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Posts posted by WolfOfOdin

  1. There's a time known as the Republic Dark Ages, when the Republic, for all intents and purposes, ceased to exist as a body with any political clout. More and more territory was overseen by Jedi baronial rulers and the Republic was pretty much just Coruscant and the core worlds.
  2. To answer, no I don't think Mandoa culture is agreeable.


    Aside from Traviss' mary-suing of the Mandalorians, they exist in a state of permenant war and preparedness for war. It's been shown before that if they don't have a good enough Mandalore or conflict to unite behind, they scatter to individual clans.


    Furthermore, their state of permenant aggressiveness has never really endeared them to the Republic at large. Most viewed the Mandalorians like early europeans viewed the Vikings. You tried your best to appease them or **** of the way of the war du jor.


    The problem I see is that Mandalorian culture has no way to really exist properly in times of peace. They're supposed to die in glorious or honorable combat. That leads to insanely high rates of attrition as Mandos aren't known for retreating, no matter how suicidal the odds are.

  3. Well...


    I've always viewed Sith Philosophy as kind of a weird hybrid between Randian Objectivism and the Ubermenschen ideal.


    A Sith is supposed to act with utter enlightened Self-interest, doing only things that benefit themselves in both the short and long term. The Sith that go lightsaber-killingspree-happy are failures. They act with no consideration to their future power base or generation of loyal servants who will aid their ascent to being top dog.


    The end goal of is this is 'freedom'. This is not the freedom to act purely on impulse and whim, but the freedom to no longer be constrained by morality as others define it. You redefine morality and reality around you via your absolute strength of Will and determination.


    The reason Sith disdain weakness or for example, helping others is simple. If you continually help others, you weaken them. They come to rely upon you instead of pulling themselves up and finding their own inner strength.


    This is why the Sith detest the Jedi, seeing them as doing nothing but breeding weakness and decay, creating a galaxy that -needs- the Jedi Order to solve their problems or fix the catastrophe of the day.

  4. Iridonian or Colony Zabrak?


    The general rule is "Iridonians are the warriors, Colony Zabrak are the Explorers".


    If you're looking for a culture to use as a basis, I'd suggest the Maori or possibly even the Norse, who were both famed warriors and explorers.

  5. I honestly like what TCW did with the Mandalorians. It reduced them from being a Planet of Hats (Hat being mercs/warriors) into a more nuanced culture that had internal disagreements.


    The New Mandalorians kinda had a point too, considering the Mando way of warfare was "Start strong, lose horribly once the Jedi come".

  6. Actually, I think this points to a larger EU flaw not at all unique to Traviss. Namely: Luke Leia, Han, Lando, Boba, etc must all be like, what, 70-plus years old by now? Yet they're all still running around and having adventures as if they're in their 30s. Luke I can almost buy because he's a big Jedi Master and all, but one would think the biggest adventures the others could have is changing their Space-Depends.


    The answer to any question asking 'who do we call to beat x' is always Kyle Katarn.



  7. I forgot to mention that Traviss was notoriously....protective of her work, to the point of publicly and viciously lashing out at anyone who critiqued her.


    If you want to read some good SW books that aren't too reliant on Force Users being kickass, I recommend Timothy Zahn's work. He manages to make normal folk interesting without going too hard on making them living gods.

  8. Well.....


    The Republic Commando books were good, I'll give her that.


    The problem is that eventually the books turned into a tug-of-war between Traviss and the other writers on which faction was more super kewl leet.


    At one point, her Mandos had lightsaber immune armor and were completely immune to the Force when they wanted to be.


    They were also portrayed as simply being absolutely perfect, that the Mandos were the absolute epitome of everything. They were the best warriors, pilots, commanders and even farmers.

  9. There's a small problem, but not a big one.


    Zeltrons are very emotional, yes...but they swing to the extremes of the emotional spectrum. An angry Zeltron is an out of control berserker and a sad Zeltron is the world's biggest emo kid (sorry for that analogy).


    That COULD be overcome and could also present an interesting RP situation. How would Tasha keep herself from being utterly consumed by her rage to the point where she's a mindless beast?

  10. About Palpatine mentioned above, I'd like to clarify he did not get corrupted for killing Mace Windu. He had been deeply corrupted long before Windu was even born. His normal appearance was due to special ritual he was performing and upon unleashing the power of the Dark Side, the facade quickly "melted". He's not the only one maintaining a fake appearance via Force rituals, we have a very good example of it in SWTOR as well but let's not spoil.


    Although it is true that to strengthen oneself in the Dark Side, one must commit "evil" deeds, that doesn't mean they should be a mindless killing machine. Killing the younglings in the Jedi Temple, while cruel was also necessary - the Jedi Order had to be completely eradicated. It would have been totally different if Anakin went on a street and murdered a group of random children for the sake of it.



    They will absolutely do, it is that type of attitude and views we are looking for. I am not certain, however, if you had noticed it's an European guild? The time zone might be inconvenient. If that is not a concern, then on the website is everything you need to know in order to apply.



    Kudos on mentioning that being a Sith isn't being a kill-happy lunatic.


    Besides, a Sith who just randomly walked around Kaas City butchering people for the hell of it would be 'taken care of' very quickly.

  11. It really depends.


    A Sith could rise to Darth via political manipulations, assassinating their rivals, doing something that benefits the Empire, leading successful military campaigns or even plain old nepotism.


    Being a Darth doesn't make you the supreme ****** Sith though. You still have to answer to the Dark Council

  12. It's a combination of Baras' supreme arrogance and paranoia working actively against him.


    That late into his life, I have a feeling Baras was jumping at shadows and killing anything that even had the potential to be a threat to him, regardless of its loyalty or not

  13. For info, here's my explanation of the Sith Code


    Peace is a lie, there is only passion


    To a Sith, peace as we understand it is an imposed state, an abrogation of the natural order of the universe forced upon us by external agents. All life exists in conflict, whether for food, resources, mates or territory. Conflict is fueled by passion and emotion and conflict is what drives progress.


    Through passion, I gain Strength


    When one lets his or her emotions fuel them, channeled towards the achievement of their goals, they become stronger. Righteous fury, hatred, rage, sorrow, love...all of these can drive a Sith forward towards shattering the obstacles that keep them from their goal.


    Through strength, I gain power


    As a Sith grows stronger, both in their mastery of the Dark Side and through physical/mental means, their powerbase increases. Followers are drawn to you, those above you can be torn down so that you can take their station by right of your superior might.


    Through power, I gain victory


    As one achieves ever greater power, one now has the ability to be victorious in their desired goals. A warrior may conquer, a scholar may learn and a ruler may rule. The greater the power one has, the more goals they can achieve. Furthermore, you may show that your victory is supreme and decisive. A failed Sith merely states they are a master, a true Sith demonstrates it.


    Through victory, my chains are broken


    As we accomplish our goals, we begin to achieve true enlightenment. We are not the passive, reactive creatures the Jedi wish to be. We see the chains that bind all creatures, the obligations and duties and we may be finally free of them. We are able to define our own morality, our own nature by this virtue.


    The Force shall free me


    All of these steps are made possible by mastery and understanding of the Dark Side of the Force. It is a tool that we use to achieve whatever we want and desire. It allows us to view the ultimate reality of the universe, that we exist as singular entities capable of redefining it via strength of will and conviction.

  14. Per HK-47 and Atton Rand, these are the best tactics to use against trained Force Users:


    Sonic Weaponry: disorients and confuses Force users and cannot be 'blocked' via lightsaber


    Flamethrowers/incindiary weapons: Creates a large amount of 'area denial' and cannot be blocked by Lightsabers, but can be put out with large gusts of wind/water. Best used to box a Force user into a killzone


    Sniping/Distance attacks: Attack from far, far, far away. A Force User usually needs to be within your vicinity to sense your intent to attack or hurt them. Hit them from a large distance


    Breaking concentration: Force Users need to concentrate to use their powers and abilities. For Jedi, indirect assault, IE attacking their friends or support network works. For Sith, drive them into such a frothing rage that they abandon concentration and just rush into the killzone.


    Orbital Bombardment: Can't really dodge that, can you

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