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Posts posted by Twiistaa

  1. what gives? all other relics but this one?


    also artifice cant RE blackhole offhands, but biochem can do implants?

    artifice cant RE black/oj crystals? and I presume black/purple also.


    ball has been dropped, big time bioware!


    Yeah I have been wondering about these myself, it's kinda disappointing!

  2. Okay I've been doing every Black Hole daily except the Heroic for 17/21 days in a row.


    Is there a specific mob that is more likely to drop the schematic or just any mob in general.





    Sha'al of Obsidian Creed


    I feel you.... I've been looking for it just as hard as you have. No luck still =/. I want a +41 power but a +41 crit is fine too... even the +41 end at this point

  3. "Campaign" and "Black Hole" Gear


    Campaign gear is the new tier of PvE set items we are rolling out with the Explosive Conflict Operation. It shares the set bonus with Rakata, allowing seamless equipment upgrades and is acquired through tokens acquired in Hard Mode of Operation: Explosive Conflict and the new World Boss on Belsavis.


    I'm assuming you meant the new World Boss on Voss, and not the one on Belsavis?

    Also, any ideas on when the Queen of Sands world boss on Tatooine will make an appearance? Maybe sometime during the 1.2.x timeline I hope =)


    And, oh yeah - black-white and black-cyan crystals have shown up on datamining sites, are those in the game in 1.2? Or just a myth at this point.


    Thanks Georg.

  4. The big change for Marauders at least is that there is no change. The stats on our Rakata gear on the test server are exactly the same as those on Live. Is it intended for us to be drowned in accuracy rating or are the developers still working out the changes for us? Time will tell.


    Accuracy is an important stat for the dual wielding classes

  5. It took me one try to get my primary saber critted and one other try to get my secondary saber critted.


    In fact, all in all it took about 10-15 times total for me to crit on Rakata bracers, Rakata belt, two Rakata relics, and two sabers.


    Jaesa Willsam, I love you.

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