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Posts posted by Macmagotty

  1. Let us not lose sight of the fact that several times EA has announced the requirements for a bonus post facto. Not necessarily illegal, but certainly not fair to the player base. And there are hitches in the system, like changing your method of payment may unknowingly cause an interruption in service, such as switching from CC to PayPal, or vice versa. It is not a seamless system.
  2. Since the change in companions that allows them to play any role (tank, dps, healer), and the fact that all of the gear equipt on them is fundamentally cosmetic, I find it contradictory that they still have weapon and armor restrictions. Maybe restricting lightsaber use to those companions that are obviously force-users makes sense, but the rest of the non-force user comps should be able to equip any weapon that isn't a lightsaber.


    The same can be said of armor. Already, through adaptive and/or custom armor, even light armor restricted characters can appear to be clad in heavy armor. So why are there restrictions of any sort on what may be placed into companion cosmetic armor slots?


    My idea: allow companions to equip any armor and any weapon, dual-weilding where appropriate. REPEATING: Maybe restricting lightsaber use to those companions that are obviously force-users makes sense, but the rest of the non-force user comps should be able to equip any weapon that isn't a lightsaber.


    Alternate idea: companions have additional weapon slots that allow us to pre-arm the companion for each role they might play, switching weapons as the role assignment changes.

  3. I agree with the OP, something innovative needs to happen with companion customization. Even if it were no more than an appearance station type feature that ate CCs and spit out a package that we could drop into the comp customization slot. Exceptions would - of course - be Khem Val/Ak’ghal Usar, Qyzen Fess, the droids (T7-01, the ship droids and the HKs), Skadge, Guss Tuno, and Bowdaar; pretty much, only the humanoid race companions. Probably also excluded would be the Star Fortress recruits (e.g., “Deadeye” Leyta) and the CM comps (e.g., Akk Dog, Nexu, etc.).
  4. So far as I know, the only "purple" war hero crystal is/was Advanced Purple War Hero's Crystal crafted with a schematic purchased from the pvp vendor on the fleet for 1k war comms - haven't checked recently and the severs are down at the moment. But hope that helps.
  5. I am having the same problem on Ebon Hawk: random disconnects without ever seeing any lag, just dumped straight to the server choice screen and no servers available.


    I ran tracert several times and at every instance the error occurs at some point along the Level3 framework of the Internet backbone. At the time of this posting, there are literally 100s of reports of Level3 outages occurring randomly over the past 72 hours causing disconnects from everything and anything. It's not just a SWTOR problem. This could be a result of DDoS attacks or hardware failure. No one is making official statements at this time as to why it's occurring.


    If you follow this link : http://downdetector.com/status/level3/map/ - you can see a map of how widespread the problem is.

  6. I have been struggling through the Agent quest chain and it seems bugs are rife on many of them. In two missions on Dromund Kass the suggested route is dead wrong. In three missions on Nar Shaddaa, I ended up running in circles for a half-hour or more trying to locate the target because the "helpful" arrow on the mini-map wasn't there at all. In several Nar Shaddaa missions, it is impossible to achieve the bonus objectives due to the auto-launch of cinematic interaction scenes at ridiculous distances from the target. In others, there simply are not enough of the specified mob to achieve the bonus objective before this occurs. And several, like this one, don't register some gizmo even though you interact with the specified object. All told, it seems a lot of broken things, but maybe not "game breaking".
  7. After making the newb mistake of touching the ancient tablet named "Forbidden Knowledge" (near -25, 1225 on the Voss world map) and getting what I rightly deserved. I am a bit leery of rushing about on Voss.


    That being said, I am bewildered by the roaming turn-in icon on the mini-map that is ostensibly supposed to help me find the location of the tree sap in question. Every time I think I am supposed to be standing in proximity to the target of the quest, it seems it has relocated to some other portion of the the terrain that requires a good deal of running about to arrive at, only to see the icon has relocated to a portion of the terrain that requires yet another circuitous run - atop a cliff, then in a deep vale, then in the middle of a bunch of hateful mobs. Is this usual behavior for the target icons or (since I am in the nightmare portion of the map) a result of madness?

  8. Firstly, I am a total newb at SWTOR and not really versed on canon/lore. But is seems to me, that Voss are mighty cool looking, so why hasn't Bioware/EA capitalized on the coolness with a Voss cosmetic set (eye color options, skin options, etc) for humans already or is it in one of the Cartel packs and I just can't find it?
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