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Posts posted by Siamaran

  1. Hello everyone


    I am interested in finding or creating a guild. I would preferably go for a Danish one - as it is easier for me (I am Danish) to RPG with a language I know better. But I know most people prefer international guilds and that there is a lot of nice people around the world anyway. :)

    Not to mention...There is only so many Danish people, and in my experience, most of them prefer international guilds. xD

    So if there is enough people, who would like to go for at Danish one/know a Danish one, I am open for it. If not, then English. But I am not fan of gigantic guilds - they tends to ignore most of their guildies or they have already established who-is-who, which can make it harder to be part of it. I would like something a bit more friendly. :)


    I would like to do some light RPG/social - I have been doing RPG most of my life, although I am still fairly new to do it in a MMO. I found my biggest problem to be, that most people only wanted to play in the middle of the night, which didn't work for me. But I would still like to do some more and get better at it.

    Simultaneously I would also like just to be social. Chatting, maybe do some stuff or PvE together etc.


    Republic or Empire - I can do both.

    I almost have an legendary player-title, but I haven't really done much PvE.

    Experienced or not, I am open for socializing/light RPG - just now that I am not experienced. :)


    Also I love helping out. So if anyone just needs a friend or some help with anything, that is fine to.


    I hope someone finds this interesting. I look forward to hear from you! :)


    For now, I am playing mostly on my republic character, named "Lianass"

    But do you have trouble getting in touch with me, please try writing here or send me a message. Thank you! :)

  2. Hi!


    Sorry, I have no guild to give you. But I am seeking some of the same stuff - so if you need someone just to be a bit social with or do some flashpoints/heroics with, I am interested. Let me know! :)

  3. Hej!


    Jeg leder efter en guild i øjeblikket, om den er dansk eller engelsk er for mig lige meget. Jeg kunne godt være interesseret i at hjælpe til med at oprette en eller noget, efter behov - men det kommer an på "hvad" den skal bruges til. Personligt er jeg mest til ting ala social/PVE/RP eller deslignende, det hele på et casual niveau. Trods jeg snart er igennem alle class-stories, tror jeg godt man kan kalde mig newbie til mange af de ting alligevel.

    Men mest af alt søger jeg egentlig bare nogen at bruge lidt tid sammen med, at være lidt mere social med. :D


    Jeg har både reb og imp, er egentlig nok lige aktiv på begge sider, så np der.


    Anyway, tænkte jeg bare lige ville kaste den ud til jer. :3


    På imp er jeg lige nu mest aktiv på Chrikk, sith warrior.

    Rep er jeg vel...Ja, det er nok min trooper, Soarii.

    - jeg har også en i max lvl på begge sider, hvis det har nogen betydning. :)

  4. Hi Everyone! :)


    I am currently looking for a guild and/or people open for a bit of relaxed RP. I have been playing SWTOR before, lost interest and are now back. I have been playing for a week or two now, finally got my smuggler to lvl. 70! :)

    While travelling around, I kept imagine my character's personality. I have tried some RP in MMO before, but found it not very...Interesting. To hard to find out how the world was. Now, with Star Wars, I will be as daring as to say, that it is a bit easier and even more because I have been playing my character up in lvls. I have been working on my character and I am currently in a position where I want to try him out. If anyone - Within or without a guild - is interested, that could be fun! :)

    I am not very active throught christmas and New years eve, but I will do my best! :)

    I am also open to try and help people, who are leveling or doing other activities, as long you note I am a newbie. But I can blast! ;)


    Anyway. I will be blunt to say I have a tendency to lose interest after a while. But I have never been in a guild, who could actually keep my interest. I would love to try and find one now! (I usually find SWTORs community way more respectful and caring than those of many other MMOs...Of cource not without it hickups! :) )

    I am currently looking for:

    - PvE/RP guild

    - One who is openminded for newbies and people, who are willing to learn more about the game and how to correctly play their classes.

    - One who is casual and relaxed

    - If possible, one who doesn't mind you aren't online every day, at every hour.


    A bit about me:

    - I am a subscriber.

    - My Character is named Tamrik Naaila, he is a smuggler, scoundrel and lvl. 70. He is also human. I prefer to play him as a DPS, but mostly because I am not that familiar with his other talents. I am open for learning and guides.

    - My character belongs to the republic

    - I am Danish (Europe), but I can communicate in english just (almost, just ignore the mistakes, right?) as well! :) I am also a woman by the age of 22.

    - I have not been doing a lot of Heriocs or all the other kinds of PvE, but I would like to!

    - I love story and lore. I have been a bit slow in lvl'ing my character (I would think), because I love his class story and sidequests. I am in chapter 3 of his class story, so almost done!

    - I have both skype and Discord, but prefer the writing kind of communication. I don't want to be part of any hardcore PvE/RP environment.

    - I have been doing RP most of my life, not live but in writing.


    A bit about Tamrik:

    Wondering if my character might fit in? Or if he just could be a funny guy to randomly meet?

    - He is a smuggler and proud of his work. He loves his work and often calls himself one of the best.

    - He is not evil. He says he only do stuff for the money, but he is actually very considerate and helpful, if the cause is just or someone is attacking the weak or peoples rights.

    - He is restless. He prefer to travel all over the place and he loves small, weird object. He also loves animals, and he currently own three small pets.

    - He can fight, mostly with his blasters.

    - He tries to be a charmer and have conquered countless women already. But nothing serious! He is open for other kinds of relations with other kinds of gender/race etc.

    - All of his family is dead in an accident involving an aggravated animal. This also gave him his facial scar.


    And a lot more!


    If there is no compatible guild, I am also open to start my own with someone else. I just want someone to have some fun with!


    Thank you for your time :)

    If you need any specific information or are open for something, just write here or to my character ingame. I am a open and helpful person, but a bit of a introvert, so please don't judge me TO hard, if you finally decide to write me! :)

    I look forward to hearing from you!


    Best regards

    - Siamaran

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