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Posts posted by Niros_Hawken

  1. i absolutely love so many of the lightsabers that are in the game, but one major problem that I find as a little pet peave is some of the lightsaber sounds that go with different sabers.


    Simply put I would love a way to change different sounds for weapons in the game, like having a saber sound like something similar to this https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/defiant-technographers-shoto/ , but instead coming out of a lightsaber like this, (one that i personally think looks amazing, but the ignition sound kinda ruins it for me)https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/darth-malgus-lightsaber-damaged/.


    i know its all preference and all and some people might like how some lightsabers sound, or might not care and just like the designs,and this is kinda nit picky,


    but I think that this could be a really awesome addition to the game.

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