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Posts posted by Diggidy

  1. A few republic guys took over the Hoth base today. That was fun and hope there is more of this in the future.Also saw this happen on Voss at the shrine of healing.


    But everybody is busy grinding, nobody wants to open world pvp cause there is no reward.

  2. I am full lethality and i am beginning to like it. Played a few BG's tonight and I was top 3 in Damage on all of them. I was disappointed at first but I am starting to get the hang of it. I just wish the range on the abilities that use the gun were 30m not 10m. But I have a 32 Sorc that i am leveling and is fun to play.
  3. I tried a hybrid lethality healing spec but didn't play to well on my energy bar. I am full lethality at the moment and i am kind of disappointed. Its good in groups but as soon as you get close to people you die fast. With patch 1.1.1 nerfing the stealth tree, this class is a mess. But i guess with the right gear you can make any class work. My 2 cents.
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