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Posts posted by Perjoss

  1. I noticed there is no way to look for other people that are on the same heroic mission that I am on. Planetary Destination in group finder is fine but there are some missions that are very hard (and some not even possible) to solo and it would be nice to easily group up with other that are also on that mission. Stuff like the last few GSI missions, etc. Would be nice to also get a finder feature for doing missions on Oricon.


    Calling out for help on the fleet is not very effective. Also there seems to be a this strange thing where if you have completed the gsi binoculars mission you are not eligible to help others with it, supposed to be a multiplayer game so allow us to help others no matter which missions we have completed.

  2. I've not had much luck finding players that are on these 2 missions, and since I don't see the option in the group finder to join me with people that are also on the missions I'm coming here for help. My 55 Trooper is called Eunos, he's a healer so add him to your friends list or just msg me in game. I think that people that have already completed the binoculars one will not be eligible (broken game design imo) not sure how it works for the seeker droid one as I have not tried it yet.


    The missions are H4 "Dark Design" and H4 "Uprooting the Last Seed"



  3. I think I would be happy with a global *optional* LFG channel. I can go anywhere in the game world and carry on doing my stuff, meanwhile i can read about who is LFG. This is also great as I might be on my low level alt but there is a high level team looking for a healer in the chat and i can contact them and ask them if they'd like me to log on my high level healer etc.


    Key feature is the channel would be toggle-able, so no one is forced to read it. Once you flag yourself as LFG you would auto join this channel but like i said there would be an option to remove yourself. I think the comment you can add to yourself when LFG should be longer too so you can explain that you are also LFG with your alts, example: "21 dps LFG hammer station, but I also have a 36 tank and 50 healer"


    I don't think groups should be auto teleported to a flashpoint, I think there is a line that should not be crossed. Instant teleporting just makes the game world feel small and break immersion. Just my opinion.


    thnaks for reading :p

  4. My character is a smuggler and he likes making credits! I was just wondering if during conversations with mission givers if you ask them stuff like "what's it worth to you" or "I want to be rewarded for my effort" does this make any difference to your final reward upon mission completion.



  5. What will be hilarious is the ones that pay up after the 22nd just so they can keep trolling (you need an active sub to post here right?). I kind of get the reasoning behind some of the louder hating folk, the louder you scream about a broken or missing feature the more likely it will be fixed.


    Seriously though, nothing speaks louder than a cancelled sub, I'm sure they ask you why your are quitting when you quit, this is the best place to 'let them know' why you're so angry.

  6. /signed


    Remember, the people that are happy with the game are... yes you guessed it: playing the game! angry internet people will be all over the forums, that's why it looks like the haters outweigh the people that love the game. There's this attitude in gaming that goes like this: "I don't want anyone to like a game that I don't like, I'm bored of the game so I want it to fail". These people should really just move on and find something they do like.

  7. Short version:

    I love this game!


    Long version:

    I played the game for a bit in the beta and for some reason I didn't like it, I'm not sure why, maybe I just wasn't in the right mood when I logged in. Any a couple of days ago I decided to sit down and watch some gameplay and review videos for ToR, 2 hours later and I was really getting in the mood to make the purchase.


    Since then I've levelled a Trooper to 19, chosen the Commando path, played a pvp match, did a couple of space flight missions, sent companions on quite a lot of crew skill missions, completed pretty much all missions on Ord Mantell and Coruscent. It's all been a great experience and I've decided to swap my 1 month sub for the 6 month version (why no 12 month plan?).


    Things I love the most: (spoilers possibly?)

    How they have implemented the 'trade skills'

    How they included romance.

    Making a companion that is very useful and I actually care about!

    The story arc that goes with my class (fantastic, really!)

    The game world feels massive, I really wasn't expecting it to have such a good star wars feel to it.


    The only thing I'd like to see added for now is a LFG tool.


    Tank you BioWare, Keep up the good work guys and girls!

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