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Posts posted by doggwa

  1. I play a t3 scout for nearly every Dom match at start. And I agree that I'll change to something else on first death against a good team due to the lack of firepower the t3 brings.


    What if tensor was cooler though? Maybe mixing in hold the line, cleansing interdiction and ion slows for 10sec? Would give more mid game value...

  2. So awesome attitude man, glad you are having fun with it.


    One note though, likely not a hack or a bug. You probably just spawned into a mess of mines / drones and got rocked a bit before you know what hit ya.


    Death match games used to have the capital ship fight in the past, but that was turned off because the other team is the objective. I agree with them turning it off for that reason. Before this, a bunch of GS would sit on the capital ship and plink from the safety of the cap ship turrets. Made for boring, drawn out matches. I'm not saying that camping spawns doesn't suck or anything... because it does... but there are two other spawns to choose from when it happens.


    But coo bud, see you in the skies.

  3. I don't like this idea at all.


    First, it's not enough of a penalty to force people into playing whatever.


    Valid I guess. I just figure that when folk try to adapt to put the other team at a disadvantage, it would introduce a penalty for dying. The advantage you gain better be better than the slight disadvantage of respawn time. You try to bring a tank bomber into the game, finally get rapid fired to death, it takes longer to come back again.


    Second, if someone flies "bombers against two shippers" it's probably because he doesn't want to go farm them hard, and while I generally disagree with that sentiment entirely, it's reasonable to allow players to not have to play the aggro ships when they want to be nice to newbs.


    Nah. Pilots are bloodthirsty on harb. I personally would rather feel like I'm making someone work and dying than getting plucked by turrets, mines, and faced with something I hit for 4 holding the sat.



    Third, people would feel compelled to pick their "good" ship, and the whole point of the hanger is not to have one of those.


    People already pick their good ship. That's why they start with something else, then change to a charged plating bomber against opponents that have very little counter.


    This change would inconvenience me, and not improve the game for anyone.


    You are probably right here though. I was just throwing out an idea to have a match maker that might actually match more than ur a pub and ur an imp.


    Thanks for an actual response sir. I'll mull it over more.

  4. Been flying stock lately on new toons and noticed that folk like to all jump in bombers when they see two shippers.


    What if there was a primary ship slot that one would choose before they queue to try to balance teams? That way matchmaker could attempt to pre balance ship types and avoid teams of stacked gunships and bombers, or at least evenly stack them on both sides.


    If you use a ship outside your primary ship type during the course of the match, you are penalised with x2 spawn time between deaths.



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