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Posts posted by Jubeithar

  1. I thought we were going to be able to swap combat styles at will? and not a single opportunity to only choose 2 styles.


    Also it seems at the moment you can't swap between the light/dark variations of your style as a force user (unless i'm blind and couldnt see it).


    I keep this at the moment as 'work in progress' but i would be disapointed if the 2 styles you choose on a character are final and unable to change it later.

  2. I have to agree. This is by far one of the most confusing mechanic i have ever seen. There are occassions you get for the entire fight nothing and then in the last 10% or so he suddenly gains 4 to 5 stacks and noone has an idea how that happend even when you do everything right.


    i heard also many theories. the interupt & cooldowns are false for sure. I believed the 'don't break the root' was the most accurate reason at first.

    But a recent kill has now start to question everything again about this stand & fight mechanic.


    Considering how confusing it is, its ether bugged or simply not enough information is provided to the player on how to deal with it.

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