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Posts posted by Ashliet

  1. Something I've actually heard a lot of people say (and i must say, i agree) is that they feel the Sith inquisitor companion Khem Val should be a romance option. As someone who was really happy to see Bioware branching out with non-human romance options in ME2, i was slightly disappointed to see the only non-human options in SWTOR are "typical", like Vette and Kaliyo, who look almost totally human. Keep in mind I'm only experienced with the Empire side.


    Well the empire is kind of Racist pretty much. So it's not hard to see why they look the most human.

  2. Love these **** NEED NERF NEED NERF CAUSE THIS VIDEO SHOWS HIGH DMG **** threads. It's like they dont realise this was before the level 50 bracket and these so called amazing high dmg players are destroying undergeared lowbies.
  3. I see some people saying they are bored with the game that they don't even Reach 50.

    For me I will admit a few planets I was not very fond of (Taris) made me feel slightly like this then all I had to do was a stroy quest and it was like life was returned too me when playing and I think people are forgetting this it's almost like they want the mindless grinding. (I don't know if it's like that for every class but the SW story kept me going no matter what) When I hit 50 I didn't know what to do for a few days mainly because the Guild I was in wasn't a real guild a few days ago I joined a new guild not a large guild but most everyone was 50 and we set up and run raids and hard modes and que for warzones and I never find myself bored. the only time I get tired is when I solo que warzones because I know I'm just queing for a loss with a bunch of morons.


    I think people need to take a day off and continue with their life then return everyone who seems burnt out have played are all saying the same thing they play it nonstop. Now I have played MMO's longer than the majority of everyone here I've played since I was in the 4th grade started with Ultima Online have played many MMO's over the years. DAOC was the only one that held my interest I hated WoW past Burning Legion and even then didn't like the game really because the classes (rogue) were awful but that's because I expected my rogue to be like the infiltrator in DAOC and this is the second problem all of you started with WoW I'm sorry but this makes you morons even if you're not a WoW fanboy you still constantly compare and say oh WoW this and WoW that meaning you should leave because you are obviously still hung up on a game that has ruined itself.

    Each MMO has it's core audience because people look for diffrent things. I have a friend that has played this but went back to Aion even though he hates Aion he plays it because he loves eyecandy. People want SWTOR to be exactly like WoW or being something completely ground breakingly new (guess what there isn't anything new in the World) and just like everyone saying they miss SWG it seems all of everything is just blind Nostalgia. WoW is not the god of MMO's when you go back to WoW,Aion,Rift, or any other game nothing will have changed

    and you will end up being the same boat that you are in now bored and burnt out and will soon realize the reason you left those games in the first place. Every game has a place in thats burns you out WoW had one early on and so did Rift the worst thing about those is they make you stay their for a long time, Old Republic you can leave anytime you please.


    For me even at 50 I'm still deeply loving the game no game has kept my attention without it majorily wavering for this long in a very long time not since Ultima Online.


    I think that was one of my problems Ultima was the games of games for me and for many people once you get past that nostalgia youshould be revitalized in SWTOR. It took me a long time to get past my Nostalgia for Ultima you have to get past yours for you're other games that left for a reason otherwise you wouldn't be here take a breath relax take a break come back hit the main story and see if you still feel the same or have new life in you.

    Oh and all of you who want new Warzones uuh they are adding new ones in the game, check the updates.

  4. So lets say you have a full set of Columi gear and a full set of Champion gear.


    The columi gear has better stats but no expertise so I would assume it's still better to use the champion gear for PvP (because of expertise) and the columi raids (like EV) right? Or am i wrong about this?

  5. Quinn comes across as a spoiled, whiny brat to me. Hrm, so do the women.


    Quinn - brat who went to some British private school and came back with airs.

    Vette - bratty Canadian teenage chick with requisite attitude.

    Jaesa - insecure bratty high school hoe.


    I think with Quinn, it's mostly the nasally voice acting. With the other two, it's almost like they were designed to come across that way. Probably because many men find that appealing. What does that say?


    I wish they had given us a stronger female companion.


    Pierce is a generic Call of Duty character.


    2V-R8 is awesome.


    In conclusion, I do not find Quinn dreamy. I'm trying to imagine who would find him dreamy, an exercise which proves that I am a poor, unimaginative man.



    You're insane Vette and Jaesa are pretty strong female characters.


    This post makes you seem like a brat.

  6. I'm a 35 marauder and I abuse every skill I have. If you haven't noticed that you need to take advantage of every skill then really reroll. I take down group of weak mobs in 3 seconds. If its not crowded I do pretty good in pvp. Mara needs some adjustments but is not broken


    You're level 35 meaning you have no buisness judging the characteruntil you go to level 50 pvp and find out how bad this champion is in pvp. Wait until you get excited ready to jump and use every skill as before your jump ends you are already knocked away or off a ledge or you are squishy so your trapped in cc until you are dead.

  7. I dont know if its just me or not, but sometimes i cast Ravage and i do the animation but the skill doesnt affect the enemy.

    this can happen 2-3 times in one go and is really starting to grind my gears.

    I'm wondering if there is going to be any attempts to sort this out?

    Ravage is one of our main skills, seems really stupid to have it bugged


    Well known bug and not the only bug with Ravage which makes it one of thw rost skills the Marauder has because Ravage is pratically a screw yourself over skill.

  8. 1. Make Deadly Throw 50% healing reduction, 20% is nothing and marauders don't stand a chance against healers


    2. Reduce rage cost for retaliation, or increase damage because right now its basically vicious slash without the GC


    3. Reduce rage cost for vicious throw, and increase range. 3 rage is too much considering the requirement to use it and the range isn't enough.


    4. Make obliterate snare the target because beside force charge its the only gap closer and doesn't work on running enemies.


    5. Force Scream should snare or do more damage, it has a cooldown and sometimes does less damage then vicious slash.


    6. Make Savage Kick useable in PVP or give us Force Push


    7.Better armor. I know we aren't tanks but Assasin tank's really they have high dps crazy stealth and cc. Yeah..

  9. K







    Is Why....













    He's the only reason I even tried Rage., but he is full geared without all that nice gear other specs are better without nice gear but I do love Rage I have done more overall damage on Carnage and Ann but I have the most fun with Rage.

  10. So i Took off her collar and when the conversion ended she still has it on and still has it on after 6000 affection. She also doesn't like courting gifts as much as she should. I am a male char so I'm wondering if any one else has had this bug.


    It's only on her default skin as far as I know (I never used the 3 starter skins because disliked the color). If you still want her to be blue go to Balmorra by her light blue skin and put it on her no collar and she looks cuter as a light blue Twi'lek. Her orange skin from the Ce vendore also doens't have the collar.

  11. So yeah spoilers



    Quinn's betrayal was moronic as he is supposed to be some genius that see's all the angles. He betrays me, the emperors wrath because Baras helped him out with a transfer? Treason. HE says Baras is what's best for the empire but that guy clearly only cares for himself, Quinn has seen this when Baras lured Vengen and his fleet in to a trap engagement with the Republic fleet which he controlled, countless died. Not to mention all i have done for the empire on every planet i have been on. Has this guy met Baras?



    Lastly it was facepalm worthy that we could have the option not kill him




    You don't much attention to Quinn's character do you? Quinn believes in servitude and he Serves Baras and the Empire over all not to mention he admitted Baras was one step above everyone else. Believing Baras was best for the empire and since your character didn't see the betrayal coming I see exactly why Quinn betrayed you and Quinn rejoining you because after that he sees he calculating isn't everything since you destroyed something he made specifically to kill you.


    I honestly can't believe how angry some of you are getting over his betrayal. YOU ARE SITH you should expect to always be betrayed it's what happens to Sith. You were even plotting to kill Baras before Baras attempted to kill you. Plus you even tell Quinn you're planning to kill Baras which is why Baras tries to kill you.

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