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Posts posted by supafranchize

  1. Anyone hit by a 9-12k smash has a serious serious armor problem. Smash was literally nerfed. They flat out said it. Read the warrior post from the front page. Damage was taken out of smash and put into other abilities. My best, absolute best smash at lvl 55 was for about 8.5k.


    The average is much closer to 5.5k, but the reality is with so many shielded players I see many more 3-4k hits. People seem to be getting alot better with their knockbacks and about half the time I jump to someone I am knocked back before I can smash even though I am spamming it as a jump because of the gcd.


    There are many ways for sooo many classes to completely shut down a warrior. Despite the damage reduction of smash (Bioware's words) it still does ok but while in a typical Voidstar I will be somewhere around 3rd to 6th on damage. Pre 2.0 I was pretty much always number one. Now that spot is usually taken by a Sorc. or a BH.

  2. The amount of ignorance in thread is unreal. I have had a juggernaut since day 1 of SWTOR. Smash did some great damage for a while. It does ok damage now. Since 2.0 came out I have probably played somewhere close to 50 wzs and not even once has a warrior topped the damage charts.


    There are classes right now absolutely beasting people down but you choose to look at one big number is stead of 1-2k consistently from other classes. Or tracer missile spam. Seriously just look at the damage charts...

  3. So I hit 55 today and had enough warzone coms to buy all but maybe 4 of my new tier of PVP armor. Somehow....somehow I do less damage with my new gear than I do with my WH/EWH. I just... I'm all for the idea of tweaking your own armor set to get it where you want it but going from one tier to a new tier for 5 LEVELS HIGHER should not even be close. When I compare the pieces I should not see one single stat I'd be losing with the exception of switching one stat for another.


    5 levels and a new tier... It should just be a no-brainer. The new tier needs a serious buff.

  4. I cannot believe this but it actually works. I am doing better at lvl 52 with no gear but helm, saber, offhand than I was in full wh/ewh.


    How can a development team let this actually go live. Are you kdding?

  5. It's pretty typical to have one or two recruit gear people in your pug but all day today it's been at least half the team. I suppose I should have seen this coming. Ah well. Anyone else seeing this?
  6. I like the idea of a deathmatch with maybe a 5 life limit per player, last team standing wins. The key would to make the map have many points at which teams can get separated making the gear gap not as important if people use strategy.


    Think Kenobi getting separated from the fight because of the force fields in Episode 1. Or drop offs. Just random things that people can use to take others out of the fight.

  7. On my Juggernaut (Rage spec) I recently upgraded my mainhand Vindicator's lightsaber to EWH. I used the EWH Hilt which is all the same stats just better. Augment is the same as well.


    I used the WH Enhancement which is Surge/Power instead of Accuracy/Crit . I also used the WH Mod which was Power instead of Crit.


    Seems like the right set up right? But ever since doing this my smashes are now critting around 4800 instead of my previous 5000 to 52ish. Is there something I'm missing? I like that they don't make the EWH a game changing upgrade but I feel like I'm downgraded here.

  8. Huttball has always been my favorite WZ by far. I enjoyed it in the beginning when you would get it 90 percent of the time and I enjoy it even more now that I hardly ever see it. I personally would like to see new Huttball maps made rather than pumping out new WZs.


    The only new type of WZ I'd like to see is a large scale with one with a few PVE elements thrown in. Think old school Alterac Valley.

  9. Ok if you wanna remove them, thats fine, but if they are going to stay in for the love of all things holy please make them spawn in more spots than just the central location. I find myself hating people from my own faction because they are the ones competing against me for them :eek:
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