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Posts posted by LucifersDrache

  1. Just my pennies ...

    • What do you like about how the GTN currently functions?

    I like having it at all. selling on the whole server is  good thing, yes it is

    • What do you dislike about how the GTN currently functions?

    More displayed Items please, eight  isn't that much - maybe in preferences a GNT tab ; select number of displayed / found items.  Especially with many results its hard to fix the search so that only the wanted items are displayed.

    BTW: this goes for the character selection on a server/s, too.  But at that point you can improve MANY Points,  starting from parallel programming up to ... well, just ask me, its not the topic here

    • Is there anything you wish you could do on the GTN that you cannot do currently?

    Selling on ALL servers might be nice to bring all server to the same price level, which might be lower than.  Like the login server an additional server for GTN  only, but than for all ?

    • Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items you particularly like or that you wish existed?

    a NOT is missing : I wanna find all zakuul knight armor sets but NOT the officers one

    a search for a character is missing : I want to find all items, Humptibumpty is selling.

    • What kinds of information do you use to decide when to make a purchase? If you could have more information what would you want?

    Well, a statistic about the prices  (max, min, maybe a little grafics 😉 ) for that item over the last three month (?)  might be helpful to decide to buy or not to buy ...


    I hope, I could gave you some little inspiration for your future improvements of the GTN.

    Thanks for asking us.

  2. 64-Bit_update_issue

    I had the following issue before when trying out the PST - but the service didn't want to help me: no pst support.

    Now, however, the same issue with the update from 28.03.2023:

    -The launcher starts, wants me to login. So far so good.
    -patch notes says: 7.2.1 (as it should be)
    -Afterwards it updated the game (35gb) - seems to be ok, did this only once, as intended (this was different with the PST)
    -Than about 12 secounds where nothings seems to happen (as it was before :-/ )
    -Than I see the loading (full-) screen for about 76 secounds.

    Instead of being logged in into the last server used, I see the server selection-screen
    HOWEVER: no server is desplayed, nor is any (error-) message displayed. 
    Only an empty window on an empty screen (the swtor logo is shown)

    So I can't select a server, I can't start the game, which was possible some (4 or so) hours ago!

    Searching the internet made me test the following things, all without any success!

    - internet connections are very good level (ftp, http, etc.)

    - repair box is gray, can't be selected at game start

    - compatibilty mode (was off, tried it in windows 7, both no success)
    - start as admin  (explicit checked on, but as always before starting the program, he is asking me if I wanna allow the game to have acces > yes)

    - Bitraider -> deleted, config / ini file changed

    - Turned off: vpn, PC-firewall, windows - defender (don't blame me, just for short testing purposes! :-/ )

    - Crystal disk sys: health of hdd is fine.

    - time server synchonised.

    - fritzBox: complete access allowed for the PC (onyl for testing purposes, too!)
    - fritzbos self-test : OK
    - fritzbos turned off for a complete night.

    - reinstalled direct-X (newest version already on PC)
    - installed, again, c++ runtime 2015-2022 

    SO, what die bioware changed in the update, that it can't find the servers?
    using Windows 11 (win10 on PST : same problem!)
    Gforce rtx 2060 super, core i7-6700 3.4 GHz, 32 GB RAM

    Any suggestions what might going wrong here?


  3. Es ist weniger, dass ich mir nichts leisten kann (ich gehöre zu denen mit einigen Milliarden auf verschiedenen servern 3;-> ) . Was ich bemängele ist die fehlende Balance von den Preisen im G(was auch immer) und dem Geld, was man durch spielen sich wirklich leisten kann. Wie lange hast du vor zwei , drei oder vier Jahren gebraucht, um dir ein Teil in game kaufen zu können - und heute? DA ist das fast ne Lebensaufgabe.

    Entschuldige, wenn ich mich nicht so klar ausgedrückt habe, dass Du das nachvollziehen konntest.

    Und ja, ich würde mich mit dem Vorschlag quasi selbst 'enteignen' - na und? Dafür würden aber auch alle wieder Spass am Handeln haben - und es auch können!

    Deswegn steh ich auch zu dem Vorschlag, der übrigens nicht herumgeschrien ist, sondern einfach mal zur Diskussion gestellt wurde.

    Ich danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.

  4. Some time ago it happend the second time shortly in a row,

    that bugs flood the game with credits.

    The result was and still is, that the financial system in the game is definitely crashed.

    Items aren't sold in the GTN any more,

    only via trade-chat for prices far beyond the possibilities of the gtn price input field.

    More and more items are vanishing from the gtn going this way,

    everyone trying to make some more billions.

    Another result is, that someone can't buy some bronze armor ,

    while playing the game and earning money this way only.


    So, if someone interested in math might calculate how many hours it might lasts

    to play the game (h2, sotry, flashpoints, ops etc)

    to buy a hypercrate ultimate cartell pack for 3.9 billions -

    which is the actual price in trade-chat end of july at the well populated star forge server.


    On the other hand, some month ago bioware took some steps to reduce money in the game.

    Like increasing fees for the gtn or cancelling credit rewards for the conquests.

    Also selling items on daily rotating basis in the cartell market for half price.


    However, this ALL did NOT helped much, all sanctions have no significant result in the gtn prices.

    Still more and more items aren't sold in the gtn but only via trade chat.


    When looking at human history, there is only one way to bring prices in a 'normal range' again:

    a currency reform.

    This goes in the following way, for example:

    at a special cut-off day, for example the 10th of october,

    the currency 'credits' is replaced by by a new one, e.g. 'galactic credits'.

    There will be an exchange rate of lets say 1:1000,

    means for every 1000 old credits someone owns, he gets one new galactic credits.

    So every ledger is numerical reduced. Toons, or legacy or guilds, who has Billions of credits

    now have only millions of credits.


    On the other hand: all rewards earned in the game stay (numerical) the same.

    When earning 654 old credits before the cut-off day, you still earn 654 new galactic credits.


    This all re-balances the game again.


    Lets hope that bioware relises the necessity of such a currency reform and do it ASAP,

    because without a working GTN

    the whole financial system

    and moreover the rewarding system

    and as a result the game system itself is wrecked.



  5. Seitdem nun vor einiger Zeit zum zweiten mal relativ kurz hintereinander ein bug dazu geführt hat, dass es eine credit-Flut gegeben hat, die dass Finanzsystem im Spiel quasi zum crash gebracht hat, ist es nun dringend an der Zeit, entsprechende zu handeln.


    Zwar wurde schon einiges an Maßnahmen eingeleitet, diese zeigen aber keine Auswirkungen, im Gegenteil: gefühlt werden immer weniger (wertige) Sachen über das GTN gehandelt, sondern nur über chat-Fenster zu Preisen feil geboten, die per GTN nicht zu erzielen wären, weil es dort die 1 Mrd Grenze gibt (die durchaus beibehalten werden sollte).

    Wenn mal also mal nachrechnet, wie viel Zeit man Spielen müsste (story, H2, flashpoints, ops etc.), um z.B. ein Item für 2,5 Mrd credits erwerben zu können, kommt man auf einen Zeitrahmen, der einen das Spiel frustriert beiseite legen lassen würde. Dies gilt insbesondere auch, da ja nicht alle items über den Kartellmarkt zu erwerben sind ...


    Wie wir aus der Geschichte wissen, gibt es jetzt nur noch eine Möglichkeit, die Preise wieder in den Griff zu bekommen: eine Währungsreform.

    Die sollte, wie schon in der Realität öfters gemacht, zum Beispiel folgendermaßen verlaufen:

    an einem Stichtag, zB der 10.10.22, wird die Währung 'credits' durch die Währung 'galaktische credits' ersetzt. Für je einen neuen credit werden (automatisch) 1000 alte credits eingetauscht. Also jeder Toon, jede Bank etc, hat statt einer Millionen nur 1000 credits.

    Dies allein würde allerdings nur eine Umbenennung bedeuten - auf der anderen Seite müßten die Geld-Belohnungen im Spiel 1:1 von alten zu neuen credits umgewandelt werden. Dies würde dazu führen, dass man wieder im Spiel genug selbst realistisch erwirtschaften kann, um sich aus dem GTN Dinge leisten zu können - in vertretbarer Zeit, und nicht als Lebensaufgabe bis hin zu den Enkeln.

    In so fern fordere ich mit Nachdruck:


    Währungsreform jetzt!

  6. None of that is going to happen because EA isn't going to spend that kind of money to rebuild a 10 year old MMO from the ground up.


    Moreover , the original manufacturer of the mashine is working for an update to 2.0 since *many* years. If bioware should now start to do the same, wouldn't help and needs even more time. Don't think of month here, think of decades ;-)

  7. When you first announced to change the abilities trees, I hoped for a larger variety of choises, like we had in Knights of the old republik 1 + 2 with complex trees. Thinking of the civilization game, with it very complex advancement trees, this game is simply straight foreward.

    Sadly you seem to have the contrary in mind - reducings abilities, and selections.


    Let's hope that the character generation looks more like ESO (same mashine) or in Mass Effect (same firm).

    The actual character generation is *very* much basic than complex , with only two handful of faces and only four body variations instead of many thousands (of combinations, of length, weight, etc.)


    This game is very complex, but a player can focus on some while ignoring the rest for a while. Guilds might help here, but a good handbook / documentation would help much more. Despite this, the in game docu is, best said, outdated in some points.


    Oh, and before I forget: please allow longer names - someone like Joseph (Joe) Robinette Biden Jr. couldn't even bring in his own full name ... ;-/

    Having 28 toons and I am often thinking - would be nice to see their portraits on the main screen all at once without clicking through the whole list!

  8. And now I heared , that those reusable advanced kyrprax mk-2 stims, adrenals, ... are only usable when the toon has the bio crew skill ...

    that are two not so often played toons of the 24 I have ...

    means, I did all this effort for almost nothing :.-(

  9. Hallo zusammen,

    Nach dem update vor zwei Wochen scheinen die Teile, welche nach Gebrauch nicht verschwinden (also die mit gelben Rand, bzw höchstem Status), nur von Charakteren benutzbar zu sein, welche die Crew Fähigkeit Bio haben.

    Ist das nur bei mir so - oder auch bei anderen?


    have fun


  10. Companions don't get a 75% crit rate. They get a +75% efficiency. Efficiency speeds up the time it takes to craft.

    Companions get a +25% chance to crit at rank 50.


    Sorry, but I can't admit - when I open the crew skill window, and than open a crafting window for the 50 companion, you can read:


    75% time efficiency for crew skill tasks

    80% critical rate for crew skill tasks


    So there IS a critical rate AND a efficiency rate ...

  11. A 5% chance doesn't mean you get it once for every 20 attempts. It's a 5% chance for every single roll.


    At 5% chance of success you have a 95% chance of failure, each attempt multiplies that with 95% again, so the chance of 20 failures in a row is 0.95^20 = 36%.



    I know about the basics .. to say it with your words :

    I had more tahn 100 rolls -> 0.95^100 = 0,0059... means 0,5% ...

    and now just make a guess how long it took to craft the items .. not discussing the dredits here too ;-/

    I think thats really frustrating , not only for me ;-)


    so, yes, no bug, but not the best option to operate with random generator only.

  12. there is a big bug in you random generator. I found this out by testing it with the crew skills facility since more than two weeks now.

    1) the 80% crit skill rate (the 75% too!) isn't reached in real game - average rate is 60% at best!


    2) the deconstructor tells the same: I deconstructed more than 50 advanced kyrpax shield adrenal now, at last 14 in a row some minutes ago. With the 5% chance I should get the new schematic more than two times, statistically. Guess it? haven't even got it once ...


    If can not programm a uniform distribution, you should implement a counter, so that you get such schmeatic at least after the double amount of deconstructions. Same can be done for crafting skills in similar way


    very frustrated by the enormous waste of unsuccessful time


  13. Hi there,

    some days ago 'we' were trying to fight r8-x8 on ossus.

    some not so nice message in the message window said:


    defeated by r8-x8 with system.exception: 0x46495245 (25496 damage)


    I have a screenshot of this, but can't see how to integrate it here.


    have a nice day


  14. It is VERY interesting that after all those years (!!) bio-ware didn't found a solution.

    Again, yesterday - and with a second stronghold at nar shadda too - I tried to put all my NPCs - and NPCs only, no mounts - into one large room (needless to say, that it makes no difference to put them into different rooms).

    Again, or should I say still there is this [self-censored] - limits, prohibiting me to create such a 'conference room' .


    So please, consider this issue as a high priority problem , not only because of three years waiting!


    Your propaganda says something about a very special , an individual place for each of us. I think so we can expect an extremely high level of individualisation of such a /fine place/. Not only for our characters, but for all their friends and comrades , too.


    Thank you 4 listening.


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