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Posts posted by Tiger_Blue

  1. I have a doubt about transfering a character from a server to another server.


    Let's say that I want to transfer a character, but the thing is that I want to transfer it with several set parts, to be more specific the Remnant sets that I have aquired them from the boxes by doing heroic missions and those set parts are "Bound to Legacy", so my question is: When transferring the character, everything you have in your inventory as well as in your personal Cargo Hold is transferred? If this is the case, Can I use this equipment sets that are "Bound to Legacy" on my characters from said new server?

  2. Hi, I have played many times Balmorra in the Republic side and there is not the Helmet reward for each character (Jedi Consular, Jedi knight, Smuggler, Trooper)

    I put my hopes while the time I was not able to play SWTOR that this were already been fixed, but now I re-play and affortunately I got the Helmet for my Jedi Consular but it was the MK 2 not the standar or common version.

    Now I'm playing with my Trooper but I did not get the Battle-Scarred boltblaster's Helmet MK 2, I did a lot of Heroics missions between lvl 33-36 but my luck sucks.

    Now, Is there a Hide quest which gives the common Battle-Scarred Helmet?


    Why is Balmorra so broken? it has the 10 side story arc missions and get everything except the Helmet, I also did the side quests or bonus quests but nothing.


    I'm worried because I keep in my character all gears sinse TARIS (EMPIRE), BALMORRA (REPUBLIC) plus First gear (Korriban, Hutta/Tython, Ord Mantell)

    I'm weird I know but I keep gears 'cause I like it.

  3. Hello, I was playing in my Jedi Consular in the sub-category Jedi Shadow but I just focused in the footsteps sound but it was missed. This happen while you are in the threat mode (When your double-bladed lightsaber/Electrostaff is on) you walk, run there isn't footsteps sound effect.


    Then I jump to my Sith Inquisitor (Sith Assassin) and it also had the same issue


    That only happens to these classes, the others are fine.

  4. Hello everyone, I just noticed that these skills are gone and I don't know if it is a bug that is happening only to me or to everyone.

    In my Smuggler (Gunslinger) and in my Imperial agent (Sniper) I had the speacialization Saboteur/Engineering, but I just overview the other specialization (Sharpshooter/Marksmanship) and one of the abilitied at lvl 26 said "Replace Speed shots/Series of shots) but I do not find this skills in my trainers or been trained.


    I'm beyond lvl 26 in my Imp. Agent


    Do someone know what is happening?

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