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Posts posted by sycamoreleaf

  1. Was in a group earlier in a Vet Hammer Station. 2 70 sins (me + 1), 68 merc (arsenal) and a midbie mara. Had to ask the merc to use the kolto terminals since they were ranged. No problems with that after the first boss fight. Got to the double turrets at the light bridge and asked the merc to cc the far turret. Convo went like this:


    Merc: "With what?"

    Me: "Concussion Missile. It looks like a yellow bubble."

    Merc: "I don't have that on my bar."

    Me (half joking) "Bad merc. :p Everyone should have their interrupt and cc pulled out."

    Merc: "Well why doesn't anyone else have it pulled out?"

    Me: "You are the only one that can cc the turret. No one else has that ability."


    Just proves what I've been saying for years - people just don't learn their classes and abilities thanks to Romper Room mode. :rolleyes:


    *pauses to wonder* ... *wonders a bit more*


    Not gonna dispute the fact that they probably should have figured out what their own abilities should do but as an assassin shouldn't you and the other sin also have whirlwind? The only one who did not have a stun in that fight was the mara. This is probably besides the point and heavily nitpicky but then again, he had half a point. Credit where credit was due.

  2. Just had a vet BH with a DPS who clicked every single kolto station in the Jos and Valk fight.


    Start of the fight, click-click-click-click. All four on cooldown. As soon as they came off cooldown, he was off again; click-click-click-click. Didn't matter if we needed them or not, it seemed they were not allowed to be available. He stopped when we got the four beasts, but as soon as both Jos and Valk were back down, he was off again - click-click-click-click. :rolleyes:


    How the hell he never got booted off the edge, I will never know.


    Well... guess he was erring on the side of caution, at least? As long as you made it out of the fight with minimum repair bills everything ended well. Knowing how quickly that fight can go sour this sort of weird is just a funny kind of weird. Though lack of lava death makes me incredibly curious - what class were they playing?

  3. I honestly don't thing gear restriction (for the older flashpoints at least) will acomplish anything other than longer que times. What I think would be more helpful would be an achivement-level restriction for it. Like, if you have not run the veteran flashpoint of the flashpoint X times (or at least the one time...) this flashpoint will not open to you in master mode. O something along the lines... idk, just an idea.
  4. ... well... this thread got hostile pretty fast.


    Personally though, I don't think solo ops should exist - the whole reason for 8 to 16-man content is to be done in 8 to 16 people. Take the element of group away and you take away the mechanics, meaning you take away the elements that made them fun in the first place. If what we are asking for here is story instanced single player raid-mechanic-hinting content we have the KOTET and KOTFE chapters.


    What I would like though is solo closure for operation like the Dread Master arc in the style of Temple of Sacrifice (or something similar). This is not to be confused to a solo mode ops as we would think of it, but a slice of content that would help you complete a story that would otherwise only be completed in an operation.


    For SoR, maybe the daily grind was not as fun as the ops itself ended up being but the fact that the game allowed me to find closure to the story as a non-raider left me satisfied. I had my end to SoR at my pace and allowed me to enjoy the story it was telling me. Meanwhile Oricon bugged me for YEARS until I trusted my gaming and social skills enough to get into ops. Since then DF and DP have become some of my favorite ops in the game but the road to the finish line is waaay to long if you have ether a) never played an mmo before, b) don't have friends, c) don't have a guild to help you get into ops or c) all of the above.


    However I don't know if there is anything to be added in the case I presented here that would not end up ruining the epicness of the last bosses in the Dread Master arc. There can be something here but I am not clever enough to figure out what could have been done differently.

  5. Thank you for the video and well done on the kill!


    Secondly though, I sadly don't think this and the thread(s?) asking for the nerf on this boss is necessarily reflecting the player base's varying levels of skill (though... it also kinda does but I have a point! hear me out!) but more how some people just cannot collaborate for some reason or another. I have been in groups of people I KNOW to be top of their game individually but together something just does not click. Player skill is not a big an issue as lack of coordination for this fight. I mean... op did mention this was a group of friends? So I guess they all knew their strong points and weak points and when you raid with friends there is this sense where "we goofed - ah well, we'll get it done, don't worry lads!" where with pugs it's more "that person did not pull it their all it is time to replace them nobody has time to pull out a strategy session and see where we got it wrong we must blame someone they are sabotaging the raid!".


    Sure, it's not always the case - I have pugged some glorious pugs myself but it's sadly not a rule when going in... Trusting the person next to you is vital in group content - if you cannot trust the person next to you to do the group has a problem. You can be the best healer in the world but if the dps or tank don't trusth you to keep you alive or ask too much of you... something will crash and burn. (Mostly the dent in your credits once you repair all that gear :jawa_redface:).


    It's nobody fault when this happens, really - sometimes a group just doesn't work. Nothing to do then except try again. :jawa_wink:

  6. I don't get to say this often while these events actually take place, but you and your team are awesome for doing this! Let nobody tell you otherwise. Extending this invitation to the stray ones out there or to those who are in smaller guilds makes the server feels more and more like a great big noisy home, even if it's just to kill each other. From the Darth Malgus server, thank you very much for all you and your team have done and are doing here!


    Hope to see you next time as well! :jawa_smile:

  7. I was fully expecting this one to be on fire considering recent events, but alas, you got me and my poorly worded tale of annoyance - mostly with myself and the gods of random than anyone else.


    Still leveling some young toons in between the daily routines of a end-level player life, so low and behold I am on my level 20-something at the time assassin and in pops Umbara because of course I don't un-tick the ones inappropriate for my level. I hate myself like that. Don't even finish loading in and our group already consists of 3 people now. I can't recall if we get a healer or if someone pulls out a healer companion but we somehow finish it... though WHY out of the 2 other level 70's we had, one a jugg... was the boss drawned to the tiny 20-assassin... :jawa_frown:


    I switch toons to rep side to a level 15 gunslinger and in pops Umbara. I am sweating and swearing and I even say in chat that I have no idea what the game wants from me. I mean, I have literally 2 abilities at this point. I am not considerate enough to leave though... I probably should have but I ask if anyone has a problem with me being here. As the last time one is already at this point (clever one...) and so there is me, a truly awesome 60-something vanguard (shoutout to you awesome person) and a... rather peculiar level 70 sage that said not a word the whole flashpoint... and seems determined to keep holding on to their healing companion (truth be told I was the first one to ask if anyone had a high-influcne healing companion) and.... well... my god the vanguard and I were trying so hard. The sake kept straying away from the group, apparently feeling invincible in there. I am not even sure they were reading the chat. It was... so strange. Somehow we made it to the last boss despite so much death because the sage kept dc-ing so of course we lost our healer and after waiting for the sage to come back from their prelongued dc on the last boss the vanguard and I pull a vote kick, pull our our comps and finish the flashpoint and I need a drink.


    In comes the next day I que again on my assassin and up pops Umbara (I am detecting a horrifying pattern here!) One of them admits this is their first time and I try to explain all the tactics and keep the bosses on me and in position and run to the healing stations when they are there but by god I am so tired or all this multitasking as a low level in these flashpoints... This time though maybe my exhaustion is showing but try as we might this time we just cannot kill the boss. We always get overwhelmed by adds at the last stage (2%... 2 kriffing % :jawa_mad: ) I do what I should the first time and tell them all sorry, this is the best that I could do and I drop group, wish them luck (and I really did mean that, they were really trying just lacking experience) and went to bed.


    Next day, I am back on my assassin... I que... HALLELUJAH, IT'S HAMMER STATION :jawa_tongue:

  8. First, congrats on one shotting Brontes.


    Second, when you get that glitch, can you not whisper people at all? I would have appreciated a whisper saying "hey we can't share this due to a bug".


    What remains of my sanity thanks you.


    And definitely not saying it wasn't weird, it was definitely weird - but in my experience the bug works like this: nether the one who enters the in-progress ops or the ones already in the ops group will see what the other is writing. It basically mutes chat both ways. So if you saw nothing during the whole run coming from the /ops chat they never saw your request ether. So to them you were also weird for not saying a word during the whole ops, just as they were weird for you for not saying a word.


    I have no idea how this is possible it's just... a thing... a weird inconvenience of a thing that... exists for some reason.

  9. Last night on Satele Shan, I saw a call needing a tank for the third boss of EV. I thought, "well, I'll give it a shot" and queued and was immediately paired up with the group, mostly a guild run. I zoned in and said hi, and was met with silence.


    I realized once I zoned in that I'd forgotten to get the weekly for EV, so I asked in ops chat, "share the weekly plz?".




    I asked again. And after the pylons. And at least once after the Infernal Council. Silence. No one said a damn thing to me. So while it was partially my fault, they also screwed me out of 10k+ CXP.


    And is it just my wonderful luck, but have there been more DPS queued as healers or tanks since the server merge?


    Not saying this is not weird but then again I'm wondering... is the bug where people joining an in-progress ops group though GF don't see the /ops chat still active? Because a while ago whenever we would get someone though group finder we would always switch to /1 or /say just because of that odd mess of a code.


    Speaking of, I have another fun one for you all: few months ago I pugged a heal for DF. A friend of mine was tanking and I knew most of the people already in group to be very good players. They're all a fun bunch as well - nice and chatty and all in all it's a perfect atmosphere. Sweet ride, I tell myself.


    20 minutes in and the tank is on the verge of a mental breakdown, the wipes on trash are giving me an ulcer and the amount of death on sweet Corruptor dude has me crying. I can hear the "mmmmmmmmmmmm watcha saaaaaay" all around me when people are dying on the fingers right before the final boss. My being has left my body and I am a broken shell of my former self. I welcome death. Then we reach Brontes and let me tell you all I am on my operative healer. He is cursed with something BAD happening during that fight. SOMETHING is ALWAYS wrong in that fight. I take a deep breath because we've been here two hours and...


    It was the best Brontes fight I have ever been a part of. Nobody's health ever dropped below 80%, everything was cleansed, adds were taken care of the second they spawned, nobody was left behind of the clock phase, Brontes down in blink. We say our thanks, /roll for loot and wish each other a good night.




    I am still in denial though... I mean... there was wiping on the first boss... as well as all the others... and on the trash... repeatedly on the trash... so HOW DID WE MANAGE TO ONE-SHOT BRONTES?!

  10. I think we're all missing something here though. Look at it this way: after the merge we have 1) bunch of new people meeting for the first time and when meeting for the first time on the battle field not knowing what to expect from their opponents and team-mates, so naturally some goofs will be afoot as we get our bearings, 2) people coming back to the game BECAUSE of the merge and 3) one of the requirements for getting the new companion being 3 warzone matches meaning non-pvpers will be pvping for a while for the achievement. Combined, all of these will make for a few chaotic days until everything will sort itself out and the ones pvping will mostly be the ones who regularly pvp again. Give it time. Though pointing fingers at a group of people and labeling them as the source of the problem is not cool bro.
  11. I sadly don't have any numbers to give you - probably someone more knolagable than me can - but in my humble experience of running flashpoints daily for the past 2 years I can count the deco drops on just the one hand. One and a half if I am being EXTREMELY generous. Maybe rng is just not with me but unless proven otherwise I have placed flashpoint decos on the swtor endangered species list.


    Which is a shame since some flashpoints have some awesome decos hidden in them there... somwhere... somewhere secret... someplace safe... shutting up now.

  12. Nah, my pug group back in Meltdown wasn't all that bad by the end of it (bless their noobish hearts). They finally got the mechanic right after another wipe on the sand demon and after coaching them through the rest of the boss fights there were no more wipes till the end of the flashpoint. Though I... SOMEHOW managed to steal agro and tank the jungle creature and the boss at the end... you know what, don't ask.


    Speaking of... *hears mentions of Blood Hunt*... *WAR FLASHBACKS*


    Ok so... since the subject came back up I feel like I need to share something pretty personal. Blood Hunt and I have... a history together. See, when I que I am not smart enough to un-tick stuff from the lot and just go head-first into the unknown. The week I landed in 5 Master Lost Island runs in a row didn't teach me better ether. But this is not about that, this is about a time a few months ago when I would get ether Blood Hunt or Manaan over and over and over and over and OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN. My guildmates keep saying I am cursed and I believe them. There is no way RNG would be this cruel to me. Also, the pugs I landed in for them were ether hit or miss - one miss in particular though stayed with me to this day.


    Anyone remember that one creepy bug where after leaving a group you could still see the chat for that group? Yes, that bug. Well, after dropping a group after 4 wipes on The Happy Mando Couple (I was playing my mara trying to "tank" as the lone level 70 of the group but then again.... maras still very squishy...), see chat light that group blue with my former group getting a replacement and trying again. I let them all know in /whisper that I am still seeing them talking and go on with my day you know, doing stuff like... picking up the Balmorra Heroics, finishing the Balmorra Heroics... joining an ops group for Karaggas Palace... finishing the ops for Karagga's Palace...


    I remember being on fleet after the run and watching in horror that blue chat pop much as it has regularly in the past 1+ hour because THEY WERE STILL AT JOS AND VALK. :jawa_eek:


    I still don't know if I am impressed by their stamina, awed by their determination or simply horrified they were at it for so long.

  13. *slides in nervously* Hello! First time posting here but a long time avid fan of the thread. Thanks all for the memorable stories! Not once did I have to excuse myself from a room to go laugh in private because of you guy ;)


    But yes, you're not here to hear me praise you. You're here to hear tales of mayhem, chaos and irredeemable stupid! Well!!!!.... I might have a short incident I wish to share. So, because of the server merges coming up I've been infiltrating- I mean making some alts on other servers to get to see who I'll be sharing game with. For most of it I'm a happy soon-to-be-ex-progenitor camper, so I say "you know... I got this toon to 24 already, what's the harm in quing for a quick one?". In group finder I go! Insta-pop for in progress Czerka Core Meltdown with a bunch of 60+ comrades. I tell to myself "Awesome! I haven't been carried through a flashpoint in months!"


    Less then a minute in you can hear a lone level 24 madness sorc, a tiny speck in the distance, so young and poorly geared, yell in chat with all their might: "MOVE HIM TO THE GREEN GLOWING GENERATOR! THE GLOWING GENERATOR!!!"

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