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Posts posted by CtpUK

  1. Difficulty in 16man encounters is based mainly around the space available in the fight area, managing where to stand and not getting caught in AoE (ie Karagga, fitting 16 people in the ever decreasing space between the fire patches).


    Saying that, the only fight that I feel can be considered a real jump in difficulty between HM & Nightmare is Jarg & Sorno. If just one thing goes wrong, it can mean a wipe, and requires real co-ordination between splitting dps/interrupts/positioning etc.


    But the fact remains, it's not as if 90% of guilds are clearing 16-man Nightmare now is it? Enjoy the moment and hopefully we will see the next set of Operations provide a slightly sterner challenge.

  2. Evening All.


    From our guilds perspective, 16-man Ops are seen as the way to go for a few reasons. Firstly, we have a player-base that has been together over a number of MMOs/online games, so it makes sense to involve as many as we can. Secondly, 8-man encounters feel slightly undertuned (or at least that is the perception we have). Clearing in 16-man gives us a greater sense of achievement.


    We took our first steps into Nightmare operations this week and were pleasantly surprised by the challenges we faced. Lets not kid ourselves, Hardmodes aren't exactly that big a step up from normal (all things considered). Wiping should be part and parcel of endgame content.


    But the question remains, how do you incentivise guilds to run larger Ops?


    I like the idea put forward by an earlier poster of introducing a 16-man only Operation into the game. I appreciate that this may alienate a few smaller sized guilds, however, is it really that difficult to have 20 or so active players.


    More loot in 16-man? I see it as being fine as it is. You shouldn't expect to gear an entire guild within 3 or so weeks. There are the added problems with Master Looter. We have our raid leader control group loot, asking our members to roll on each item as it is clicked. It takes time, but until Bioware sort the issue with less items/Alien Data cubes dropping on encounters with ML enabled, this is what we'll have to make do with.


    How about having a bonus boss for 16-man operations? Okay, I may get lambasted for this. Just a thought.

  3. Have to add to the previous replies on this topic. Soa is still bugged and needs fixing.


    We ventured into EV Nightmare (16-man) this week, and found a number of bugs remaining in the encounter:


    • Lightning Balls becoming invisible shortly after spawning, meaning some were caught by the aoe effect, or it crept up on people without them knowing they were near.
    • People being thrown into the air in phase 2, whilst being target of lightning balls. Upon landing, being hit for full damage and dying.
    • Mind trap on tank, yep, its still happening...
    • Lightning Balls falling in transition between phase 2-3. After jumping onto platforms, people being hit from nowhere.
    • Missing Platforms during transition between phase 2-3.
    • Random aggro in phase 3. Tank taunts, and Soa takes 2-3 seconds to respond, normally meaning he is out of position for pillars to break his shield.


    Please fix ASAP.

  4. Would be nice to have an update from the Devs as to when they plan on implementing changes to Armstech, rather than simply nerfing other crew skills.


    Personally, I don't feel that any profession (arms/cyber/armour) should be able to make gear that could be considered 'better' than any high-end/Hardmode Operation drop, but to not have recipes/schematics to at least gear you towards Hardmode operations is just bad design.

  5. What I find exacerbates people's anger at these random, extended maintenance times (stretching into prime EU hours), is the fact that Bioware/EA fail to state what they are fixing/patching until after said event.


    Also, one of my bug bares is the line ''thank you for your patience'' in their official statements/tweets. You can plainly see that there is a growing majority that would like answers and rather than it being assumed that we will be patient time and time again. 5 1/2 hours on a Saturday morning and early afternoon is just ridiculous.

  6. +1 Very well thought out post


    The real annoyances for me with the Sniper class are the fact that we need to be stationary to use 80% of our abilities. Makes PvP a nightmare, and from what I hear, Operations don't allow for this all that much either.


    "Cannot See Target" - random issues with sight, even though the mob is clearly in range and not hiding behind any visible objects.


    I have also had a problem where I press to go into cover, and whether it be due to lag or something else, the GCD just runs and I am left spamming the button until the game finally catches up (which can be more than 5 seconds) This does not happen with my other channelled abilities. When in a fight, it leaves me helpless.

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