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Posts posted by Deathsus

  1. It is sad to see that you are returning to so much being legacy bound. Limiting players to working one toon per day means that you limit the desire and incentive to log on to play for a sustained period of playing-time in the game. Not to mention you continue to limit small guilds from being competitive at all except to go for the small planet conquest and, at that, they have to grind like crazy to achieve even the small planet conquest goals. This slaps players right in the face that you promised these changes were to "Even the playing field". for conquest. You have developed an awesome game but you obviously don't understand **** about marketing. If you give me little reason to log on and play for a sustained period of time, then it simply doesn't warrant justifying paying a sub fee in order to play for an hour per day. Do you not understand that You need to create incentive for players to log on and stay logged in continuously playing to achieve goals and objectives. If not, They're just going to go find another game to play and spend more time in it. As it is, you've created such a pathetic grind situation to gather mats in order to craft the components that players have to spend way too much time just farming mats and that prevents them from being being able to enjoy the other aspects of the game. It certainly doesn't making attempting conquest goals enjoyable.Bottom line!!! When the game becomes a grind fest players simply lose interest. Give me a reason to do uprisings, Ops, and flashpoints. Give me incentive to play the game! A game that's a huge grind is not a game people are going to continue play. Call Blizzard! They suffered a great deal of loss of players when WOW became a Grind-Fest. Learn from others mistakes. On an additional note - on a matter that I have addressed before is you have allowed GSF and PVP to become a worthless part of the game. Until you address the hacking that goes on all too often. Several of my guildies and those from other guilds have filed tickets with player's Names, times and names of the matches, and the detailed actions that prove the hacking and accompanied Vid's to prove who the hackers are and what they are doing and yet you still do nothing. Your failure to act on this has sent a clear message that you won't do anything and Hackers continue to ruin gameplay for others. You have banned players for taking advantage of your glitches in the game but you do nothing for this malicious behavior. STUPID!


    Implementing the changes that you are doing in this patch - tying so much to legacy - are going to make it extremely difficult to even make conquest on the small planet. I have held out hope that you would wake up and listen to your subscribers. As it stands and the direction you have chosen, My decision to leave the game when my subscription is up is going to be assured.

  2. Eric. Thank you for listening to players concerns. The improvements in this patch are definitely a step in the right direction to improving play in the various aspects of the game. For those who enjoy playing one aspect more than another we can still have an opportunity to gain conquest and will improve our small guild's chance at accomplishing conquest as well. Well done! Please continue to examine additional ways to increase ways to increase the incentive to play all the wonderful facets of the game.It makes justifying playing more and therefore subscribing. As a side note - Please, PLEASE take action against the hackers in WZ's and GSF. I for one have stopped playing them (though I used to really enjoy them) because of the frequency of hacking since the consolidation of server, just makes it totally frustrating


    Thank you again



  3. You know anyone can make mistakes. It takes courage to admit it , strength to correct it, and integrity to make amends for it . Only a fool tries to continue in it.

    This was a huge mistake. The worst I've seen since launch. I hope your "team" shows some integrity and corrects it or I for one won't continue to put my money in it. Feel free to check my account. My history will show that I've spent better than $100 per month in SWTOR for quite a while and your lack of response to the community is quite disturbing. and aggrevating.

  4. Trying to be positive but honestly there is absolutely nothing to be positive about. In a single patch you have sucessfully destroyed much that has been the uniquenesses that drew people to play this game.

    Words like these have made this game worthy of playing and stand out among other MMP's: uniqueness, creativity, competitiveness, inviduality, and challenge.


    You have removed several aspects of the game that have destroyed these qualities of the game.

    (1) Responding to the cries of a very few lazy, self serving players, you removed the challenges to decorate strongholds with individual creativity that provided incentive to working their players and playng the game

    in order to reach achievements and bonuses - whether that's with 300 chairs or 200 yavin soldiers or with millions of credits of unique decos - who gives a crap! Let's just let people have them for some credits - this evens out the gameplay...? You ignore the fact that the rest of us still had to put forth effort and spend time and credits to earn ours and place whatever we might place in strongholds, especially for those of us who decorated elaborately. Sour grapes? Not at all! You obviously gave no thought to how this effects game play. You have ban players for doing less than what you have just done effecting other players and the game economy. How is this? Have you given any thought to how this destroys the economy of a great portion of the game. Whether on the AH or dealing with the many vnedors that, oh yea ...you had to earn rep with the many different factions in order to get the decos. Ah, but who gives a crap...it's just a game.


    Talking about affecting game play:

    You have previously raised the amount of toons players could have. Why? Your new conquest destroys any and all incentive (and ability)to make conquest on multiple toons.

    You have removed the incentive to play WZ's and GSF by limiting the the ability to get credit for participating in matches. You have handily rewarded the hackers (which you have repeatedly and continually refused to do anything about) and removed the ability of anyone to at least get credit for enduring the pain of putting up with them even though you know you don't stand a chance of scoring a win unless you were lucky enough to get a match without hackers - which is few and far between.


    You have destroyed the incentives to do (multiple?) FP's and Ops (Or to do them at all) in order to achieve conquest points - especialy (once again ) on multiple toons.

    You've destroyed the incentive to craft with the changes that you have made to the crafting - increasing the amount of materials needed over 5-fold and reducing the conquest reward at ridiculous cost.


    You've successfully destroyed any incentive to strive for end-game content or hard-mode content


    Do you not understand that making so many aspects of the game legacy - bound limits any real ability for progression in the game. Eliminating duplication with legacy is one thing but what you have done with legacy with this patch destroys the game play and incentives to play.Vote to BAN YOU!


    I want to suggest that you go to the EA investors web site and review the code of ethics and creed. You're in violation of your own code.

    UI changes are very disappointing. You can take the position that pepole will complain about changes because people generally just don't like change and there's a bit of truth in that point. But if you're going to change something and represent it as being for the better then it should exhibit better qualities. The point that is glaringly obvious is the UI changes are not thought out; They are tremendously lacking in needed detail and are in many aspects confusing. This after you represent that there was great thought and 6-7 months worth of work in this..? Realy? To improve the quality of play? BS!


    So It appears that you have effectively catered to the few single players who aren'ts uninvolved with guilds and don't want any challenges and want everything for nothing and really don't want challenges or incentives in the game. and certainly had no interest in conquest.

    Your stated goal was to "even the playing field" while in fact you ensured that only the very large guilds with large active rosters will have any success - GREAT JOB - YOU FAIL


    You say that you want to hear from the community but you do nothing about listening to us. You drove the bus right of the cliff and now want what..? input? BS! Hears my input I can't deal with your stupidity any longer. You've made another huge, absurd, moronic change to destroy the game...Again!


    If you don't respond to the community on this one - REVERSE THIS PATCH! FIRE YOUR SO-Called DEVELOPERS (who must also work as double agents for Blizzard). THEN...This time I let my subscription go! Enough aggrivation already. It's just a game.

  5. I personally think it's a shame to remove the need to decorate stronghols in order to get 100% credit for the stronghold. How easy do people think it should be to accomplish different aspects of the game. I want to push a button and have the best gear and maxed out on achievements so I don't have to work for anything. LAWL


    The result will be that people will readily become bored and leave the game .My recommendation is: Let's return to rewarding people for putting forth effort to gain the achievements of the best gear and best bonuses that the game has to offer. PLEASE stop catering the the little whiners. Perks in the game ought to be earned and worked for. That's what makes the game challenging and enjoyable.

  6. What I'm talking about is fully geared 248 lvl PVP's who know the game and have lvl 70-90 valore can't get a kill and imps side 1-shot everone. Speed hack in civil war allows them to get from one side to another instantly with no CD's. 50-69 kills per imp vs totally 0 kills on fully geared pub side is Obvious hacking. If you don't understand this then you don't understand the game and have never played it!
  7. Imps going thru gates without them being open on Voidstar matches. Imps averaging 40-50kilss to 0 kills from any pubs. I'd say that clearly hacking.
  8. I thought the new "Engines" were supposed to make it easier to deal with hackers in pvp and Starship missions. Several people have been making reports of the players and the matches on a constant basis where hackers are totally obvious and nothing is done. This is destroying the quality of gameplay. To not ban these players and send a clear message that this will not be tolerated just simply sends a message that you could care less about maintaining the quality of game play.This is going against your own creed as posted on the EA Investors site and the in game violation of the TOS. Is it time to form a web site that encourages doing a class action suit because of your defrauding of your subscribers or are we going to see you take a reasonable stewardship over the game.
  9. So rushing through to get the Umbara Stronghold only to be shocked when I find out you put a cap on the amount of Strongholds....WHAT??? Where was this posted??? This is crap!!! It's nothing more then selling something and not telling the customer that they have to give up what they have in order to buy a different one after the customer paid you their money. Never mind all the work to get through the Stupid Flashpoint 10 times to get the 60 tokens. You guys are idiots!
  10. The drops in this are pathetic. Numerous duplicates. I'm at command level 284 with only a few set pieces and have seen one 240 piece drop in 30 levels and drops of lower lvl gear than tier 3. Additionaly, There have been no PVP ques at all on our server for over 5 months and no Starfighter mission in over a year. Why are you not implementing cross-server queing? We are paying for features, events, and game aspects that we cannot get. Yet you advertise and promote that these exist for all players. We cannot experience these aspects without spending additional monies to transfer. This is defrauding your subscribers. This needs to change. Cross-server queing would solve most all of these issues except for the lousy drops in your "Comman Point" aspect of the game. For that you need to fire the idiots that created it and hire some WOW programmers so you have someone who can improve this game
  11. Bastion is not the only server suffering from low population issues and, Yes!, you mentioned only a few. BW has been intentionally ignoring the issue all along. It has been stated in several forums tht BioWare (BW). doesn't give a damn and will not even consider merging servers - Bad for business. There are other options and I do not understand why they are not considering them. One is to utilize "Cross-Server" play. WOW initiated this several years ago and it really improved the play and population/popularity of the game. In all FP's, WZ's, Ops ,etc. - All "Que's or GF's you could be playing with players from other servers. Que times went way down and they were always balanced groups.


    I find it interesting that no one as yet, that I can see, has challenged BW and EA legally regarding these issues. For instance - just to mention once facet: BW comes out with the DvsL event with achievements that players on low-populated servers can't possibly complete without spending bucks to tranfers legacy toons back and forth from one server to another more populated server, then back again after whatever tasks/achievements they need to accomplish are done. As a subscriber, I shouldn't be forced to spend additional monies just to play the aspects of the game (that are the basic part of the gameplay and now being made a major part of the gameplay theme).


    If you take the time to go to their investor's site and note their stated "Purpose" and "Code of ethics" - They're in violation of their own CoE.


    Come on EA/BW get your act together or you're going to get a real public awakening! Something as simple as "Cross-Server" can calm the storm that is coming.

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