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Posts posted by BattlebloodMage

  1. The legal time is seven years, not five. And yes, i would stay celibate for five years if i'm not sure my partner is dead or not .


    Wait for 7 years? Legally dead at 7 years? For whose standard? The current peaceful society or a universe where you can die at any moment, even more true for a Sith soldier, you wouldn't have the luxury of waiting for 7 years. Everyone is different. You can't judge people based on how you do things. I'm not just talking about video games, but it happens in real life where people want a perfect relationship in their mind and become disillusion when things don't play out as in their head.

  2. Torian waited for his wife 5 years, so why wouldn't your " princess" wait??? What is so special about her to get away with adultery? I see a big issue with that NOBODY jaesa sleeping with another man during the expansion, but meh, it must be her lousy education, maybe she is used with sleeping with soldiers or ordinary man for a few coins..


    Not everyone is the same, and to be fair, in real life, it's way easier for a woman to get laid than for a man. From her letter, she thought you were DEAD. Instead of other people, would YOU personally stay celibate for 5 years if your spouse were dead? Not even missing, dead. She thought you were dead. How is that even cheating if your spouse is dead for five years for her to move on?

  3. Kate Middleton is a nobody, and she married a princess, and you see it's a stretch that Jaesa marry a noble? It actually happened often in history, Wu Zetian was just a concubine who got together with the emperor before becoming an empress herself.


    You considered it cheating? Are you telling me that you would stay celibate for 3 years for someone you thought was dead or missing? She specifically mentioned "Why write words to a dead man?". I see the issue of Jaesa sleeping with someone during the game than in the expansion.

  4. So after a certain chapter in the expansions, the Sith Warrior...

    will have to choose to save Vette or Torian. If I am romanced to Vette but choose to save Torian, is there any romance option available to the Sith Warrior past that point or will I be stuck in the Widowed Life forever?



    Haven't gotten to that part yet, just trying to plan ahead. Also does anyone know if you can romance old companions when they return in the expansions if you did not romance/broke it off with them earlier in the game?




    You can only continue old romance if you previously romanced them. You can still romance Theron, Lana, or Koth, there is a lock in moment in chapter 9 where you can enter into a relationship with one of them.

  5. Have you *played* the Inquisitor as Dark-dark from level 1? I suspect not. Try it. Some of the situations are *epic* if you go dark.

    * "Just ... show me where the fun is."

    * "Murder and mayhem await."

    * A mission-giver on Belsavis where you choose the DS option, and the cinematic shows a bit of lightning crackling around your body as if the thought of doing whatever it was is giving you a *big* thrill.


    And so on. Of course, if you go truly 100% dark, your character is evidently unhinged. Well, it's more like you're so far unhinged that all the hinges are on the other side of the galaxy, in fact. But it's great fun.

    My Sith Inquisitor is Darth Nox.

  6. ...



    *goes back in time and murders Senya and Arcann >.> * j/j but seriously thank you for uploading that! I so wish Theron had been there at the end instead of Senya and Arcann but without having to kill them. Like you can choose who is with you :(

    Once you finished the game, you could replay the chapter, killed Arcann and get Theron ending though since replaying doesn't affect the actual outcome of the first time.

  7. My question is, why does it bother people that their choice isn't the canon one. :p I know my Miraluka Inquisitor is not the canon Inquisitor (because Miraluka wasn't an original option :p).


    I have no doubt that Smuggler is supposed to be a Mirilian (sp?) male canon wise, doesn't mean I don't prefer my Cyborg female :p


    Although most of them would either die or disappear anyway by the time the expansion hit, so there could only be one canon outlander. It shouldn't bother people too much because only 1 out of 8 classes is the canon outlander, which I'm highly suspect to be Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior. Since the game is a kind of sequel to Knights of the Old Republic and the light leaning storyline, I'm guessing it's likely to be Jedi knight.

  8. What I personally have problem with is how light side leaning the entire game is. The agent can turn light, and I probably think that it's the canon choice. The Inquisitor is light. I don't know if any of the light side character turn dark canonically. Most of the characters are light side leaning, so it's not really light vs dark when they have a biased toward the light side.
  9. All the time as a slave may mean the Inquisitor didn't want to enslave others and kill people all willy nilly which happens to slaves.


    Now you're making me wonder what the Knight and Consular are. I'm willing to bet the Wrath is canonically dark side.


    It does make sense if you go through his story. Ashara, who has a very black and white view of right and wrong, will more likely to join and side with you if your main reasoning is you want to change the Empire from within, not because of your lust for power. Sith Inquisitor would more more merciful when being betrayed by Lord Zash, Talos would pledge his loyalty toward a charismatic Inquisitor rather than a blood thirsty one. Your ancestor would be more incline to help you if you look for him for guidance as opposed to you keep on insulting him every turn you get, and you lost all the ghosts since you didn't bound them to you but release them, so the Sith Inquisitor doesn't have any ghosts by the time the DLC hits because he released all his ghosts.

  10. Yeah, I've noticed that too. Like they both said 'bah screw it' and just stick like stink on **** to the Alliance Commander.


    I can see it now...


    A'ight guys, I'm going to pick side, hmmm which side...*crickets chirp from Lana and Theron* Come on, guys, I need help choosing! *more crickets* Okay, I'll choose Repub...*hears a loud AHEM from someone*...um okay, the Imper...*another AHEM* *sigh* Damnit, y'all giving me more stress than I need! *closes eyes and plays eeny meeny miney moe*


    Let's see whose head the outlander will bust open, Lana or Theron's head.
  11. Here's a quick video about breaking up with Theron and what happens, gosh this breakup scene really gets to me I don't think I could ever break up with him. :(



    I've seen it, but it's a bit out of nowhere like unless you break up with the old romance when you first meet them, Theron will break up with you without any warning.

  12. Is there a warning comment said that if you continue the romance with previous characters, you will break up with Theron? I watched Vette's romance and Lana just breaks up with the outlander suddenly since they didn't break up with Vette when you see her again.
  13. What if confirming Theron, Lana, or Koth's romance in KotFE means that you auto-break up with Quinn or Elara when you meet them? :p


    It's not like I have that chance in the first place anyway. I have more salt than the ocean. :D

  14. Choices may not have mattered before KOTFE, but they do now. People, especially those who want certain companions or whathaveyou, remember everything you do and you've done.


    In chapter 3 of KOTFE, I had my dark sided jugg save the people of zakuul from the reactor, Lana commented on this in a da***? way.


    If you shoot Kaliyo, Jorgan tells you he can't believe you just shot your wife, if you are married to her.


    Same if you shoot Jorgan and are married to him.


    Koth will stay with you and not take the Gravestone if you save his people or don't just kill them all for funsies. If you DO, then he gets fed up and takes the Gravestone.


    Senya and Arcann will become your allies if you let Senya leave with Arcann, and help them on Voss. I've got 9 Arcanns on 9 characters.


    People may not like it, but who you do and don't kill or speak nastily too has repercussions just like in real life.


    I didn't take the throne as empress, I took it as a peacekeeper using the fleet as my supply runners. I don't know what effect that'll have on 5.2 and beyond, but at the moment, people are happy.


    I'm not saying people can't play how they want, but if you're a trooper and you kill because you could in vanilla, but you're married to Dorne, don't complain IF she decides she doesn't like your decisions. Or if she still continues to act like whatever.


    Remember, 4.0 and after all the **** you do in game for 4.0 and after, you're companions remember.


    Though, I DO have a question. How in the world does the Alliance and people in it know I'm married to Jorgan, Torian, Quinn, etc? Personnel file?

    Most of the companions are brought back for a special chapter but then they can be killed off because the developers know they will no longer be plot relevant.


    I destroyed the cities, and Koth didn't abandon me, it's more important whether you told him the truth.


    Outside of Theron and Lana, everyone else is expendable at this point since they fulfill so many purposes, romance, same sex romance that they avoided at launch due to fear of backlash, plot companions, each side represent Republic and Empire, stand-in characters in case plot related characters died like with Senya and Arcann, etc.

  15. Only romanceable guy? o.O There is Koth.


    My main file is a Sith Inquisitor, so you can already imagine what happens to him. Plus, he's the Jacob of SWTOR, he's so unpopular that they have no trouble killing him off. As he already can die, he wouldn't have a big role to play going forward. As Theron and Lana represent the Republic and Empire, it would suck if they tie to faction. Not just Theron, if you decide to play as a Republic, there wouldn't even be a female Koth to balance it out. There are plenty of expendable companions for them to make "choices" matter like Quinn and Elara in this expansion. I hope they have Lana and Theron as the story companions that follow you no matter what.

  16. It would suck if we have to choose between Theron and Lana when it comes time to choose Republic or Empire's side. I kinda hope those two would support you no matter what. I would want to play as Empire throughout, but forcing me to abandon the Empire because the only romanceable guy is in the Republic is just really limiting the options, meaning my Empire character would have no romance if he goes forward with Empire side. Hopefully, it doesn't happen.
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