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Posts posted by Degini

  1. I blew all my commendations not realizing I should have purchased the EMP. If one were so inclined, which space mission is ideal for farming over and over for the purposes of accruing commendations fast? Is it worth doing all the dailies and then picking a mission to redo? Should any be skipped? Do you even get commendations outside the daily?



  2. I have a 38 vanguard and have been leveling up as shield spec w/ Elara Dorne. To answer your question unlike the 20+ replies that just talked about using vik vs. dorne, the bottom line is it is not that painful nor slow. As a vanguard you have plenty of AOE which allows you to mop up those easy groups of 3-5 mobs. Just have to be smart about AOE tactics such as:


    1.) Mortar volley placement

    2.) Aligning mobs for pulse cannon

    3.) Tossing the sticky grenade on the farthest mob from the pack/harpooning him into the middle to hit all other mobs.


    Besides the mobs, like many people have already mentioned, the silvers and golds are not a problem either. I can take on 2 golds/1silver at a time and blowing through some cool downs without a problem.


    A few key things that help you speed your way through leveling in shield spec:


    1.) Don't spec all out tanking talents while leveling. You will not need this as you quest grind nor when running through flashpoints at these levels. Throw in some of the key dps increasing skills.

    2.) Keep both your gear and Elara's gear up-to-snuff. Running around with item lvl 56 gear when your lvl 38 will not help the cause. I recommend cashing in your credits every 3-4 levels and giving Elara your used items.

    3.) Your a tank, people need you to run flashpoints and Heroic +4 quests. Initiate the LFG by making it clear that you are a tank looking to start a group and need healer/2xdps. People tend to jump on this quickly.


    Enjoy :D


    Would you be able to provide an example of stopping defense spec and getting dps talents? At what point do you stop putting points into shield specialist? What example build would you have for, say, level 25.



  3. Don't forget that if your item doesn't sell, you get your full deposit back. If the cap wasn't in place, everything and anything would be up on the GTN and it would be a complete mess.


    Compare this with WoW which has no cap, but you lose your deposit if the item doesnt' sell.


    I like this system better, since deposit is a percentage of the sale price.

  4. It is capped because you get your deposit back if the item doesn't sell. Compare that with WoW where you can post unlimited items but you lose your deposit if the item doesn't sell.


    If it was uncapped AND you got your deposit back on unsold items, there would be no incentive to avoid posting something and the thing would be a mess.

  5. Purchase a purple quality mission item from the GTN and you would have those 4 fluids in 1 shot.


    Probably cost you 2500 tops for the item and another 2k for the actual mission start.

  6. I didn't say I wasn't having fun, I said the game is simplistic. There is a difference. But thanks for your fanboi attitude telling me to pack up and go elsewhere. I'm sure Bioware appreciates you sending their paying customers away over a difference in opinion. I find your very narrow point of view... well simplistic. :D



    He is telling you to leave because you are here whining to have the game changed to something YOU would like more, at the expense of the people who like it how it is. Why is your satisfaction more important that the satisfaction of those who currently like the game the way it is? Who do you think you are?


    If you do not like the game the way it was built, then go play something else. It is not a fanboy attitude, it is a realistic attitude.

  7. The thing about slicing is the real profits come from gathering boxes, not the missions. I have noticed a continuing shortage of boxes in the later zones, which means it might actually be profitable to farm an older zone.


    My point, really, is that slicing is working fine and there is no reason to expect that 24minute missions for 5k credits is going to unbalance anything. I just hope Alderaan is going to be better than Tat for boxes, as my profit/h has decreased since leveling out of the 20's into the 30's.


    I am on class 5 boxes for slicing.


    To OP: thanks for the sheet. Confirms what I have been seeing.



  8. If you go Artificing, you MUST go archaeology. That is the gathering skill to support it.


    Now, treasure hunting is the other associated skill, but it only provides mats for blue crafted items. If you don't care about making blues, you can skip treasure hunting and take up slicing, the the idea to switch back when you hit 50.


    Edit: Also, do not spend any money on the mission part of Archaeology. It is a huge sink and you can enough crystals if you just grab every node you see.


    You will need to dump money in treasure hunting but it isn't nearly as expensive.

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