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Posts posted by moosecakes

  1. Any idea if there's a white short jacket similar to the one worn by Thrawn that's moddable?


    Sort of like this: http://furiousfanboys.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/AdmiralAlienAndCaptainMustache.jpg


    Also, is modding gear completely unviable for PvP? Or could you get away with using one piece?


    I'd rather look like an actual Imperial officer than some sort of generic ninja. :cool:


    There used to be an entire white uniform set in beta. You would collect the pieces while questing in DK. You'd get the white jacket by about level 13 and with match to chest you'd have an entirely white set with black boots.


    It was a great looking piece of armor but they took it away. The agent (frankly, all of the classes) had some amazing looking pieces in beta that are now gone since they decided to homogenize class style. Sad really - kills my motivation to play.

  2. Immortal, level 15. I just fought this smuggler, it was like I was poking him, can't stop his healing, just stands their and heals through it. Meanwhile, level 10 commandos are pumping out 100k+ damage.


    And the sundering assaults, the talent that gives 100% to give 2 armor debuffs on a strike isn't working, it only gives one.


    From my experience in beta, speccing as a tank before level 35 is pointless. You just don't have the HP pool to back it up and might as well go DPS. Operations before level 30 barely need a tank so you won't be missing out. Also, using a shield with a % proc chance is a great way to mitigate damage (though some will disagree with me on that).

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