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Posts posted by vonishepard

  1. Darth Malgus seems impossible to beat. 4 times I've died to "fall damage" noticed each time he was doing his Impale attack. Both of your companions Rivix and Lana seem to go "ooooh big bad darth malgus" and seem to get cold feet as they don't help you attack nor heal (yes I had Rivix on heal) it feels like the flashpoint is unbeatable at this point due to this issue. Running a level 80 Sorc.
  2. My character Vampire Ahri is having a bug in whispers. Basically instead of getting a TO: X when I whisper someone else I get a Vampire Ahri Whispers:


    On another one of my toons Moose snuffles trying the same issue I got TO X: when I whisper someone. These screenshots will explain what is going on. Please forgive the cursing language in my pictures. Ahri


  3. When I was in a group with two other players in my guild, I noticed while they were getting the heroic bonuses on balmorra I was not. My group was a low level operative (around 20's) a 75 lighting sorc and a 40's Deception sin. When I ran the heroics on a lower sin in the past I was getting all of the heroic bonuses.
  4. Kinda frags the Bounty Contract too. Was this not thoroughly tested on the PTU? Why didn't they identify this there and fix it before release to live servers?


    They can't stress test on the PTS sadly not a lot of people there so they gotta stress test it on the mains

  5. Hey folks,


    The team is still digging into the issues you are seeing and they are making good progress. I should have a more concrete update tomorrow on what the issue is and timing on when we will be able to address it. Thank you all for your continued patience.




    Thank you for working on it sorry it is being such a pain in the behind.

  6. Seems to me like the delay is related to the number pf placed decorations. My almost empty Coruscant copy seems fine. The legacy stronghold takes a couple of seconds to open as usual, but placing or moving things there is registered almost immediately. My NS stronghold, crammed full of stuff, has a nasty 20+ second delay on actions.


    Decoration LOS calculations running amok?


    I am wondering if that is the issue cause my level 70 main tank is now stuck in my SH which is 98% full. I can't do **** with her atm

  7. Wait till you hit prime time, as Darth Malgus gets towards its prime timer with more people logging in now its getting slower and slower


    I can imagine. I am sure there is something losing energy out of these servers like something that is taking up too much power why they haven't done an emergency restart of the servers yet is beyond me

  8. This is getting out of hand. this really is.....I tried playing this morning around 0700 EST I was doing Tat heroics or trying to do Tat heroics I was the only one on Tat 2 (The PVP one) but as soon as I entered combat I was lagging like a mofo.

    Eric I know you are not to blame for this but PLEASE get the servers back working or just turn them off until you guys fix this. Also please give us back the days wasted of double XP with this bug.


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