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Posts posted by Kromgar

  1. On 5/8/2023 at 12:29 PM, AdsAillard said:

    No, you got it wrong. There's not a single item on Cartel Market that anyone needs.

    There's plenty of stuff in GTN that people need - and, sure, almost all of it is crafted stuff, but it doesn't change that they're, currently, among the most expensive stuff in the game. 

    If what you "want" is crafting stuff and you're using the GTN as a shortcut to it, then it is strictly a want not a need. You want it now not later when you can farm/earn it yourself.

    As such, you should pay the outrageous prices that people are demanding for "crafting stuff".

    If that is a major concern, then the petition should be to Bioware to increase the spawn rates on material nodes and increase the drop amounts to make it easier for players to farm their own materials - not force or even encourage other players who did spend their time to farms mats, to sell their hard earned mats to you cheaper because you don't want to pay what they feel those mats are worth.


  2. Late to the overall conversation, but here goes...

    The GTN and the "economy" is fine as it is right now. Yep, I said it and yes I'll be flamed out, but here's why. There is not a single item on the GTN that ANYONE in the game needs. Not a single item.

    So this discussion should really separate out Need from Want.

    If you need something, every single one of us has the ability to gather the resources and craft the item that we actually need: stims, med packs, adrenals, augments... etc. 

    If you want something, the GTN is only there to facilitate exchanges of items that players are selling to other players that do not wish to make or earn items themselves. Can't afford it, tough. Go earn credits if you want to buy something. Still can't afford it, tough. Maybe spend $50 on some Cartel Coins and then buy it straight from BioWare. Can't afford that, tough.

    As such, the "economy" and inflation that everyone is worried about is in a closed system (the GTN) and therefore false. Last time I looked, people could buy items from vendors for the same price as they did last year. My costs for purchasing Veda Cloth hasn't skyrocketed. The Revan vendors haven't jacked their prices up. Still buying OEM and RPM's with tech frags and making my own augments....

    The economy is fine. People just don't want to earn and spend the billion or so credits to buy an armor set or a new crystal for a billion or so credits - tough. 

  3. I don't know if you guys are reading this thread, but fix this.


    Up until the last patch, I have never had any issues in the least with my connection to the SWTOR servers. Now in the last week and a half I have DC'd over 10 times. I'm running a 50meg connection through Shaw and am doing nothing different than I ever have.


    So, pure and simple fix this.

  4. 8:55pm on the Black Vulkars, there are 7 people in the fleet and a total of 85 in the /who 1-50.


    I re-rolled to Ajunta, but I really don't want to regrind. I've got three 50's on BV and other toons at various levels. Get something done very soon BW.


    I will say this though, the Empire population is healthy. There was nearly 85 lvl 50's alone and nearly a 100 of other levels.

  5. In the course of the last few days, I've seen this posting of the same info at least a few dozen times.


    As for what you or anyone else seems to try and convey.... who cares. I'm one of the people who are happy with the game in it's current state. Not saying that there are issues (minor and major) that need to be worked on, but overall I'm happy with the game, service and overall product that I've purchase and will continue to pay monthly fees for.


    So, thanks again for the repeat information, but the future isn't written and I won't be surprised when SWTOR surpasses 2 million and beyond subscriptions.

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