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Posts posted by UnumVeritas

  1. Well, I got the Origin package at the beginning of April since it had extras and the same price as two months, got the bonus CC from that along with the other things, but while it's counting subscriber status, it isn't giving me the monthly Cartel Coins either time. I have gotten the security key ones, but not the subscriber bonus'


    And this seems to be the only way to contact people about it since the issue site just points to calling a number for it and the in game channel isn't functioning...

  2. It is ridiculous that I can just do the three easiest Heroic 2s in the game (hi Ord Mantell), pop open a GC crate, and get better gear than I would get from doing HM Dread Master Brontes. The system completely devalues raiding!


    Although I can see your point of view--easy gear from playing the parts of the game you like most--I'm of the mind that loot/rewards should be commensurately better as you clear harder content.


    If your doing HM Dread Master Brontes, you're likely getting 3 or 4 crates in about the same time someone running heroics gets one of them. And you have a decent chance of getting other gear and recipes as well. I run ops, heroics, flashpoints, and pretty much everything, I've liked the crates because anything I'm doing is something towards equipping the character better. Do I always get something good out of those crates, no, but there were a lot of times with ops where I hadn't gotten anything either.


    I'd gotten a mix of 220 and 224 gear before that and it took months to do it, often running into the walls of being unable to go on ops with guild members to upgrade the gear because my gear was to low at the time for what would be a good point for those raids while I participated in the ones I could and expanded as I got gear.


    Now, while I'm still tier 2 (I believe I'm at rank 149 at the moment), I've got gear split pretty well for it and can do pretty much anything from that perspective that I want to do. I don't need to start a secondary grind if I want to do PvP anymore since it now uses the same gear and stats.


    Sure, I hate it when I've gone through several HM ops in a night and open the crates to find only a few greens, companion gifts, jawa junk, and legacy shells, but that is still more than I might end up getting from the operations at this point because everyone still wants the pieces.


    And more people gearing up faster means that there are more people running ops in the long run which means that there are going to be more opportunities to run those ops myself as I go on. Add that there will be better geared people running ops which tends to lower the gearing requirements for getting alts or new players started raiding to speed up the rate that the mindset development for it can be done more easily...

  3. Let's take the Shadow packs for an example.


    The shadow packs generally run anywhere from 4-8 million each on the GTN on Harbinger depending on the specific pack.


    I've not noticed any decrease in the price of the Shadow packs despite the Grand Shadow packs being sold.


    Does this mean that those Shadow packs are as high as they are only because they have the specific rep items tied to those packs? Not necessarily, but I'm going to guess that the rep item and chance at a CMC at least contribute to the high cost of those packs.


    Making the rep items and CMC's available in new packs or even by direct sale would definitely take away some of the value of those packs, IMO.


    Note, i am not arguing against making rep items or CMC's available again. I am only pointing out that doing so could "devalue" the older packs that contained those rep items and CMC's and that BW seems to be reluctant to "devalue" CM items, as evidenced by the recent direct sales and high cost for those direct sale items.


    One other thing to consider is that they have randomly brought back old packs off and on. The reputation really doesn't do that much without the CMCs to use them, and even then someone can already dump a few million into a slot machine and eventually get a few...


    The extra rep options would add a few more things to the command crates that wouldn't be disintegrated at the same time.


    Putting the CMC's at a little under the price of a months subscription would work since the items aren't collection unlockables and would need to be bought for different characters anyway. Though, perhaps in the 1K CC range if the items would be added to the collection when acquired (Give them a unique symbol and go with that).


    Hell, make the CMC's something that would use a pile of the command tokens to get instead because those tend to be disintegration fodder since the only thing you tend to use them for other than a couple for gear is to up your cxp rate...

  4. I was running a friend through the Star Fortress instances and noticed that the bonus mission goals don't award CXP unlike the other bonus goals that seem to pop up elsewhere. I then tried swapping to story mode to see if it was just a heroic thing and found the same thing.


    I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or not, but I figured that I would at least report it.

  5. Removing the credit cap isn't something that makes sense...the big thing with that would likely be just more credit spammers popping up...


    Raising it, perhaps tied into a duration of account time in use, could work.


    Perhaps after a month of play time, the credit cap would be a flat 500k...would make a lot of things easier for a lot of people

  6. I have recently acquired a cathar warstaff when it was on sale in the market for my shadow, however there is one major issue that I've recently noticed. The warstaff's base power is below the standard for weapons. Every other weapon, even those that cost less, have a base power of 60 for their type, where the warstaff is only 51...


    It makes the weapon a major disappointment because it doesn't match the capability of the other gears, and despite being a very interesting looking weapon to have for the character, well, that drop in stats, no matter how small, makes it impossible to justify hurting my characters capabilities both for on my own and in group content where it is often every little bit counts...


    Please fix the weapon and bring the cartel weapons up to par, I know they're intended to just be cosmetic, but with weapons you need to be able to keep pace...especially since companions can't utilize anything but their base ones, so it wouldn't even be useable on my sentinel to put on Kira now...

  7. I'd love to be able to customize companion costumes. There are a LOT of options that aren't the dancer/slave ones that can make for interesting options.


    Or at least more direct customization ones...


    In all honesty, I have bought the 'pub dancer and slave girl outfits, and had Kira in the dancer ones...come to think of it, I think she's still in it. It was an easy to get ahold of orange set at the time I started playing and after KotFE started, while I did recall her back, I only use her for crafting stuff since the companions with just the "phase 1" "upgrade" to the current setup aren't quite as set up properly as the ones that have...though the bracers and belt weren't something that matched that well there.

  8. Not Taris specifically, but with some of the heroics there can be issues if you do it in a group, especially if you're trying for the bonus' where some players might just be there for the quick completion. Illum and Alderaan (Pub side) tend to be the big ones there for certain ones. Both of those get you extra crystals if you finish the bonus quest, but with the autocomplete, well, it's not as fun to be working for them and then you lose the quest because someone either doesn't care or purposefully ends it early.
  9. Now that all companions are just "dual-bladed force-sensitive class" or "sniper rifle user non-force sensitive class" with skins, why not let use use our other legacy members as companions? For example running on my Imperius with my Wrath as my tank.

    They don't need to be acknowleged in story ofc, like the companion locater terminal summoned companions.


    Even better: make this a sub reward!


    Part of the issue might be the gifts there.


    Personally, a good first step would be to add a second "characters" thing for the stronghold decorations and let your legacy characters be put into your strongholds with the holo view for the active one.


    Might even work for the whole thing to be a workable bonus for future legacy unlocks...along with, hopefully, ones that reduce the price of HK-51 and Treek...

  10. 1. It would be nice to have the option of a 360 day subscription plan. As a long time fan of the Star Wars genre, who pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of the game, it was a little disappointing to have to buy 2 6 month plans as supposed to a more convenient 1 year plan.


    2. Why do the subscription plans break down differently than the purchase of cartel coins? In other words, when I pay $40 for Cartel Coins - 5500CC is immediately placed in my in-game account, so why when I purchase a 3/6 month subscription plan, do I not likewise receive all of my Cartel Coins up front - you got the 3/6 months payment up front??? Why after purchasing a 3/6 month subscription plan do I STILL have to wait to receive my cartel coins in 30 day increments as if I'm on a $15/mo. plan?


    I definitely agree about the year long sub option being something far more useful.


    For the cartel coin shift, the setup is a standardized one. It also means that if something gets released, you might want it and could get it at that point. Plus the coins are technically just a sub reward for each month subscribed, same as with the authenticator.

  11. Hi Bioware,


    It's quite nice to get companions from the opposite faction on KotFE, but sadly, all the customizations buyable in-came are BOP.


    It's sad enough we can't change the appearance of the KotFE new companions so would it be possible to make the customizations BOL or put a cross-faction customization vendor on Odessen ? (and maybe enable us to change the new companions equipment ? who cares if Lana, Theron or Senya ends up in skimpy outfits ?)


    I keep hoping that the current customizations get turned into essentially a drop down menu and learnable similar to how some titles currently are. And have them legacy wide.


    It would have more reasons to go looking for them, and work for them with events along with purchases of the various packs that have them possible.

  12. I agree that the patch days probably ought to be compensated for with more game time, at least if the patch has major issues. If for no other reason than to make the time be for actual playable time rather than when the servers are down.


    While I tend to hate comparing games, and this also ties into out of game issues, I remember a few years back when there was the massive windstorm that knocked out power and internet connections of all sorts through a few states in the midwest, Blizzard essentially paused all subscriptions in the effected areas due to it.


    Ended up with a lot of goodwill towards them from players at the time.


    In all honesty, the only things I could see on top of the time being something like a set of Event rewards if one is being run.


    For example, the reputation trophies for THORN and DNA canisters as if you'd done the event dailies for the current one, and something similar for the Bounty or Gree ones. Because that's a month before you can do more, and that's punishing for those trying to get Lokin or similar things.

  13. This is more of a general thing for the market, but I've been grabbing some of the customization options and looking at the cosmetics along with other things. The issue is in figuring out which ones I already have and which ones I want to get.


    Yes, there are currently ways to check, but they take a lot more time and effort to go back through for each of them if I'm trying to find ones.


    Having a mark in the corner of them in the Cartel Market if you already have that item (Character, Legacy, or Account) would make it far easier to find the things wanted.

  14. One thing that I've been noticing more and more that's been driving me nuts is the wait time for several heroics, or at least part of them. More noticeable with the early planets ones.


    This tends to link specifically to the heroics that are at least partially out of instances.


    Since my main is a Sentinel, I'll largely be pointing to ones available to the Republic and mainly Tython as well.


    Tython's single heroic is normally the only one of these that doesn't have an overabundance of competition. Spawn times seem to, largely, work well, though that just might be the large number of spawns there with the droids.


    Ord Mantell's 3 seem to have potential competition for some of the spawns...though that leads to another annoyance.


    With Coruscant, you often have 2-3 groups or solo players who get stuck waiting for the black sun to spawn for the bonus for the clinic, and it makes it a pain even if you aren't aiming for that. Add that the spawning seems to crawl, especially with other people hunting them as well. The spawn rate needs to be much higher, or perhaps scale to the number of players there.


    The others on Coruscant are instanced, so they're not that much of an issue there.


    Taris has the mutated rakghouls...5 spawn points, with 1 in 3 of those and 2 with the remainder. Add in other spawns that don't count, and the wandering elite...it's a pain in the rear to deal with there. Though the mando and locust ones seem to be about right.


    It happens in other ones as well, though the lower level planets tend to have more people there because, if you're lucky, they go quickly, and tend to be easier to do in the first place. Ilium sometimes has the same issue (Normally just when the Gree event is going on), but it's bonus is messed up in other ways since the bonus isn't visible for stage 3 (Though you can still go complete it and it then pops up again for a direct turn in).


    So, the basic suggestion is to adjust the spawn rates for parts of the heroic weeklies that are outside of instances.


    The other thing I'd like to see is for there to be parity in heroics, with the level synch and the alliance turn ins that max level get as rewards, there either needs to be an equal number of heroics for each class there, or just open up the ones from the other starting planet for your faction

  15. One of the things that bugs me with regard to the customizations is that there are several that look like something I'd like to see in use, but at the same time, they eat up space. This is even more of a pain with the difficult to get ones. For example, the ones from the rakghoul event are ones that end up expensive since they aren't really ones for a long term use and they take a lot to get and are limited in when you can get them anyway.


    What I would like to see happen is for them to be treated like the legacy titles or speeders, you use the item and learn it on either the character or legacy (I'd prefer Legacy there, but either works). Then when you open your character screen to the companion tab, you would either have a drop down box similar to titles or perhaps something similar to the way that vehicles are handled in the ability tab, and you would be able to select the ones for that companion you've learned.


    This kind of thing would also make the customization access appealing for more people since it isn't just a pick one and be basically done, but adds something else to collect without flooding storage space. Treeks bundle of customizations is another thing that would open up more, and anything with customizations available.

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