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Posts posted by AnimatedCallum

  1. I know I speak for other players when I say we would love a hide hood option. This would give players a simple way to remove hoods on hooded chest pieces. I know I also speak for many when I say we greatly appreciate what your doing but we would also love this option for character customization if possible!
  2. I just transferred my character today from the Red Eclipse to the Ebon Hawk, his name is CÀLLUM and he is a level 70 Jedi Knight. I joined seeking a real star warsy roleplay experience and have thus far been very happy with what I have and would like to get even further into it by joining a strong active guild!


    Thanks for your time!

  3. Hey there all,


    I am considering moving my main char over to this server for a more role play and star-warsy experience and had some questions about the server.


    So my first question is, what is the roleplay like on this server. Is it really hardcore where you address others as master or apprentice or trooper or is it just like any other server where you just chat and chill out.


    My second question is, I myself live in the UK but often play SWTOR at ridiculous times, but what is the server like more in BST times, is it still active or nah?


    My third question is, is it worth it? Like is it worth transporting my char from red eclipse to this server.


    Thanks for your time, my aim is to have the best roleplay experience on SWTOR that I could possibly have!

  4. Let us all remember, What Christmas is really all about. No matter what you believe in or don't believe in. Or what your faith is? We all believe in at least one thing, we all have in common. Even if we all do not believe in God or a God. I like to think we ALL Believe in PEACE on EARTH and Peace, To all Human Beings.


    Happy Holidays to all.


    Let us all Give the Gift of Peace & Wellness, around the World.


    Peace be with you :)

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