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Posts posted by Modru

  1. im done. ive waited and waited for them to fix the game. everytime they change something it seems to get worse......... clearly they have no idea what direction they want to take the game with. for every step forward they take 10 steps back.


    i was just looking at the 1.2 pts and some of its changes and i came out of the experience wondering *** why? why would you do this?


    and aside from the lack of direction with their changes.........they insist on ignoring one of the most prevalent problems. server populations. there are ALOT of servers out there where (especially republic) alot of us have very few people to play with. if we don't have people to play with its hard to do group content. if we can't do group content were paying to play a single player game.


    sorry my mistake............i thought this was an MMO.

  2. id like to point out the numerous times ive seen someone call out the WRONG direction.


    calling east west and vice versa.


    heres the thing most people aren't used to thinking or referencing directions in their daily life.



    hence you get the oddball wrong direction just as often as an incorrect left/right/ or a random your momma's arse comment.


    there is only ONE solution and only ONE correct answer to this and thats simply to label the objectives in an obvious visible fashion with unique names.


    A B and C would suffice.



    but you know what really gets me? is that some of your are incompetent enough to NEED someone to tell you where to go when someone needs help.


    can you really not put 2 + 2 together?



    the real problem is when no one calls for help at all. east/west/left/right/Mars/venus.


    what ever is called as least you know help is needed somewhere. you can figure out where. what you can't figure out is whether helps needed or not unless its asked for or you happen to be there..........which in that case you should be calling it out yourself as you run to help or fight off whatever incoming your facing.

  3. hmm just food for thought but imagine what an 8 man warzone group made up of


    4 marauders 1 jugg (tank spec) and 3 sorc healers could do?


    this 8 man group would be capable of destroying just about anything. infact it would be able to take on groups more than twice its size if we were to look at your average group make up.


    lets not forget intimidating roar..........(the aoe 8 second cc thats breaks on damage).


    and you would have 5 capable of popping that. yes resolve would come into play but not before you decimated 80% of the group you were fighting. and thats just icin gon the cake......


    4 marauders focusing down your healers and all of them get to be immune to damage at some point. and have 3 healers backing them up. heals bubbles and purge. and that jug over there taunting and taunting and protecting the heals in the background. just what would stop this group?

  4. Because I want to understand, i will say the class, not to complain about them, but just so i can get some pointers.


    Sith Assasin:


    Start of Civil War...3 of us run directly to East turret to cap it.( i was to circle around back of mid after)

    1. Stealthed Sith stops the Cap.(My first Surprise as I thought Stealth was slower, how did he get there that fast?)

    2. Stopped my cap with a stun

    3. I am a GS, i go straight into cover, hit him with -20% armor, leg pin to keep him in place for aimed shot and to get him off of the Jedi he was hitting....pin doesn't work, but I still get aimed shot off(don't remember what it hit for, but his HP doesn't move) (my aimed has hit 4,700 before)

    4. I continue to do a small rotation on him, but he pops stealth.

    5. He comes from behind and stun me again

    6. He finishes up the Jedi

    7. He starts on trooper, his HP is about 75%

    8. I break stun, and start thr rotation again(he doesn't bother LOS'ing)

    9. He kills trooper and his HP is about 40%

    10. I pop CD so I can't get stunned again, and continue to unload popping more energy CD and a Health pack

    11. I kill him with about about 1,300 HP left, and I Cap the turret


    Here's the best part


    12. I am recup'ing and the Jedi comes running back

    13. I get hit with stun, from the same Sith...he seems to be faster than this Jedi

    14. He ignores me ..AGAIN...kills Jedi, I get him down to about 60% and then I see a BH(healer) come running over from Mid, and I know I won't be able to get this guy down before the Healing starts so I gave up..and started dancing.



    Okay, so is there a Form for Sith Assins that mitigates Bullets? Because why ignore one of the highest DPS in the game who also has little survivability? Does he know how much dmg he is mitigating? Is there an ability that turns dmg into healing?


    I probably don't have enough info for anyone to go on, But I can say that at No time did I see him use an ability that I could interrupt. I didn't see any lighting, it was all saber dancing.



    PS: none of my stuns or KBs worked on him, and we lost 515 to 0, so the group I was with the pretty bad as well. Also, he didn't have any Stim, and only 3 buffs, noe of which was a Green sword like design that I assume was his form.



    resilience + deflection. look those up.

  5. Dear OP.


    It's threads like this that make me almost *want* the devs to ignore the player base.


    In the time it took you to come to the forums, log in and post this, you could have had your extra comms.


    ITT I see people asking, why can't we raise the cap? Why does there have to be a cap? The answer is simple. It gives you incentive to steadily gear up over time. Instead of hoarding all your comms for weeks and weeks and then boom, decking yourself out in full champ / BM overnight.


    In other games that shall not be named, that used to happen, and even in swtor it is painful for the people on the team of said hoarder, who comes in with his 11k hp, all blues, no expertise or pvp related gear at all, and just expects his team to carry him, even tho he has a bank full of comms / merc tokens....


    Then there's also the fact that they DONT want you to be able to save up excess amounts of comms / merc tokens once you're kitted out, so that when the next set of pvp gear is released u can just jump straight into it after grinding up the next few valor levels.


    Honestly, this is such a non issue it's hard to believe people would have issue with it. Will you sometimes lose comms when hitting the cap? Yes


    Will you always lose 80/90 comms? No, You might be at 925 comms and one warzone gives you the exact amount you need. Is this bad design? No. Is there something wrong with the current system? I honestly don't think there's a rational argument against it.


    The bottom line is, you *potentially* losing out on a few comms / artificially forcing you to get gear incrimentally / over time is WORKING AS INTENDED.


    See you on the battlefield guys.



    ok how about start throwing away all your change every time you pay for somethin gin real life.


    its only a couple dollars.

    its 50 cents.

    its 25 cents.


    its just change right? it doesn't matter amiright?

  6. And despite the nerf's I destroy fullly geared BM's of almost any class consistantly.


    I wear 1/2 cent gear 1/2 champ gear.


    Why? Because I'm that good at my class.


    So much so I get hate tells constantly.


    People ask me how to play operative I tell them PVP a lot.... But they don't understand just how much that is.


    I average 40 warzones a day. Most people can't even stomach 10.


    I never lose to my own class scrapper or concealment.


    I never lose to assassins (which is why I think they need a boost)


    I destroy tracer spam like I use toilet paper. So much so I can name 15-20 merc BH's who changed their specs because of me.


    I destroy PT's of any spec without breaking a sweat.


    I destroy marauders who aren't in full BM gear.


    No I'm not bragging, I am that ef'ing good at my class.


    I destroy every JK and SW I go up against save a VERY specific few which I can count on one hand.


    Ironically their spec of choice.




    Love ya man, you know I respect you... But your feeble jedi mind tricks won't work on me.


    Not this time.


    Despite all that.


    Yes I still think smash is OP.



    ah you have revealed the truth finally.


    theres something that can kill you soooooooo........NERF IT!


    amiright? haha. ya im right.


    still waiting on these screenshots or videos of a guardian/jugg hitting for 7k+ in march. you know this month, after all those changes to consumable stacking and the surge nerf.

    lets see something recent thats relevant.


    but you know why you and the OP will never post something like that? because its not possible and its quite clear that your a troll.


    you know whats even funnier? im a shadow......the class you said that needs a buff remember? and the funny thing is........i don't have a problem fighting rage/focus speced guardians or juggs. in fact theirs not one class im afraid of...... oh and heres the kicker...........im not even a kinetic shadow...

  7. That's awesome....I'd love to see that happen just for giggles.


    I'm assuming without a successful plant on that first door you can't move forward and plant on the second...too bad...



    its also possible to get past the force field as attackers before the round even starts. not gonna say how but ive done it before (it was an accident i was screwing around waiting for the round to start when i suddenly found myself on the other side.)


    also they need to fix the timer for defensive spawn. that should not be a global timer. luck has no place in a competitive pvp environment. because if your unlucky you can kill th elast guy defending a door just as the spawn door timer ends and he runs right back out attacking you well before you can plant. and he generally doesn't come alone.



    it would make more sense to have teh defenders have some sort of individual spawn timer.

  8. This:



    and this:







    lol this is so true. i was healing in huttball on my lowbie scoundrel the other day. i was keeping up a vanguard wasn't having to much of a problem and then for absolutely no reason i see him turn and toss the ball to me and the swarm of red overtook me.


    i was like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....dead.

  9. unless they fixed it in a recent patch you still get a victory with a warzone shutdown sequence. it works the same as if the timer ran out it just happens sooner.


    as far as blaming the quiters you can do that all you want. but heres my experience with that. i personally play to win. i go for objectives, i will ignore enemy kills just to get the objective and win the warzone. i normally average around 7-12 medals a warzone with this style of play.


    heres what happens. in one warzone (voidstar) we were attacking the first set of doors. i was playing my shadow and my general tactic is to stealth to the least guarded door wait for a distraction and take the door behind the fighting. it works fairly well.


    well in this one particular warzone i had this sage that became the "distraction" well when i left him in a 2v1 while i tried for a chance at the door. didn't get a chance this go around but his response was to ***** and nerd rage at me like you would not believe.


    you know what he started doing? he would go atatck the door i was at and try to lure the people who were beating on him to me (im stealthed remember) so they would see and attack me. of course he failed miserably an di used this to my advantage, i went out mid floor and as he brought them to me i dashed around and got the door while he was getting his *** spanked.


    if he had only done that from the get go and used that tiny little brain of his we would have been through the doors much sooner. that was just one of many bads ive encountered.


    when your playing with people like ^ that or people that spend the whole round farming medals and not actually trying to win give me ONE good reason to stay.


    when your own damn team tries to sabotage your efforts or simply only cares about medal farming are you telling me your going to whine and blame the quitters for your loss?


    these are the reasons people quit. hopefully ranked warzones alleviate some of this. putting more emphasis on commendations for gearing will help too. but its not going to stop the people that get fed up from playing with bads from quitting. at some point you can only take so much.


    if i see a team TRYING to win ( i don't care if were losing) but as long as were playing competitively and trying to win ill stay all day. but farming the pit for medals isn't what id call trying to win......

  10. oh and i have beat him but i know some people do still find this fight hard


    well 2 things.


    first being forced to use t7 (which some of us haven't used him since level 7) means his gear is completely inadequate and he dies in seconds. this means that you rpretty much forced to run completely solo without help from a companion. and no one wants to waste money buying upgrades for him to use for a single mission.


    second thing is that someone who doesn't know much about the fight might freak out and have a hard time dealing witht he copies he makes. while they don't really do much to you if you were to lose your targeting in the mess of clones and/or didn't realize you could ignore them and just dps the emperor down that will add some difficulty to the fight.


    really all you need to do is make sure your careful not to click off of him and just straight up ignore the copies and dps him down.



    i fell into the first category of being forced to use a companion with level 10 gear. however by the time i got around to doing this quest i was already 50 rocking pvp gear so it still didn't prove to be much of an issue. but i can see how a fresh 50 or someone lower than 50 might have problems.

  11. I agree the best heroic solo classes are healers with a tank companion. But stealth gives you a lot of options, for example I recently soloed the H4 pirate quest on taris where you don't have to kill mobs, you only have to use stuff lying around. Stealth in, use stuff, stealth out. Easy commendations.


    Being a tank usually doesn't help you with soloing heroics because while you can take more punishment you also don't kill mobs fast enough to survive. Healers simply outlast the mobs.


    Also, every class can solo Black Talon at level 10/11. It's extremely easy. Esseles on the other hand, no way, that Mandalorian boss is... boss.


    true the mechanics of black talons bosses make it much easier than esseles. not to mention you can't even do the bonus boss on esseles solo no matter even if you were level 50. have to have 2 players to activate the 2 switches together.


    i have soloed esseles as a level 10 sage before (minus bonus boss for obvious reasons) and it was much much more difficult.

  12. Since you want to solo some heroics, marauder is out of the question because you need a tank for that. End game wise, both can tank fine but if you want to dps, then assassin is more accepted in that role by other players. Both classes dps well but most people are uninformed and only see the Jugg as a tank class.


    you don't need a tank for heroics. most classes capable of healing are capable of soloing most 2+ heroics. 4+ is another story. im not sure theres any class that could solo a 4+ without simply out leveling the content.


    that being said assassins eventually get a 60 second cc. jedi knights don't. they also have the option of going tank spec and soaking up damage + healing companion. combine that with stealth and abilities like force cloak and of the options mentioned he becomes the best candidate for solo play.



    that being said i did manage to solo black talon as a level 11 marauder. (my jedi guardian and my shadow(jedi version of the sin) could NOT solo esseles).

  13. Hmm, true. Being in cover immune to force leap and grapple hooks does come in handy, I hadn't considered that when I wrote the other post. As for the constant knockbacks thing, I guess it happens to everyone so..whatever.

    Thanks for the reply.




    aside from being in range of a knockback and being knocked off an obstacle, knockbacks really only affect melee characters.


    for the rest of the ranged classes knockback and roots don't mean ****. as melee we can't do anything unless we are in 10m of the target. ranged classes have a 30m buffer, even a knockback isn't going to get you out of that range ( and i don't know why as a ranged character you were in range to be hit with that in the first place.)


    heres another issue some people fail to realize. because melee requires your in the thick of things beating on your enemy guess who gets focused on first?


    this means that melee get ********ed with cc (most of the time in a group situation as a guardian im the first to die) and for a melee a damned root pretty much = a stun.


    pretty much the way things are right now pvp as a melee character is a fricken nightmare. ranged characters have it so much easier. why do you think bioware tossed us the token buff with push reseting leaps cooldown? they know how bad it is on melee.

  14. yeaaaaaaaaa....



    about 6-7 seconds minimum of ramp up up time then over 20 seconds of downtime before you can do your next big hit.


    congrats you can do about 10k damage (counting some of the ramp up abilities here) every 20+ seconds with about 6 seconds worth of work.



    now consider this.......... a merc bounty hunter using only tracer missile spam..........ONLY TRACER Missile will toss out about the SAME damage in about the same amount of time.


    and thats ONLY if they use ONE button.


    the caveat is that a merc is doing single target damage (oh but do they have aoe, most definitely).



    and about 7k of the guardians damage was aoe........yes. but now you have downtime and it will be some time before you can do that big hit again.



    the bounty hunter just keeps on tracerin. again one button. im not even getting into their aoe's or that they might be doing some healing/defensive stuff to.



    id also like to point out the obvious........if we were that damn op everyone and their mother would be screaming for nerfs. *crickets*


    ya thats what i thought notice how the majority of the population calls for buffs to guardians and juggs?


    if you take one thing away from my post it needs to be this.


    you can't take things out of context when looking at balance. its like looking at a 1000 piece jiggsaw puzzle. you see 1 piece and think to yourself........i don't believe this piece fits with this puzzle.


    if you make your judgement call based off that one piece and throw it away.......guess what happens? once the other 999 pieces all come together your going to realize your missing a piece and that your puzzle is now flawed.


    alternatively your initial judgement could have been right............but you won't know without the other 999 pieces.

  15. Nerd Alert:


    In the E-U one of the Jedi's did not have the power of Telekinesis (the power to move objects via the force)


    Honest though. Sentinels feel really squishy to be..at about lvl 28-30 around alderaan.




    actually he did........if he absorbed enough energy. otherwise he had problems moving a pebble.


    but i see what your going for there. there are all sorts of force users......some better at mind and thought manipulation.......others are better at physical use of the force. some excel with energy absorption and manipulation.


    force users were not created equal.

  16. heres my little 2cents. ive got a 27 guardian currently. first im gonna say this ive noticed the MAJORITY of the people in this thread saying they don't have problems with threat are.........you guessed it! there not guardians! take it as you will but it is what it is.



    2nd......my experiences...


    this game reminds me more of vanilla wow in the early days when it comes to tanking.


    back then it was easy for dps to exceed thethreat of the tank. however with the tank getting a head start......and dps watching threat meters (something we don't have in this game) it worked out fairly well. plus at that point dps understood that that was how it worked and no one really complained.


    my first point.......group make up MATTERS! if you dont' have CC your gonna have a hell of a time getting through. im not saying you can't do it without CC, its just much harder on the tank and healer!


    second point......dps are so used to easy mode tanking/instances where threat is trivial that ive seen alot of dps PULL and start the fight before the tank was ready.


    that may not matter in easy mode WoW now days, but it matters in this game!


    third point.......you can't control how adept a player is at there class. i had a healer last night that during the 4 fight on boarding party would not refresh his one minute cc.

    our second cc person was a scoundrel and required stealth ou tof combat to cc (understandable that he couldn't, but i wonder *** bioware was thinking cause its kinda gimp compared to everyone elses cc).


    but when you add all this up its a damned frustration experience on a tank, especially on someone whos new to this game and its mechanics. and almost none of this is controllable by the tank. yes you can try and fix group make up....yes you can try and kick bads...........but the problem is that because everyone comes into this game with a WoW esque mindset that first blame falls to the tank even if its them that is causing all the problems.


    we are the ones that end up looking bad. add in ****** UI that bugs out half the time (freezes and is unresponsive) and abilities that start to go off then stop randomly it just makes life hell on a tank.


    i got us through boarding party, im still not sure how, but we got through........but damn i had to have some whiskey after that grouping experience.

  17. We have plenty of Force-y abilities


    Force Leap

    Force Stasis

    Saber Ward


    Guided by the Force


    Blade Storm

    Force Sweep

    Disable Droid

    Force Exhaustion(if you spec it)

    Zealous Leap(again if you spec it)




    i think he means he was looking for visual effect heavy force abilities.


    which if thats what he wants there is only 1 class that has the mix of melee and force abilities hes wanting.


    thats the shadow/assassin.

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