue again. Require lazy people to at least accomplish the bare minimum and have gear and a proper tactical.

  9. u know the pvp flag thing toxic players plant on you after you die?


    what is this? something to purchase? an emote?


    kindly inform me.


    Its so toxic that people who pay money to play the game use items and content they receive in said game ingame while playing said game. Whoo Whoo Whoo thought police here. Pull over I'm writing you a citation for hurting feelings.


    You wana know what's really toxic? Raging at people in chat during a PVP match for not touching door and clicking node. Then whispering them for 5 minutes after the match while calling them obscenities. Funny how I am never harassed after or during PVP by other PVPers but receive endless toxicity from pvers or so called "obj players."

  10. Nothing constructive, as always, has been offered. Prum, I respect the tone of your post so I will do my best.


    First, there is not such thing as a pvp community anymore. I have people speak to me and don't have a clue who they are. I do not care either. There are a few attempts at pvp guilds, in which I respect, but even they have not a clue what a pvp guild should be. In the end, there is no orginization, no skill, no attempts to train, no attempts to help those willing to learn. That is were the pvp community fails.


    Second, ranked is a joke, it is the venue I disrespect the most. I do not consider a single flair as a representation of where ranked is, nor where it could be. A handful of you all dictate now, it not only a joke, but insulting. You hinder participation while trying to encourage it. For your own benefit.


    In order to change this, a strong pvp community must be reestablished. A strong community can squash the ranked player elitist stranglehold.


    Unfortunately, this will never happen. So, it will never be fixed. Sorry, just the truth.


    Too answer your question though, a community must be formed to progress pvp.


    Not just a handful of players who think they know what the pvp community used to be.


    You seem to have alot of opinions for a dude who just complains on the forums then stands around on the fleet complaining in gen chat whilst solo queueing reggies. :rak_03:

  11. Juggernauts as a whole are completely useless in both group ranked and solo ranked pvp. Solo ranked right now has a massive stealth meta. Since juggernauts have no stealth mechanics, low survivability and less mobility than those stealth classes, the stealth classes just easily tunnel juggernauts through their dcds. The only option is to kite, and try to live for a minute and a half to buy your team time to get a kill. Meanwhile every other class is better at kiting and surviving than a juggernaut. In group ranked, juggernauts get outlived by classes that can afford to stand out of cleave and offheal like operatives and pts. Rage juggernauts do not have single target burst that is proportionate to their lack of team utility, and the survivability for all 3 specs is too low to warrant bringing them on a team.

    If juggernauts are going to be worth playing at all in ranked pvp, they need the old version of grit teeth built into their kit.


    At least in solos you can still play SOME of the classes unlike TR with its 2 class entry requirement. The devs are probably pvping even less then they ever have. What's less then zero? Is it possible for them to play negative PVP because that's what they are playing.

  12. Chris Schmitt mentioned a reallllllllly long time ago that they were working on a warzone filter to choose specifics maps. But that was in 6.0 and we haven't heard anything since. And now he doesnt even work here so who knows.


    I remember that as well. If that was the ONLY thing they added to PVP with their "revamp" I would be content even with the stupid lockout for getting DC'D

  13. Please allow MAP voting/choice/filter. Because ranked only rarely pops sometimes you will never see a regs arena. Let me filter out map types I don't want to play.


    "oh no but then small pop means long queues."


    No, there are literally people who happily take the 15 minute lockout the second they spawn into an arena because they refuse to PVP. These are the same people that rage about someone fighting mid in a PVP game mode. Let them play Huttball instead and PVP as little as possible. Let them touch door all night.


    Also remove the 15 lockout for "leaving" in regs. The system can not differentiate between "ragequitting" and "being DC'D." This is NOT a moba. If the devs wants to treat it as such then allow for a DC'D player to RECONNECT to the game while its in progress. Furthermore if someone leaves they are almost instantly replaced. Anyone leaving a game mode or a map they do not want to play is going to leave it regardless of any penalties or lockouts.

  14. I Remember when people used to like to PVP. Not just click on Nodes what a boring playstyle.


    BTW This is how pvp is supposed to be played:


    I haven't seen a single player yet, That complains about objective play that can actually play the game at a good level. 90% of those that complain still click abilities after 10 years, the other 10% don't even know what a stim is.


    MUST TOUCH DOOR. PLEASE LET ME TOUCH DOOR. But seriously we been going up against several decent premades lately and I got nothing but respect for them for enjoying pvp and queueing pvp to pvp. Now these "solo queue MMO players" who whine about the objs and the people ruining their pvp by pvping; I have nothing but contempt for the lot of them. They will continue to eat flags and dirt for every crybaby forum post now and forever.

  15. What you fail to realize is the people posting complaints on this forum mostly don't like to PVP, they want to spend minimum effort completing weeklies, dailies, etc. Thats why you see many complaints with convoluted inarticulate suggestions about devs creating this special queueing system so they don't actually have to pvp. What people SHOULD be complaining about is class imbalance, that's the actual issue with pvp in this game.


    ^ %100 this.

  16. Please make it so when you forum post crying about premades in PVP you are forced to include your character names/server so we specifically farm you and give you even more reason to cry and make forum posts. That is all.
  17. Im for fair pug matchmatching. The guy above me crying boo hoo, whatever. I want a system that is fair. No groups in unranked period. No RATED comps in unrated BGs. Not that hard.


    Get rid of 4v4 for 2v2, 3v3.

    Allow spec changes before a match starts.


    I mean if Blizzard understands the importance of PVP and fairness, not sure why Bioware hasn't jumped at the chance if getting more subscribers by focusing on the only content that really matters, PVP.


    If you enjoy scripted PVE, so be it, you have tons of catering to. But a good majority of subscribers left because BW won't do anything to make PVP more fair/enjoyable. I'll take a fair loss happily over the typical and VERY UNFAIR pvp losses playing against ranked PVP in unranked matches.


    Maybe drop the social anxiety, make friends, hop in coms and pvp with a group as is intended in multiplayer games? Or solo just keep solo queueing and when you get stomped go make a forum post. I really hope you whiners understand devs are not gona remove the ability to queue with friends from pvp. No matter how much you "Solo MMO players" piss and moan every single day. Its not gona happen. So make posts until the end of time because its just not gona happen. This isn't Burger King and you can't have it your way.

  18. Personally, I don't agree with this take. Why does it have to be a bruised ego thing to want flags be removed from unranked warzones? Why can't it be to just help create a better experience for the unranked side as a whole? Ranked PVPers generally are on a higher tier of skill / experience, so I think having your flares and ranks should be more than enough for that specific game mode.


    Now ranked is a different story, I can't make much of an argument for that if it's only in certain instances where it's deserved (i.e a player throwing on their team because their partnered up with someone they dislike / hate).


    Did you know they only added flags at season 7 I believe. Flairs were season 8. You would be surprised how many players you may not even notice have multiple golds from previous seasons with nothing to show aside from a title that many of them choose not to display.

  19. Not to be THAT guy, but you posted a video of your gameplay so you kinda open yourself up for some criticism. I hope you take it constructively. My intent is to get you to see and acknowledge a few things for your own interest.


    First off, 6-0 Huttball is really not all that uncommon. It’s a heavily team based game mode and if too many people on one side are not playing objectives, then it’s going to be a slaughter.


    Second, where are all your abilities?!?! At first I thought you were a lower level character and just didn’t have everything yet, but nope it’s a level 80. You are missing about half your stuff, some of which is very important. Why? Is it just on a different quickbar that I missed or can’t see in the video??


    Third, let’s be honest here. Most of the time you were completely ignoring the Huttball and just playing team death match. If that’s what you felt like doing, that’s totally fine. But don’t act like you were trying to win, and don’t act surprised when you guys got stomped. Let alone come into the forums and post about how surprised you are. Come on man…


    One more slight upward middle mouse roll and he would've been playing in 3rd person.

  20. Just throwing this out here again. Devs if you are looking please give an option for a 1 time one character forgiveness repick on that second combat style. Jugg is such a worthless class and I would happily pay 1000 CC to change my pick. Doesn't have to be right away I know you are busy trying to make augments and other basic stuff work that should work already but 1 time 1 character repick please in the making.
  21. I mean




    Implying ranked players are neckbeards is pretty bad faith.


    You don't have to be a ranked player to completely obliterate the average SWTOR player in PVP. These forum whiners are not PVPers. Not in this game and not in any other game. If they were; these posts wouldn't exist in the first place. Its getting worse and worse. You can't play a match without someone whining about objs or people ruining PVP by pvping. Like who are these people seriously? Where did they come from? It has to be little kids right? Zoomers and whatever new generation is growing up. There is no way anyone who is an adult and doesn't live at home extremely sheltered by their parents is complaining in an MMO about people MMOing and PVPing in a PVP mode within an MMO. Played a game last night; we were farming, as usual. Lost the objs and of course solo queueing pug #3567 rages at us in ops chat then goes to rage about, "how we are preventing him from getting his rewards for winning." I said to him I said, "You are in 326 what do you want? Your green warzone crate that has a few stims in it and 3 or 4 tech fragments?" Next match dude is on our team again so I feel free to let him know immediately that he will be receiving another grey warzone crate because we will be pvping but of course he already put me on ignore because snowflake. Our team ends up double capping or w/e somehow but he is for some reason following our group not playing objs. Obviously the other team doublecaps and we lose the objs. The dude begins to rage yet again and my buddy tells him to go guard a node. Its like these people want everyone else to play OBJs then lose their minds when they can't control a bunch of strangers in a video game. You can't make this stuff up.

  22. Username checks out. Because you have to be crazy to believe what you just said. There is no learning curve or L2P issue. It's been proven that some classes are just straight up better than others. No amount of learning a different class, guides, or videos will do you any good when there's fotm classes like Vengeance jugg or Concel OP. And people can go from 0 to 100 in one warzone. It doesn't take Einstein levels of thinking to be good in a warzone.


    And lowbies isn't going to do you any good at all. That's just going to have people stagnate and stay there because it's less pressure and stress on them and it's not taken seriously.


    DPS jugg fotm? :rak_02: DPS jugg has been less then dogmeat for a long time now. Worthless dcds, pointless fluff damage unless you are in a group solo jugg is really nothing to worry about. People in regs just don't know how to kill things or focus targets or make priority targets. Chances are that pesky jugg wont die is because a healer nearby is freecasting being completely ignored by the other 5 dudes who are just trying to spam cap a door.

  23. I mean, with the exception of 4v4 Arenas, Warzones are objective-based games. You play for the objective. In Huttball, you take the ball to the enemy teams goal, you pass to teammates to keep the ball in play. In Alderaan, Denova, Yavin, etc, you attack the enemy node and defend your own. In Voidstar you plant the bomb and defend the doors.


    It's not hard. You don't play Warzones like a TDM. That's now what they are.


    You would be surprised how many of the WZ(not including Huttball) can be won by actually pvping...and pvping well. Also if I am on a PT tank and I pull allied ball carrier into the fire I am not playing Huttball incorrectly; I am simply playing it the way I choose to do so. Isn't that Bioware motto? "Player choice" or "Play your way and all that?"

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