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Posts posted by PadawanWill

  1. Sounds interesting. But I don't think they'll go for a reboot of class story-lines. Also in regards to new races in an rpg there are some rules. 1. Anthropomorphic, they have to look mostly human. 2. Gender identity, males, and females have to look different. 3. Class variety, they have to be playable on more than two or three classes


    Also: No Gungans, never again.

  2. So I watched the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina recently and the entire time saw some similarities between Sith and Chruch of Night (Satanism) Would she be a good template for a Sith character? What are the major differences between the two?
  3. I've heard numerous complaints about the Consular story and after deciding to play through it with an LS Sage I agree, it is incredibly dull and drudging, and the only story I cant enjoy even a little bit. But, I don't think it's irredeemable. Here is my plan for a revised Consular story. If you have your own ideas, or just have some thoughts on mine. Please leave a comment.


    Disclaimer: I know that with the time and money it would take to actually rewrite a story and since it's only one class that this will not likely happen. But hey, let a nerd dream, please?


    Prologue: Keep it the same for the most part. I enjoyed the Prologue especially with Nalen Raloch and the Font of Rajivari, this is what the rest of the story should have been like. Searching around ancient Jedi ruins and confronting your inner darkness. The change to the story comes on Coruscant, instead of a "plague", it is revealed that Master Yuon Par was tortured by a Sith some time prior and has been smiling and faking it for a while before finally succumbing and going mad. You still hunt down holocrons and learn a healing vs. a "shielding" technique to return her sanity.


    Chapter 1: Same core, you are still zipping around hunting fallen Jedi, but like I said before, they aren't under any mind control plagues, just fallen due to the mental torture of this Sith. ( That way they actually bear some responsibility for their actions. Think Master Braga) Things to change, better writing/voice acting for the fallen Jedi, more devastating shame, less "Oops, my bad, won't happen again." Also, one of the Jedi-if you use the spare option-It doesn't matter which one, will turn their lightsaber over and walk away. Your actions for the rest of the story will, later on, determine their fate.


    Chapter 2: Scrap it, all of it even/especially Felix and Nadia. Instead of a Rift Alliance, the Jedi council informs the consular of an ancient Jedi device from the Mandalorian wars. It was being transported to Balmorra for research and repair and was lost when the planet was invaded, the Balmorran resistance has been hiding it but it is now it's in danger of falling into Imperial hands, you must go and help the resistance movement and convince them to give you the device. ( Here we would get the role of Consular as both researcher and diplomat.) You learn that the device was incomplete and part of it was on a ship, and where do all the ships in the galaxy seem to crash? Hoth...go Hoth. Also, Felix is replaced with a failed Padawan who became a tracker/survivalist for the Republic. He gets along with Quyzen. Also, he doesn't tell you about his past, you have to work it out as you build your relationship. After you secure the relic from... I guess we could keep Cptn. Valon, but without the rivalry. Anyways, you get called back to Tython for some much-desired rest and time spent in meditation and study.


    Chapter 3: Cutscene of you in the Jedi library when a messenger runs up to you and tells you to meet with the Jedi council, they tell you that the device you found on Balmorra has been completed and turned on. It was called the Peacekeeper as it radiated subhertz waves that could pacify an entire planet. You take off from Tython to meet the Jedi Master who is keeping the device on their ship. There you are given a major LS/DS of either; Giving the device to the Republic (DS) or sending it to Tython for further research and consideration (LS) as soon as you make this choice. You hear a boom in the distance. The ship is boarded by a Sith Lord who is a mastermind of deception and espionage, you defeat the Imp troopers and then fight him. He wins and steals the device. Back on your ship he calls you and tells you his plans for the device. He is very polite and charming. The Peacemaker can also be used to implant ideas in people's minds. Your companions trace the call. It's coming from Belsavis. On Belsavis you race to track him down before he can use the device on the prison to have guards and prisoners become his loyal army. Instead of Nadia you meet a Miraluka nurse who helps you as she knows the ins and outs of Belsavis prison. She then comes aboard and asks to be your apprentice. The Sith Lord escapes again with Rakata tech. You travel to Voss next, there the Jedi master who left from Chptr 1 comes into play. For LS he has traveled to Voss to study with the Mystics and sings the praises of the Republic to them. For DS he traveled there hoping for healing but instead finding Sel-Makor and becoming his prophet of Doom. LS Master helps you after asking you to help out some Mystic trainees to complete their trial. DS helps the Sith Lord as Sel-Makor is happy to see the destruction this device could bring. Either way on Voss the machine is corrupted by the darkness of Sel-Makor , sending you into a dream-state where you must battle your dark-self. You defeat your own demons and come out stronger but the Sith Lord escapes, now injured and unhinged, again to Correlia, to unleash a fully corrupted Peacemaker, the Warbringer. You fight to stop him but he uses a network of spies and assassins and traitors to slow you down. You enlist the help of the Green Jedi( and get some lore about them along the way.) and finally defeat him. Cue ending. It's rough I know, but it's my head story.

  4. I thought the idea that all lightsaber crystals are kyber crystals is a recent retcon by Disney?

    I remember earlier lore talking about kyber crystals in jedi sabers, that kyber is naturally light sided so Sith have to dominate them, causing them to be red.

  5. So, on Ilum the Empire and Republic are fighting over the planet's Adegan crystals. Are Adegan crystals just weaker forms of Kyber crystals? Has Kyber not been discovered yet? Also, I always thought that without a crystal a lightsaber couldn't function. the color crystals in lightsabers in the game are easily removable and seem to provide only coloration and a minor power boost, is this an example of mechanics=/=lore or is this significant? Id love to hear from better lore researchers than myself.
  6. [quote=Zemblanity;

    We always had to do some handwaving, even on former storylines. Take Nox's response to HK-47's claim that Revan was planning to assassinate everyone with Sith genes: "Good thing I'm not an imperial..." Well, if you play a human slave, with imperial accent, and descendant of an ancient Sith Lord, it takes massive handwaving to make it work. Or Cathars in classic getting told all about their own culture in Ord Mantel. It's the price we pay for playing a plot-driven mmo with limited resources /QUOTE]


    Fair point, The story has some problems. And we should raise our objections. But as someone coming from WoW..... Im kissing BioWare's shoes saying " I am unworthy"

  7. Do you have any characters that don't get along with your character hates but you enjoy?

    Example: My Bounty Hunter is trying so hard to look professional and be a good new Mandolorian and Gault is just in the background like " Hey let's sell people salt!" I love him to death but my Chiss Bounty Hunter is a hair away from pistolwhipping him.

  8. Sith Juggernaut( LS): Sound of Silence-Disturbed ( Song of compassion for others and pain at the evil in the world, but still angry and edgy)

    Sith Sorcerer: Mr. Crowley-Ozzy Ozbourne ( Like she is Crowley, one disturbed woman who was terrifying but magnetizing at the same time)

    Powertech: Stayin' Alive-The Bee Gees ( 1. Because that's the goal, 2. Pulp Fiction)

    Imperial Sniper: Cold Cold Man-Saint Motel ( My Agent is a very James Bond type, a sexy polished sociopath)

    Jedi Sentinel: Love Runs Out-One Republic ( Yes partly for the Republic pun. But, also it's a power anthem for fighting for what you love)

    Jedi Sage(DS): Dust Bowl Dance-Mumford and Suns ( Vengeance and despair in a mystical/spiritual tone)

    Scoundrel: Shipping Up to Boston -Dropkick Murphys ( Moving around and that angry Irish punk personality Id imagine my Zabrak scoundrel having)


    ( Yes I know this is the playlist of an angsty 13yr old girl)

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