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Posts posted by Deathnasty

  1. can also try this edit if you have the 311 error


    # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

    # localhost

    # ::1 localhost




    you only need to add this line ^^^^^

  2. I'm just curious why these classes still don't have an interrupt for bosses.


    In PvP its not a big deal all other classes have them and it only interrupts the ability they were using it doesn't lock them out of the "school" so they can just switch immediately to another ability.


    Commandos and Mercs don't actually have more of anything worth while in terms of interrupting in PvE. Knockback is just something that will make tanks angry or knock stuff out of aoe or into patrols if you aren't careful and doesn't work on bosses.


    Being the only class without an interrupt for reasons I just can't understand.


    I actually play a Juggernaut and I basically have way more control than these classes and I can interrupt bosses.


    I'm just asking in general because its a question for everyone why do you think they don't have one?


    I'd prefer comments related more to PvE since in PvP many classes have a lot more control and interrupts.





    the same reason my vanguard doesnt have a cc, oh yea you forgot to mention commandos have a cc.


    if all classes had the same abilities dont you think people would just stack raids with vanguards or other heavy armor eqivs

  3. I picked up Biochem on my Sentinel and now after 1.2 I'm starting to wonder it's worth it anymore.


    Is Biochem still worth keeping? Or should I pick and level and new profession?


    Biochem is great for re-usable adrenals, for stims etx, rakata sucks now, exotech stims are better

  4. Is it possible to get an augmented version of these by critting them?


    I haven't had any luck after about a dozen attempts or seen them on the GTN, just wondering if it is bad luck or simply not possible.


    heheh if its like my luck on custom sabers i crafted 300 sabers 9 of which crit


    i crafted 11 blaster rifles 3 of which crit


    So i spose its just random luck

  5. Who the eff cares?


    Armstech has nothing, I repeat NOTHING that drops from Operations or Flashpoints to utilize all the high level crafting mats out there.


    Every other crafting profession has level 56-58 gear they can make EXCEPT ARMSTECH, including biochem which can make best in slot gear and consumables.


    Armtech/armormech/syth weaveing can RE raid drops for new scematics, you forgot to mention that.

  6. What's the range on guard? If he's guarding a node and nobody is attacked at it, he gets the guardian medals. No more. He's already admitted to not being a great or dedicated PvPer.


    Why people feel the need to push someone else down is beyond me.


    im not pushing anyone down,


    if hes guarding a turret/node/door he gets 2 medals for free anyway even if no one attacks, then for his 3rd hes got to press his aoe taunt.



    i just told him how he can get 4+ medals naked doing nothing.


    i dont pvp often, my vanguard is a alt as is my shadow, i have never walked away with anything less than 4 medals on my tanks

  7. Did you miss Free craftable War Hero gear?


    I bought schematics last night for War Hero orange gear and none of it had that extra mat you get for 1000 WZ comms. So I crafted myself the whole set, 5 pcs. I just need to get to valor rank 70 and I can wear it :)




    yea the war hero gear with no mods/armor/enhance. yes it has slots but they are empty


    its just to change your look in pvp/pvp you might as well go tattooine and buy the orange gear of the npcs cause least that comes with mod etc

  8. Pretty much this.


    The GF and I play PvP as an opportunity to do something else for a little while, and have some fun.


    It was nice that we could still get some XP and some creds for doing it, even though we aren't pro-PvPers like some.


    I play a Vanguard tank. Often times I barely get 3 medals, and 4 is a very good performance. My damage rarely hits the 75k mark for that medal, and I hardly ever get a killing blow. Generally my medals come from Defending a point on the map, which is all fine and dandy, except when you are getting absolutely crushed.


    My commendation counts were never really that high, and my XP and Creds not that high either. Additionally, Republic seems to lose, ALOT, on my server.


    Hearing this news, both the GF and I are pretty sure PvP is out of the picture for us. It's not fun to lose all the time, but at least when you could make some creds and gain some gear and XP from it, it was worthwhile doing.


    If you have to work 2,3 or even 4x harder than before, to get even less reward than before, it simply doesn't pencil out.


    if 4 medals is good for you you are doing something very wrong



    simple guard a target stay within 30 yars of your guarded target, watch the medals roll in as they get owned and you defend via guard. free medals


    next if you cant do that try using you aoe taunt on the largest group of sith that is not attacking you. free medals for win. now as you have 'HIT' all those targets you will have the kill 10 enemys medal. then next find some scrubby cloth wearing sith. i assume you have storm. wait for it start shooting at ranged as soon as said sith trys to fryu you use storm. you are now beating on said sith. now stock strike/pulse wave/etc etc. you dont even need to kill him to get the attaker medal just run towards the objective and kill the sith there.


    all in all in total total rubish gear greens and oranges and 1 bit of purple i got 4 medals last night in about 2mins 30 seconds. everything else is a bonus.


    yes vanguard damage sucks(if you have bad gear) but just aoe taunt, stun and generaly mess them up, interupt healers by using harpoon etc


    vanguard have no excuss for less than 4 medals as you can get this naked just by aoeing 1 group of sith and watching others kill them, and guarding your guard target. i assume you guard your wife.

  9. well i was looking forward to this patch hoping they would hold true to saying they would implement click-to-walk. maybe next big patch : /


    tape down right mouse button, click left mouse button


    i can send you your next patch in the mail in the form of some black nasty

  10. why dont you put up blizzard activisions share price up, ow i know why cos it aint worth as much as EA's, funny that.


    Now back to my pint.


    you know why?



    cause blizzards share pool is 3 times the size




    more active shares, more active shares, more trade, more trade more price flux


    i think activisons shares 15bn EA 5bn

  11. People want their **** to come out as cash, but it doesn't happen.


    A 100% success rate is extremely boring in my book. I in no way wanted this change, but I'm at least glad there is still a chance at an off drop.

    The expectations you had were your own and their derivations have nothing to do with BW. Calling this a dishonest business practice is a huge stretch.


    the reason they were ment to change it is basicly we ran NM mode karaga since we first had an 8 man squad.


    and the best thing we get every week is the 2xspeeder from kragga this is happening a lot


    every week the same loot drops for a class we dont have, all our smuggler companions are full rekata geared where as most of the raid have 1 bit each if lucky however not a single main hand drop, however i have 3 smugglar rakata MH and 3 off hands in my bag

  12. The overall status of a company can't be contrived from just looking at a small/current sample size of Stock. You have to look at the waxing and waining of the company over several years. also it should be noted that the Markets have/are experiencing the most fall all year. So you can expect losses across the board.


    Im not defending EA/Bioware, but all this talk of Stocks is just silly.




    My shares in 'Game' say otherwise

  13. skilled players all have millions of credits. Why? Cuz we're skilled. Don't blame bioware for your inability to get creds. Take's me a day max to get a million credits, and that's BARELY trying.


    no offence mate i am far from skilled and am rolling in so much money i actualy gave away 3 millon for target dummys. :p



    as this dear chap above me has said, credits are easy.


    do your dailys!!!!!! 1hour a day can get you about 250k


    4 days= 1 million thats without selling the mods/junk from the quest rewards+junk from dead mobs

  14. Okay for those of you that have beat the boss:


    When he gets below 25-20% hp do all the lava grates become active for you with 1second in between each reapplication and do the static balls come out faster and full blown?


    theres this stuff called solid floor, i hear all toons have Cds that increase dps/healing.



    take him back to the middle and just nail him or drag him to an edge. if you have sage healer stack up and aoe heal it basicly negates the fire, if your dps is bad just kite away from balls just like rest of fight, it will die



    pro tip for last boss dont stand in front of it is genade move hurts. more than any op boss on NM apart from probs fabrictor fire :p

  15. Dear Moderators,


    please close the access to the general section or whole forum as you see fit.

    People are raging like hell and spamming in every section of the forum.


    A shutdown for a few hours will calm everybody down until you can post some official statements.


    Thank you.






    entertainment, tears and rage cook my popcorn faster

  16. Seriously? The servers have been down for almost 12 hours, before that "patch" 1.2 ruined almost a whole days worth of game time for some players due to certain zones and areas not working properly. Add to that the queue time on the most popular servers was around 1 hour to 45 minutes..


    This is ridiculous.


    We deserve two days of game time for this overly-long wait that we paid into. And this is for a game that isn't even playable!


    Since when is 12 hours downtime worth 2 days free.

  17. Why should a group be forced to take certain classes?


    We tried to do this with two melee and a Jug tank and couldn't get any better than 50% on the first boss. The fight has way too much going on for a melee group to be able to complete it on HM. We wiped for hours and ended up going into the red for durability twice before just giving up.


    (Everyone was in almost full Rakata)


    read my post in the other thread, all melee can be done very easy

  18. I am one of a large number of people who have beat every FP into the ground for months now (on hard mode).


    Going into the new flashpoint .. i expected 10 -20 wipes before being able to beat it after all i am not full rakata just full columi (on one of every role type). And after playing LI and spending over 200k in repairs yesterday finally figureing out the strat I am completely unsatisfied.


    Why you might ask ... am I QQing because its too hard? .. NOPE ... I do think its rediculously hard yes .. but the actual problem i have with the FP is that its completely anti melee dps.


    I would NEVER take a marauder in there now that i know the strategy. And that makes me highly annoyed because my main is a marauder.


    The only way to deal with the first boss that i have found that works is this ...


    Melee tank stays in middle and bounces from corner to corner holding aggro as he can

    RANGED DPS and Healer circle the outside taking care of trash mobs and staying out of the fire and lighting orbs.


    if you have a melee dps in your party your screwed because if he puts his lighting orb in the center the tank will die and party will wipe.


    so any melee dps is pretty much a garunteed wipe which means the quest should never have passed QA it should have never left the design floor.



    Solutions that could be made to fix this raid so that it doesnt exculde a full set of classes:


    option 1 : remove fire and double the number of adds

    This option will increase difficulty during adds but give you room to move which will allow melee dps to do its job on boss and allow tank to move the boss freely around the room to avoid aoes (especially since there is so much to interupt and you kinda need the marauders interupt speed)


    option 2 : remove adds

    This option will not make melee easier to incorperate but it will change the options for tanking which means the melee will have trouble but not be the sole reason for wipes as the tank will beable to move around the outside and melee and ranged dps wont have to worry about where htey are looking constantly cept for during orbs.


    option 3: remove orb enlarging

    this option leaves everything the same but if an orb is cast near the tank there is still room to take him away from orbs without having him run into fire which means marauders can actually get in and dps and interupt without causing the wipe.





    While i am sure some people will scream bloody murder and call me a QQer about this ... i couldnt care less about the elitiest mentality that everything should be for the elite only.

    If elite players want it to be unfinishable by the majority then create nightmare mode FPs that drop Rakata tokens or BlackHole Tokens or something ....

    But HMs for Columi gear that the majority of which drops from other locations that are far more enjoyable and require half the time and repair costs and allow ALL CLASSES to participate equally.


    Why play LI at all then? challenge is not a good answer ...







    We cleared it last night the first boss is defo the hardest out of all of them, we had 2 melee dps a sage healer and a trooper vanguard.


    our melee were a JK and a shadow.


    interupt incinerate kill adds when the droid is charging overload cannon or whatever it is, as while he charging this he cant fire incinerate.


    news flash for all you hardcore raiders, stack up the blue lighting balls spawn UNDER players so your position denotes where the aoe will appear. then its up to you to move when you see the circle. NOT when you see the aoe, if you get hit you are not as hardcore as you once thought.


    took 4 wipes for us as tried many different ways but having only 1 ranged interupt cost us dearly 3 times when moving the boss.



    if you want to cheese fight take all ranged a vanguard tank and any healer stand tank in middle, get tank to inturupt incinerate, 3 sages inturpt arcs , kill mobs when channeling the unload type thing.


    healing is nothing if you do it right and dont try to interupt the plasma chare things.


    save interupts for incinerate, any spare interupts use for anything else to help out the healer, but only if your comfortable with incinerate.



    edited due to blackberry fail copy paste

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