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Posts posted by mithrril

  1. I completely disagree. I don't mind the occasional text-based scene or quest but the biggest selling point with this game is the voice acting. Yes, all games don't need to have voice acting, but this one does and that's kinda the point. Some people don't enjoy it but I love it. That's why I'm still playing, for the storyline, chosen responses, and great voice acting. That's why I play Bioware games in general.


    And those who want to skip the majority of the story, that's fine for you, but the entire game (or even a large portion of the game) shouldn't lack story and/or voice acting in the future just because you're not into the story. The story IS the game for this MMO. Personally, if you intend to skip the entire story and spam spacebar through everything, then perhaps a different game that doesn't put a huge emphasis on the story would be a better fit.

  2. For all you guys who think this is the wife's problem, I say again, you have a LOT to learn about women.


    I've been married for 37 years, I made ALL the same mistakes but I learned from them. Seriously, why are you flirting and having virtual sex with your game characters? Honestly examine that and you might start to understand.


    I'm a married woman and I totally disagree. I couldn't care less if my husband is flirting or having sex with a Bioware character, unless he's creepily obsessed or interested. It's not like SWTOR is a virtual sex game or something. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten it on with characters in Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc. and, when my husband plays and DOESN'T do a romance I tell him he's missing out! Not all women are like that. Maybe they have to play games to understand but I don't think it's any different than watching a movie with hot characters and sexy scenes or reading a romance novel, both things that women often do.

  3. Well, I'm the wife in my house, but there's no way I'm jealous of the flirts my husband has in game. That would be pretty hypocritical of me considering I'm all about in game romance in all Bioware games and I regularly have my background set to one attractive video game, tv show, or movie character or another. I think it's really silly to have a problem with flirting or in game romances, if its an NPC anyway. If you were flirting with REAL people online than, yeah, that's a problem, but characters? No.
  4. 7.5 or 8 out of 10


    Pros: The story is interesting, I enjoy the look of the game, I'm looking forward to trying out each class/personality, I can play with my husband


    Cons: I would still have preferred KOTOR 3 over an MMO. I hate monthly fees and I like to my mod games.

  5. I was never especially hyped to begin with so I can't say I'm disappointed at all. I played in the beta and, until then, I didn't really have much interest in the game, as I hate paying monthly fees and prefer single-player games. So, since I really am enjoying this game and I get to play it with my husband, I'm quite satisfied. I still would have preferred KOTOR 3 over an MMORPG but I do enjoy the interactivity, the story, and the ability to play with friends. I'm not a fan of PVP at all anyway and I think the space battles could use some more work but are fun overall.
  6. How are people still impressed by voiceovers telling you the story of unimportant sidequests after 100+ hours of it? How do you not grow tired of spending exorbitant amounts of time on things that aren't interesting? Voiceovers and cutscenes work for main story quests and class story quests, but they represent an enormous time sink for both the player and the developer as well as a money sink for hiring voice actors for thousands of dialog lines that don't make boring sidequests any more interesting.


    It's like people don't understand that intrigue in a story line doesn't derive from it being voiced. Certain tasks in an MMO will always be tedious and uninteresting. We've accepted that fact by playing it. But adding voiceovers doesn't make that any less tedious and uninteresting (it actually makes it MORE, especially when you level through the SAME quests on an alt). You cannot make the task of thinning the ranks of enemy soldiers or killing arbitrary numbers of manka cats interesting with voice acting. You can supplement emotional events within the game by voicing them, but tedious BS will forever and always be tedious BS.


    It would actually be much better if they reserved voice acting for special occasions when they knew they would be telling a story that wasn't MMO filler content. Whenever a cutscene or voice acting started in the new old world of WoW or in the Cataclysm zones, I knew **** was getting real. It meant that they were telling a story that they felt deserved more than text to tell it. Made it more special, made it more interesting. The fastest way to spoil your pleasures is to make them routine.


    Not everyone agrees with you. I find that voice acting every quest is far more immersive and interesting than just getting a boring paragraph about making boar stew or some such. I also quite enjoy choosing responses, shaping my character's personality, and actually hearing/seeing the story progress. I don't care at all about the side quests in WoW but I don't find them nearly as boring in SWTOR, most likely due to the voice acting and cinematics. Just because you find these side quests tedious does not mean that people who enjoy the voice acting are missing the point or deluded. People like different things and the main focus of the particular game IS on the storytelling. The voice acting is a key part of that and has be shown off for ages before the game was released.

  7. So I gotta ask everyone, if you roll another toon, aside from the Class Quests are you really going to watch all of those interactive cut scenes again? When you go back through that Flashpoint again for the 5th time are you really looking forward to that dialog? My guess is probably not. I haven't done an Operation yet, but I sure hope there isn't a boat load of dialog in them. Week in week out of having to skip the dialog during your Operation seems painful.


    I enjoy the voice overs and interaction for the class quests and maybe a main quest line per planet, after that they over did it and probably spent too much $$ on this feature.


    For me, yes. I will absolutely watch all of the dialogue again, especially if I'm playing a different character personality type. Perhaps after doing the same quest 4 times I would skip through the dialogue. I've played DA:O, DA2, ME1, ME2, and countless other games over and over and I very rarely skip any dialogue. For people who focus on the story and the superb voice acting, I don't think it's unreasonable to listen to it repeatedly.


    If voice acting were to be left out of future quests I would unsub in a heartbeat. If I wanted that I'd go back to any other MMO.

  8. Well I wouldn't continue to play if they did away with the voice acting. I play for the story. The thing I hated most about WoW was the lack of interesting story and the amount of dull text I had to read. If you're only interested in PvP and running instances than maybe you should look for a different game. The biggest and most important difference between SWTOR and other MMOs is the focus on story and voice acting. Without that there is nothing to make it stand out or different from every other game out there. If you're going to play SWTOR I really think you should be in it, at least partially, for the story or you're not going to have as much fun as you could in a different game that has a different focus.
  9. I have problems with eye strain occasionally but I have good eye sight. However, I can't read the majority of text in the game without squinting or leaning in to my monitor. My eyes hurt after playing for just a short amount of time. This doesn't happen with other video games. I definitely agree that this should be at the top of the list of fixes.
  10. Definitely agree! I hope they implement it. I hate looking at the chat box and I often close it. Even when I have it open, I miss whenever someone talks to me since I'm not constantly staring at it. This is probably my number 1 request for changes!
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