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Posts posted by Togx

  1. So my guild is working on HM Soa last night when we notice a random bug. The lightning balls would randomly go invisible but continue to damage people. They would completely disappear but would keep moving at people and killing them with explosions and zaps. Has anybody else encountered this? How did you deal with it?


    We had our main tank + juggernaut dps taunt one lightning ball each in the 2nd phase(and run into them to make them explode), in the 3rd phase our juggernaut dps would taunt one lightning ball and destroy it while the others had to destroy the lightning balls that were targeting them ( just make sure you have enough health to survive the hit).

  2. They need to buff expertise so that it reduces more damage taken, currently DPS scaling is crazily good compared to healing scaling or survivability scaling, if this continues we'll all die in seconds when the next tier of pvp/pve gear comes.
  3. To help you guys, which the other elitists refuse to do, watch your debuffs.


    In hard/NM modes you have to rotate people around so a clean person is clicking at all times. The debuff is short enough so you can have 3 people in a rotation doing it.


    This is stupid, if you read any of the posts you would realize that the bug is that sometimes the consoles become unclickable, even if you don't have the debuff, or the consoles are clickable but nothing happens when you do click them.


    I did kill this boss two days ago, we had to reset the encounter twice due to the aforementioned bugs.

  4. Macros, combat logs etc. just make the game like math. No one likes math. Deal with it.


    Not sure if serious, some people do like math, and some people do like pushing their class. Currently there is no way to push your gameplay because you don't know what stats are most effective for dps, what rotation will grant you the best dps or even if some spells are worth casting or not. You are completely blindfolded while you play this game.

  5. Boundaries are part of the game. Boundaries are there by design. If you dont like the game, dont play it.


    BioWares programmers are mediocre?


    Prove it, start your own game development company and do it better. Put up or shut up:cool:


    I don't get it how they could at fail at refreshing the guild window whenever you press your guild keybind, or how they hard coded certain keybinds (bug report, seriously?), how they didn't implement a /roll function ( seriously, this is elementary programming).


    There are others, such as boarding party finishing when you kill Jorlund and not when the entire boss fight is over (this may also be a stupid design choice).

  6. I think it doesn't, if it does it's because the shot got off before you broke los. I've seen my Grav Round get cancelled plenty of times by my target going los. Maybe there's certain buildings that aren't breaking los properly?


    los breaks spells, but the pvp is so laggy and inconsistent that there's really no telling how early you need to los the ability to actually make it cancel on his end.

  7. And what bugs are these. All that happens to me is that the server sometimes crashes, and some lag, but all games have that.


    6 heroic flashpoints can't even be started, half of the bosses in the working heroic instances are horribly overtuned and/or bugged just to name a few things

  8. As far as CC is concerned, any longer duration CC heals you, such as Whirlwind, as compensation for being taken out of combat for so long. Everything else is on the order of about 4 second stuns, and there are diminishing returns.


    Whirlwind only heals npcs.

  9. I mean, they have made (and still making) a HUGE effort to make this game work...And all I see in their forums are community complains.


    I would like people to stop qq-ing for ALL and start to be a little more grateful about the great effort all the BW team is-was and will make on this.


    /target Bioware



    ty for this game, guys :)


    You do realize you'd be cheering on yourself since /target isn't in the game.

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