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Posts posted by Dixarcs

  1. raiyne did u not watch the video???? just because u cant do good with the scout doesnt mean its a bad ship. maybe this is an example of user error not ship nerf. i bet you cant win with a T2 GS either but its still a fine ship TBH. there is a cornicopia of videos available for u to learn from TBQH
  2. Hello ladies,


    The King has heard your words and has decided to grace upon u a new video showing how the battlescout still has balls in the right hands. enjoy this 3 minute clip video of a game against a harbinger premade. Under constant duresst from proton The KING gets 23 kills and only 5 deaths with over 114 334 damage inflicted. its a great display of how u too can fly evasive and kill too




    Yours truly,


    The great Dixarcs, vice president of the Kronies

  3. Hi again everyone, hope you liked The Kings last video


    now I'm here to share with everyone the builds that our local genius has dreamt up so far for the new patch 5.5. please note that while there are plethroa of good ships these are the one that have stood out to the kings fancy and the ones hes currently using to exert his dominance



    1 battlescout with BLC rocket pods and retro thrusters



    the old classic still survives in this iteration. just make sure u get nice and close and if u have good aim and reaction u still beat everyone. if u want proove krixarcs used this build against a double premade recently its on a certain persons popular twitch stream. i think this shouldnt be too hard to figure out without violating the ToS please



    2 T2 gunships


    the old classic survives in this iteration as with a boost! same build as before but now u get proton torpedos that are good and not only just a reason for u to recharge your railgun blaster. also slug have been buffed by doing more damage to ship hull so its a bonus. the aim got boosted too but you need to be good TBH or you will be pulling hairs out missing your deviated snipes. but if you are good like the king then you deserve the right to be weseley snipes :cool:



    3 T3 gunship




    this ship was worse than the T2. it didn't have barrel roll but this oversite can be made up for with the NEW interdiction missile. let me tell u this new missile is purely a dominating force against strike fighters that are trying to kill u with torpedos. the king had yet to decide his engine power of choice between retro thruster and power dive they are both inference options compared to barrel roll but this missile is worth it in some games where u get swarmed by strike fighters. let me take this opportunity to thank bioware for bringing in so many great new components that we have been asking for i really like efficiency on the T2 strike



    4. remote slicing T3 strike fighter with lockdown copilot


    the king had a great idea to shut off enemy systems and engines ability and drain a plethroa of engines VIA the lockdown copilot and remote slicing techs. these lockdowns and slicings now regenerate very fast and u can land proton torpedo without much skills at all but it is a strong build, u can punish bad scouts with 1 shot kill. also if u land one on a gunship or strike fighter just use ur quads with shield piercing to deliver the final boot stomp





    5 bloodmark with tensorfield and emp missile and light laser cannons


    if u notice ur team has a lot of bomber pilot then u should use this to give them a boost. unlike before u can now be a fearsome opponent as long as u have great aim with light laser cannons. u can really give ur team the edge on a ctrl point too if u land the emp missile. u have plenty of turning ability in a scout and the lock time is simple so go out there and emp things and be a team player for once ok?

    thank u and happy spawn camping :)

  4. Howdy folks!


    the king has asked me to make a video to teach all the newbies how to fly in the new 5.5. He started a new account named Krixarcsoloq (the S is dual purpose) and flew a stock T2 GS to showcase how u as a noob can also win with preciousion and wit. it includes the new blue balls of death called protorps but also the classic T2 GS style.


    please note the video was edited by myself and if u want a high definition copy u can email me at dixarcs@gmail.com. the copy is yours in electronic and hard bluray copy for 5 easy installments.





  5. Drakolich as the senior advisor of The Kronies I am told to send forth a feeler to see if you guys need some help from The King. It seems like u have been skunked hard the last 2 nights and we're concerned. personally I'd love to help but I need consent from The King. How do you plead to this unholy union?


    my email is Dixarcs@gmail.com please let me know if u need help

  6. wow personally i am a bit ofended u did not give due kredit to the kronies i know krixarcs played an important role in helping u with your piloting skills so its upsetting to see him snubbed in ur speech. personally Krixarcs was and continues to be my finest mentor but I too may be retiring when Nintendo Switch is releasd
  7. I'm sorry this is incorrect the T2 Gunship has the same Crit percentages as any other Gunship.


    I accept your apology Drakkolich but I think you are wrong. I shot one of the turrets on the capital ship 100 times and managed to get 18 critical hits with the Dustmaker ship. When I used the Mangler I only got 16.

  8. Really? In mine the maximum crit rates for both railguns and primary weapons is the same in the T1 and T2 gunships. You can choose lower crit rate components or upgrades, but there's no inherent advantage to either ship type unless I overlooked something.


    What do you think gives extra crit? Component, crew, hull?


    yes it is about 18% for the T2 i think its a glitch or maybe just a small sample size skewing my result

  9. No offense Jazyra/Kywi but you sound like you are from another planet or maybe new zealand or something. You are so wrong about so many things, you need to listen to Despon. If you are playing those god awful ships than obviously you will think quarrel and flashfire OP. U need to fly a rampart with mines to beat the flashfire and u could use a blackbolt to beat the quarrel TBH.
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