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Posts posted by MrArrogant

  1. Yes, exactly. When you see them briefly in the first two chapters, they are exactly how you left them. The ones that appear again though, they appear to be permanently in default skins during cutscenes. However, during gameplay they still have the correct customization gear. Which means they awkwardly change appearances between gameplay and cutscenes. HK-51 is one such example.


    I haven't seen what happens with customized Kaliyo though.


    That's weird. So it's like they still have the customizations attributed to the character but just aren't displaying it in cinematics after they return. I thought maybe it was a case where they just mailed the old gear/customizations to you so they were no longer attached to the character. That does sound like more of a bug.


    I had to go back and check screen shots, because I didn't really pay attention to this, but I can confirm that for my IA, Kaliyo kept her customization throughout KOTFE.


    I compared vanilla screenshots to KOTFE screenshots, and she looks identical (except for the outfit). The picture of her in the teaser with the tatoos down her chin does not match my Kaliyo.


    That's really interesting. So Kaliyo is showing up correctly according to her customization in cinematics in the newest chapter? So is this just fixed with Kaliyo or did they fix this for all the companions now? Has anyone ran through the beginning KOTFE chapters after this newest patch and seen whether companions now retain their customizations in cinematics?


    Not that I don't believe you but would you mind posting those screenshots with Kaliyo customized in the new cinematics? I'm curious to see it.

  2. Except for at the beginning, they reset to their default appearances. When I submitted a ticket, I was told this was a bug. But it appears to affect everyone.


    When you say, "Except at the beginning," do you mean they initially show up with their customized faces in KOTFE? Perhaps before the time jump and then after they reappear they're back to their default appearances? If so, maybe it is a bug they'll maybe fix... one day...



    It's not weird in terms of story - there is a time jump of 5 years, and in those 5 years the companions think your character is most likely dead. So it would make sense that they would move on with their lives and would have different outfits. It could probably be a bit strange with the customizations but what can I say other than 'suspension of disbelief'?.


    The new oufits don't bug me. I was just curious about that. I would hope after being gone five years they could start picking out their own clothes. I just wish the faces/customizations would be consistent with the way they looked previously.


    Depends. Some companions return as characters in the overall KOTFE story (Kalyo, SCORPIO) and are involved in the plot, others (Pierce, Qyzen etc.) are recruited via regular quests and although you can talk to them as you recruit them, they don't appear to be crucial to the KOTFE story and so far seem like the passive observers. It's probably something that would vary on a companion by companion base. I think that every character would have one or two companions that would be "important" and thus have a bigger role, and the rest would probably be just filler, but there is no way to be sure until more chapters come out and more companions come back.


    I know Kaliyo came back in this latest chapter, but I wonder how involved the returning companions will be in the main storyline going forward? I guess since this is the first chapter after the initial launch it's too soon to tell. My impression/guess was that they'd sort of "star" in one chapter then sort of get sidelined thereafter to keep down VO costs. If that's the case, it just makes it more annoying the one chapter you get to interact with them they don't have the faces you'd previously gotten used to.


    Oh well, thanks for all of the info everyone!

  3. Thanks for the info. So it sounds like they'll appear with their default faces until re-recruited at which point you can recustomize them?


    I like to record the class story cinematics and edit them into full videos with the whole story. I try to keep things consistent as possible so it might be weird to have the whole class arc with Companions looking one way then having them reset once you hit KOTFE. That's the main reason I was curious.


    Once you've gone through the story to recruit the character do old companions continue to be involved in the story or do they just hang out in cinematics as passive observers like they did in non-class cinematics in the original game?

  4. Maybe minor spoilers? I know there's a time jump so if they're wearing different clothes I guess that makes sense and isn't a big deal. I guess I was more curious about the customizations? If their faces are getting reset to their defaults maybe I should just stick with the original looks for my companions on my initial class story playthroughs?
  5. This bug has been around for a while but I thought I'd try bringing it up again because it really annoys me and I wish it would get fixed.


    Basically, unifying/matching colors doesn't work in cinematics when you're trying to match to the default color of a chest piece. If you have a dye in the chest piece it will usually work, but default colors are ignored.


    Screenshots to demonstrate:




  6. Is there any particular reason social points aren't carried across all the characters in your legacy? Reputation is legacy wide. Datacrons are legacy wide. I don't see why social points shouldn't be either? It's super annoying starting a new character and having a particular piece of gear in mind you want them in, but then you realize they don't have the social rank to use it. Then to use it you have to rank up that particular character when you maybe already have the rank with another character.


    I'd say sociability is a factor more reflective of the actual player, not the character they're playing as. Plus it adversely affects people who play multiple characters rather than those that just focus on one main though both players may be equally social with group play. Anyone else wish they'd change it to legacy wide? If not, why not?

  7. Holy crap the crafting window is a mess now! I don't even know where to begin. Multiple sub-categories with the same name. Sometimes I have double archives. Sometimes I have double adaptive armors. Etc.


    Everything is sorted totally wily nilly. I ended up with some of my old augments in the augment category. Some were in archive. Same with armors and other items. I have some orange armors in archive and some are in the various armor subcategories. This is like this for all the crafting professions. It seems like the old schematics are not as good as new schematics in terms of item level, yet they're mixed between the archive and regular categories. It's a mess to find things and figure out which ones to craft.


    Some items require the new sub-components. Some of the old archived items just have their old material costs. Along with the issue of reverse engineered items using weird materials like cybertech.


    Seriously, did we get a work-in-progress pass on the crafting system because this is an embarrassing mess? :(

  8. At first it seems like a cop-out, but I'm hoping this means we'll get more regular companion/contact storyline content. Say one month they want to do a storyline with a new potential companion. They only have to bring in that one voice actor rather than all sixteen VO actors for the main characters who may not be available. Especially if they're doing this stuff every month. You're probably not going to have access to the main character voice actors that often. It's a lot easier to get access to just the one VO actor for the follower. So I really hope this means we'll start seeing more of this type of content more regularly as it will be much more economical for them.
  9. Does anyone know what's happening with the Cartel Market Certificates? It sounds like they're no longer going to be included in packs. Are Reputation Vendor items still going to require Market Certificates to purchase certain items? If so, once we're out of certificates are we just no longer able to get those items anymore? That would kind of suck.


    If the certificates are being removed and are no longer required for item purchases, it would seem like I should use them before the patch. I'm surprised it doesn't seem like this has been elaborated on.

  10. Any clues as to what happens to our old reverse engineered items? Like I've spent a ton of time reverse engineering all the different stat versions of the implants/earpieces at every level including redoubt versions for those with tank stats. With all the main stats getting combined and blue gear being available as default, do all my old ones just disappear? Do they all turn into the same mastery stat version that's the same that everyone gets by default?


    I feel like everything I've been making credits on is going down the crapper. I'm just hoping I can still get some credits from selling the more interesting looking custom orange pieces. It will be a drop in the bucket though compared to what I used to be able to sell. Sad days. Time to start pinching those credits.

  11. Q1: How much of these companion changes apply retroactively to pre-KOTFE content? All of them?


    Q2: Following the previous question, does the ability to summon companions before we meet them in the storyline in KOTFE apply retroactively to allow us to summon companions before we meet them in the original class stories?


    Q2: I understand you don't have to wait around for your companions to appear in the storyline, but once they do appear, and say you make a choice to kill them or piss them off so they leave, are you still able to use them in non-story related content afterwards?


    Q4: Once you choose a combat role for your companion are these locked in at all or can you freely choose between them at any time?


    Q5: With all companions assuming any combat role, is there any differentiation between their abilities or do they all just employ the same stock abilities?


    Q6: Will there be additional companion side quests/story content for old or new companions or will all story related companion content just be part of the main ongoing storyline?


    Q7: If you haven't maxed your companions' affection pre-KOTFE are you locked out of all of those cutscenes/choices once you begin KOTFE?


    Q8: Following the previous question, are there new opportunities to initiate romances/marry old companions post-KOTFE if you change your mind about them and didn't start one of those relationships before?


    Q9: Can you build romance relationships with old companions that belonged to other classes previously?


    Q10: Will there be opportunities to romance previously unromanceable companions post-KOTFE?


    Q11: So are companion stats based solely on level or does "influence/affection" play into that as well?


    Q12: Any chance at getting appearance tabs for companions?


    Bonus Question: Are you ever going to fix companion color matching for default chest colors in story cutscenes?

  12. Yeah, it seems sort of fixed but sort of still messed up.


    I have one companion with a dyed chest piece and the rest of the pieces color matched. They do now all appear correctly during companion conversations.


    I have another companion on another character with no dyed pieces but the other armor pieces color matched to chest. During companion convos with them the other armor pieces are still not being color matched.

  13. well now i can't log in to any "west coast" server.

    i can log in all the east coast servers though.


    Same here. Getting error 1003 for all West Coast servers.


    Edit: NVM, as soon as I posted that I was finally able to get back in.

  14. I'd really like to see some more hairstyles in the game so I thought I'd start a thread where people could post suggestions about what hairstyles they'd like rather than have them scattered around individual various threads. Link to a picture so the devs can see clearly what it would like.


    As for me, I've wished for the longest time there was a classic Ceasar cut:





    You could call it the Imperial Cut or something like that.


    What other hairstyles for males or females would everyone else like to see added to the game?

  15. Yeah, I wasn't sure initially if they were filling out low pop servers from transfers from high pop but it looks like it's the opposite. It looks like several low pops are being funneled to a higher pop to create a larger playerbase rather than evening out the population. Essentially server merges (though they're diplomatically not calling it that.) If you don't move you'll realistically probably be stuck on a ghost town.
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