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Posts posted by DarkMoriartous

  1. Hello there :)


    I am currently a Co-leader in a guild and feel its time to start my own, so the guild would be RP so events following a story would be constructed, ideas can be passed over the table. I am not set on a theme yet but it would be open to all classes as helping out any player would be great. For ranks there would be no defined structure of power but more specialized areas which would be assigned depending on level of knowledge and time spent with the guild.

    After some time I hope to run Ops and Heroics and all the fun stuff :)


    To get going I am looking for several Serious people to help me start this guild, with good experience and knowledge to help out new players, I refuse to spam General chat looking for someone to start a guild with who has whispered me saying they will as this is where problems occur, usually they are not active enough or they loose the novelty factor of maintaining a guild.

    We will set up a website for the guild and all of that good stuff too.


    Please note

    Preferably subscribers to be the core as I find F2P far too restrictive to run a guild.

    The guild is set on GMT zone.


    If you are interested you can reply below or mail me in the game at 'Mortiannah'

    hopefully we can create a fun, Knowledgeable and helpful community thank you



  2. Hello there, for some reason about five seconds into the introduction where my character is in view with the star ships burning in the distance it decides to freeze and I am unable to do anything other than close down the game.


    So far I have opened the game folders and deleted Bitraider and restarted the launcher but it crashed again. The repair button on the launcher would not work either so I'm pretty stuck. Any suggestions would be great thanks :)

  3. :) Your best bet is to check the Galactic Trade Market, it may be a quest reward also. If you spot a player wearing the Armor you can right click that person on the little circle with their characters head in and an option will appear `inspect player' this will bring up their character menu so you can see what armor they have equipped. Hope this helps :)



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