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Posts posted by Rymdhamster

  1. So far, mostly armor, weapons and mounts that I like on the Galactic Trade Network. And some on character/legacy unlocks.


    And I'll have to spend a lot more before I have everything I currently want. Mostly to expand my collections so I can make future characters to play with (for me, putting together a costume is an important part of the character creation process =).

  2. Always a difficult balance. To some extent, competition is good. Means SWTOR has to keep producing new stuff to stay competative.


    On the other hand, there is the inflation issue. To much new stuff (when that stuff isn't just new story, but bigger and better armor, weapons etc...) means the old stuff get worth less. Can be off putting for old timers who's put a lot of effort and possibly money into getting that old stuff.


    And of course the whole swtor engine is getting older and older. Suits me fine as I have an old computer, but there will come a day when the whole engine will have to be replaced or no new player will touch it with a ten foot stick (unless they are into retro).


    Sad to say, but I guess it is unavoidable that SWTOR will die one day.


    But then again, so did Star Wars Galaxies, and we got SWTOR instead...


    Best enjoy it now when it lasts, and it sounds like the 22nd to 24th febuary will be a perfect weekend for it. Maybe we'll get som peace and quiet for a couple of days ;)

  3. When did we get information about this? And how? I played yesterday but I didn't see anything about this. Would have been nice with a little hint that tonight would have been a good time to put in an hour of overtime, gone to the store or just planned a boardgame eavning.
  4. I've been playing this game since launch, and I can't recall a single time where this wasn't the case.

    Well, I've been a subscriber for a week. And I can't figure out half of what you just said.


    So you're probably right =)


    Still: technical problems, no gaming, details seem unneccecary.

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