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Posts posted by GambitSenpai

  1. It might sound a bit silly, but these bugs (and others) annoyed me so much I stopped playing for a while, but I'm so happy people have still been commenting on this thread trying to keep it alive, and some people avoided buying these weapons. It's a bit of a shame because these weapons look amazing with or without their holsters, if the devs can't be bothered to fix these bugs maybe they can add an option to hide holsters all together.

    Really hope these bugs will be addressed in 7.0, as with the combat styles update alot more people are going to be using pistols (and the force imbuded blades), and it's gonna be quite hard to miss.


    -- If you see other threads reporting the same bugs please either link them in this thread or link this thread somewhere else, anything to get this issue out there.

  2. Thanks HIddenPalm, I think I've seen some of your reports on the forum as well, don't know if I quoted them though , I'm really sorry to hear about your problems with the Devs, and I agree with you it's pretty poor form to release not one but multiple broken items, and honestly I can't imagine it would be that difficult to fix. It just seems as though when in beta testing they only ever tested it on Scoundrel's and Powertechs. Its pretty poor form/
  3. This is a Megathread dedicated to the holster related bugs for Anarchy, Mischief, Rascal's Way, Gambler's Luck and Payday Pistol. The common bugs are;

    - Holster for only main hand blaster, full stop.

    - Offhand Holster disappears randomly

    - Offhand Holster disappears after conversation

    - Offhand Holsters lacking detail, just the main hand holster shifted to the left, most notable in the GL pistol.

    - Holster visible whislt in stealh

    - Holsters disappear after using; Lucky Shots, Recuperate, Recharge and Reload, Hunter's Boon

    - Holsters also may disappear after dismounting

    - Also issues with Ancient Force Imbuded swords (look below for links, post #2 by SteveTheCynic)


    These are bugs that have been reported A LOT, but all these holstered weapons are very expensive, whether it be in credits or Cartel Coins, most players really enjoy these weapons and think they are a great addition to the game but for a game that places a great emphasis on visuals and character customization, it almost feels like a rip off.

    Below are a plethora of previously reported cases, but this isn't all the them, so please either bump or add to this don't start new threads, try not to get this buried.








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