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Posts posted by MasterKyral

  1. I thought Rogue One was a decent film. I'd go so far as to say it was the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strike Back.


    For me (I have varied likes) my favourite was the revenge of the sith, later on comes empire strikes back, rogue one wasnt the best film but also not the worst from my pov.

  2. Heroics are probably the best way to earn a decent amount of credits in a short amount of time, and can be repeated daily.


    You can solo most heroics with a healing companion, but if you do it with a group it's quicker.


    PVP and crafting are also decent, but heroics are probably the best. Most credit farming loops/exploits you find on youtube have either been nerfed, or already being abused and don't make as much anymore.


    Ok thanks man! :D


    Sadly none of my friends play swtor lol

  3. I think this would by far be the best, and most interesting, and like you said, we really don't know too much about him!




    Meh. I would deal if there was a movie, it would still be interesting, but I think a Qui-Gon movie would be the bigger draw. Still, it would be a decent film, I guess.




    Please no. Period, I hope Disney stay far away from him, and I think that he is even more overrated than Vader! At least, maybe his EU has just scared me off about him. Like, seriously, idk how any of his EU managed to be published! He and Luke are probably the two main reason why I have never read a SW book, except for the young Han series which was pretty decent.




    Especially because at first even Obi-Wan told Qui-Gon that Anakin was too old, and that the Jedi council would never accept him for training. Between episodes 1 and 2 I could probably see a fair bit of drama between those two, and plenty of frustration because like you said, Obi-Wan was still just a Padawan himself.


    Yeah about Palpy I am with you, I just felt the curiosity about him, like his years with plagueis and the rise, nothing else xD


    Anyways I liked your pov's about the different possible movies, and I have a question, do you think they should make a movie about the transition between The Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens? Because all that we know is that luke went emo mode and hid himself in an outer planet in which I dont know how he survived, The New Republic got wiped out, A massive army came out of nowhere with planet-killing planet (wat .-.) and what was the new republic became the resistance, apart from that we dont know much else lol I wouldnt mind some explaining

  4. IF they were to make a movie about someone it should be either qui-gonn, count dooku, palpatine or obi wan training anakin between SW1 and SW2 (maybe even mace windu, but I am not keen on that)


    Qui-Gonn: He is portrayed as a great jedi although we dont know much about him if you stop for a moment and think, it would be an interesting movie since he was dooku's apprentice and showed to be an expert force-weilder in his youth, thats why dooku took him.


    Count Dooku: He was a great jedi who left the order since he didnt want to be part of the republic, he wasnt a sith yet, but then Qui-Gonn's death made palpatine convince him to join the dark side, apart from that and that he is and expert force weilder, we dont know anything else about him, he might have many stories we dont know of.


    Palpatine: His youth is unknown by most of us, how became supreme chancellor, unknown too, he might have an interesting story to tell us that we yet don't know of?


    Obi Wain training anakin between SW1 and SW2: It would be interesting what and how Anakin trained, also, since obi-wan started training him when he himself was a padawan still, it may show us to the pressure he was set to, a padawan training the person who is the chosen one, it may be interesting how he felt and how the rest felt towards him.

  5. I believe there has been a petition going on for years now about that. Lucasfilm might do something like that in the future to expand canon's Old Republic Era but I'm not they'd do it for legends continuity. One can hope though.


    I believe a series would be best fit for the old republic, but I doubt lucasfilm or disney will even think to do one, and if they end up doing one, it will be like the 2003 clone wars series, in which chapters were 2 or 3 minutes of jedi just waving their sabers around and anakin speaking with a depressed urchin tone.

  6. Wow! I never expected this thread to get so popular - thanks for all the tips, folks, and keep them coming.


    I've updated my original post here with some of the juicier little tidbits you've all put together, but with lack of space I haven't been able to get them all in. Good job so far!





    • Escaping from a conversation before it's done allows you to redo pesky moral choices.
    • Galactic Republic and Sith Empire characters can communicate, but only in local (/say).
    • There's an 'Exit Area' button above your minimap when you're in a flashpoint - you don't have
      to run all the way back to the exit, or quick-travel.
    • There are commendation vendors for each planet (aside of Quesh) in your fleet supplies area;
      they sell the same gear as on the planets.
    • Closing a quest reward window causes a little "Pending Rewards" pop-up on the upper right of the screen.




    • Turn on 'area loot', and 'auto-loot' in your preferences menu to make looting much easier.
    • Hitting Ctrl+U twice in a row can solve mose UI issues.
    • You can click on stairwells/entranceways on the map to browse through them.
    • When you enter the chat you can use up and down arrows to scroll trough and reuse what you already have written.
    • Alt+f to set a focus target then Ctrl+f to target focus target's target.
    • Your focus target will seemingly clear after any conversation, but if you hit your focus swap button twice real quick with nothing targetted, it should reassign your focus to your previous focus target.
    • Going into 'Preferences' and then 'Controls' you can change the max camera distance.
    • You can split stacks by shift-left-clicking and dragging a stack to a new, empty bag spot.
    • You can also buy many copies of an item from a vendor the same way.
    • Ctrl+shift+F = Show your frame rate, in small numbering on the lower left side of your screen.
    • There's a button at the top-level of the mailbox window to loot all items and credits from mail.




    • Each companion has a codex entry that discusses their personality and stats.
    • You can use the N key to get your companion window open on your ship. If you want a different companion you can use the arrows next to their name to scroll through them. This way you can outfit your companions without summoning them.
    • When your companion wants to talk 'somewhere private', you can talk to them in a cantina
      (and likely any designated Rest Area). You only need to go to your ship when it says 'on your ship'.
    • You can revive a companion more quickly by simply dismissing and resummoning him. You can heal one quickly by mounting your vehicle and dismounting.
    • In the preferences, you can enable the tooltip comparison for equipment/gear for your active companion so you can compare an item to your active companion's gear in addition to yours.
    • You can expand a companion's ability bar (default key `) - to see what abilities they're using.
      Disable any area-effect abilities like grenades by right-clicking their green check boxes away if
      you don't want them to break crowd-control abilities you're using.


    Space Combat


    • Press space to do a barrel roll.
    • To fire proton torpedos, hold your targetting reticule on a target for several seconds till it gets a special icon.
    • You can fly around using BOTH keyboard and mouse. Helps navigating while shooting.
    • Make sure to check the spaceship upgrades vendors on the fleet. In particular, don't forget to buy the power converter unit for 30 fleet commendations as early as possible! It lets you switch between greater shield regeneration and much more powerful blasters.
    • In space combat, hold the right mouse button down to "paint" multiple targets, release and fire
    • multiple missiles at multiple targets simultaneously.
    • While firing lasers, your shields do not recharge. Take a break using missiles for a while to help
    • your shields recharge faster.




    • You can craft by using materials in your cargo, i.e. no need to have it take up space in inventory.
    • You can queue up to 5 crafted items per companion.
    • Reverse-engineering a crafted item gives you a chance of learning an improved version of the schematic.
    • Cancelling a crafting mission will get your mats back, or your money. It's actually an awesome way to 'withdraw' items from the bank, because the crafting materials can come from your bank, but are returned to your inventory.




    • You can use the Emergency Fleet Pass to instantly teleport to the Republic/Imperial Fleet from anywhere. It's in your skill box in general tab.
    • If you have a security key, there's a security key vendor on the Fleet that will sell you fleet passes with one hour cooldowns for 1000 credits.
    • Higher levels of speeders can take more hits before you get dismounted by attacks.
    • The /stuck command seems to work by teleporting you back a few steps, so it's actually useful
    • for more than just being stuck (especially when Datacron collecting).
    • Using a shielding ability such as Static Barrier helps absorb 'hits' from monsters while you're on your speeder.




    • The GTN terminals on the fleets are faction specific, but the one on Nar Shadaa can be browsed by any character.
    • Searching the /who window by 'LFG' will let you show everyone in the game using the system.
    • There are 3 datacrons on the starter worlds, and five on each beyond that. Datacrons are hidden objects which give stat boosts.
    • If you have a piece of orange-quality gear you like the look of, you can continually upgrade it's mods to keep being able to wear it into high levels. You can even strip mods from other items, and put them in your favorite orange gear. Ctrl+rightclick on an orange-quality item to bring up the modification interface.
    • Dueling can be useful! You can leap or be pulled by friends to locations, say, for getting unstuck or finding datacrons.
    • Female characters have a bit of a bonus, because there's four dress pieces of modifiable gear available on Coruscant - light armor - that male characters can't wear. Awesome especially as it's a long time before you can find another hat!


    Cheers. I'll keep updatin'!


    Awesome Thanks for the help :)

  7. Thank you.


    I dont have a ton of credits and its kind of expensive to extract the mods, so as long as I can do that and still put them in the legacy vault it is worth it.


    I was wondering about just selling those items to vendor, glad I didnt:)


    If you are having problems with money sell anything that is of no use for you, any starter medpacs, useless armour, old weapons, mods you dont use, etc.


    You can also win tons of credits in Alderaan, since the story arc mission there gives you 1k credits minimum for every objective you complete.


    I hope this helped you out :D

  8. So I am fairly advanced in the game but I want to know where I can find the augmentaion items to add to my lighstabers, I would also like to know where is it possible to buy lightsaber crystals and how they work (I dont really understand .-.)


    If anyone knows any video that could help me in this issue I will be very grateful :p

  9. I was wandering, the old republic has much to talk about,and much to explain, they could make an old republic series like for example the clone wars or maybe a saga of the old republic, it would be awesome from my point of view since it shows more or less how the sith and jedi developed and it also shows how the republic began, and how it was so well supported.


    I believe this could make a great addition to the universe of the old republic, wouldn't mind watching it too :D

  10. Yes?






    Darth Plagueis was killed by palpatine right before the day palpatine became the supreme chancellor, so there is no chance at all, since palpatine also removed his breathing systems so plagueis was unable to breathe, he eventually died, not being able to save himself (also palpatine electrocuted him and slashed him with his lightsaber, so there is no chance he could have survived

  11. So I bought the premium account for 60 days in swtor, It gave me access to the lightsabers in my inventory that needed rise of the hutt cartel to be able to use, that was all fine, then, I do another quest in which I received another lightsaber that needed rise of the hutt cartel dlc, for some reason, it did not allow me to use that lightsaber. Not only that, but when I recently just logged off, it sayed that my account was free to play, and the purchase of the rise of the hutt cartel link didnt appear below the "Become subscriber now" which is just below the status of your account (I am saying this because I am very bad explaining, so I just wanted to make things clear).


    Is there any way to fix this? I believe its a bug but maybe Bioware just changed it 2 seconds ago and I havent even realised, please help I am very confused by this situation.

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