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Posts posted by jtpriest

  1. This isn't intended to be a "beat up on Bioware" post, far from it. I want this game to succeed. Full disclosure, I bought the Digital Deluxe edition, bought a 6 month sub and bought this game for a friend so I am invested in this to some degree. I have multiple toons across multiple servers with two 50's participating in endgame raids and flash points.Haven't participated in PVP since launch so I will defer to others in what is wrong with PVP.


    This is a dangerous time for Bioware, as the window of opportunity to restore the trust the community had in this game is closing. It is hard to predict how much time it has left before the vast majority of players give up and unsubscribe. I'd venture to say it is between the launch of D3 and that of GW2 and MoP. I know there isn't much Bioware can do against D3 as that game has been anticipated for almost a decade. What D3 will do is put additional pressure on Bioware to facilitate serve merges and transfers to ensure that a sufficient number of players are online.


    The worst thing that can happen is more intense pressure of the community to drive them into GW2 or back to WoW due to SWTOR "not having a community" thanks to Diablo 3. From a business standpoint, Blizzard is going after your throats with a two pronged assault. Blizzard hasn't gotten to the top by focusing just on the short term, they have always had a long term strategy in mind and they have more than enough capital at the moment to play the waiting game.


    I am not suggesting that SWTOR be bought up to the level of perfection many give to WoW as:


    1. While tremendously influential in the sphere of MMO's and MMO's can trace a form of common ancestry to WoW, not everything it has done is best for the MMO Genre.


    2. WoW has been around almost a decade to improve on itself. Compare WoW in it's current form to when it first launched and some would argue it is an entirely different game. It would be irrational expect Bioware to surpass that level of "perfection" in a few months.


    Apart from server population being an issue, here are somethings I have noticed:


    The end game does become more of a grind than anything.When does it stop being "awesome" and start becoming more like the "prestige" leveling in COD: just bragging rights and something token for the long efforts. GW is notorious for their grind based titles and endgame content, but what they have done with the HoM for some reason makes it "worthwhile".


    Distribution of World Events: I am aware that Bioware has many more events like "Rakghoul Outbreak" planned (I thought it was fun, but wanted to slap the guy who forced a raid wipe on that Bantha due to exploding). The time frame of the events needs to step up, possibly once a month or every other week. Building a community is important and as sick as it was, nothing builds community like disease (admit it, everyone had fun passing cooties on fleet).The only thing that would have made it better was if people turned into Rakghouls themselves and harassed people on fleet in a dueling manner. That would have been awesome).


    Is it the end of my character's story arc?



    Darth Baras is dead and I am the Emperor's Wrath. I am the Hand of Jadus, the Star Cabal dissolved with Imperial Intelligence being restructured. Did the Emperor really die with Malgus's revolt? Bioware's strongest talent is story and character development. Perhaps this is planned for another update or possibly expansion, but that would be a mistake given that the community is not there to support a true expansion pack. Continuing the character's story along with additional community enhancing features would go a long way in restoring server populations.



    Legacy revisions.


    Some of the Legacy talents are useful but the price for such are out of balance in terms of what they yield. The Rocket Boost comes to my mind. It was a good first step, but it needs to be continued onward. Needless to say, it cannot claim to roll out new features, only to have them retracted later. I am well aware that BIoware can do what it wants, but I can do what I want with my money if it chooses to halfway roll out a feature.


    Better Dev/ Community relations in game.


    I am well aware that the forums are primarily made for community relations, but many folks don't bother to check the forums and assume that the Devs have left them to rot. I know Devs want a paycheck at the end of the month or however frequently they get paid, so I don't think they are apathetic to the community's plight. What would be awesome would be for Devs to actually go onto servers and interact with folks. I'm sure it's been done before, but perhaps advertise it better. How you reach an audience is just as important as the message itself in current times.



    Assert more independence from EA (or at least give a good show).


    Face it, EA hasn't got the greatest reputation and is only marginally better than the sequel farm the call Activision (yes Blizzard seems to skimp on new IP's but they at least wait half a decade or so before following up with a sequel.) Without starting another red herring about EA's interference into Bioware and the expansion of Bioware into multiples studios (Edmonton, this studio, the one creating C&C Generals 2 which they better not mess up as I have been a C&C fan just about as long as I have been Star Wars fan,etc.). Is Bioware getting greedy at the behest of EA?


    Who knows what goes on behind closed doors, but showing a sign of "independence" for the benefit of the community from EA would go a long way in restoring the community. As a Free Market guy, I believe share holders should be valued (which assumes that most investors are mom and pop planning for retirement, but that's another story) but the people typically holding the shares are not exactly who you want to be beholden to. They don't care about Video Games, all they care about are P/E ratios, buying on dips, etc. Just remember, Bulls and Bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered.


    I hope this is some constructive criticism of this game and the trolls are kept to a minimum. I want you guys to succeed. I've had lots of fun with this game and I hope to continue playing it, but I will make other arrangements if things don't work out.I know Bioware can do better, if they just go back to what they do best: make amazing games with amazing story. May the Force be with us all.

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