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Posts posted by Gnome_

  1. i would like to no longer have to spend hundreds of cartel coins just to unlock a few stupid items for the rest of my characters.


    i'd also like a detailed explanation on how bioware consistently manages to break their entire game every time they do something simple like nerf my main class. they're like a dentist who manages to decapitate a patient during a routine teeth cleaning.

  2. I appreciate the updates, Keith Kanneg and Eric Musco. If this is another Revenge of the Server Hamsters scenario, I suggest not leaving lightsabers and blasters within their rodent reach. Don't let their cute cuddly furball looks fool you. Those server hamsters have some meanness in them.


    While the issue is being worked on, I provide a re-enactment of a classic Episode IV scene (spoiler alert):


    :csw_falcon: -- pew-pew-pew --> :csw_vadertie:



  3. i hate walls of text, so i'll try to keep it short. the companions, excluding lana and theron, are basically decorations there for sentimental value. doesn't matter if you kill them, reunite with them, whatever. they'll be treated as if they died thereafter. those choices are only there to give the illusion that there are consequences, meanwhile every big choice in the game leads you down the same path or some convenient excuse to negate your choice will be introduced. but they'll disguise that with "hey look. quinn and elara!" then you guys run around talking about "omg my choices matter." btw none of you are special for liking choices that matter. everyone does. welcome to the club. this doesn't apply to me, but there are people who've had a SW or trooper for like 5 years who could lose (assuming kotfe/kotet even affects this) something sentimental to them just so bioware could implement faux choices and make people on their forums go "that's real", then discard the characters again. you're choosing between paper or plastic, ketchup or mustard.


    Really? You're so immature that you would insult someone because they disagree with you? No wonder the mods got on your case then.


    and as far as this goes, boohoo. got nothing to do with disagreeing with me. if someone says something i think is dumb, i'm likely to just call them a dummy, especially if they were passive aggressive to begin with. but i didn't, i just talked about it. :p


    if i reply to anyone else who feels the need to shower me with their opinions itt, it'll probably be with one sentence posts assuming tait hasn't already banned me.

  4. I hope this is sarcasm. It makes no sense to me that people would be upset that there are ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES to the choices that they make in-game. It makes complete sense! If you romanced someone who is against mindless killing and then throughout KOTFE and KOTET you kill someone every chance you get, it makes complete sense that your former LI would be disgusted by this and refuse to rekindle your relationship. I for one hope that they DO implement this. That's real. That's good writing and good storytelling. And it gets you more involved in the story because it makes you really THINK about what you're going to do.


    I'm excited about who they're going to bring back after Malavai and Elara. I hope it's Doc. Or Corso. Or Vector. Or And... actually I'd be happy if any of my other romances showed up. I'm not terribly picky.


    that's stupid as hell. let's use the trooper for example. i did nothing but commit war crimes and get people killed during vanilla. guess how many people on my team cared. zero. i don't want to just straight up insult you, because the mods will be all over my *** again, but nah. there's a difference between choices that matter and screwing people out of their class's original companions to give the illusion that their choices matter.


    what's up, emperor of the eternal throne, commander of the largest fleet ever? gotta choose between pub/imp now. can't make them fall in line like any real emperor would, because we're probably gonna shoehorn in a reason you lost your power. It makes complete sense! That's real. That's good writing and good storytelling. :rolleyes:

  5. nothing really. i have been "reported" many times and nothing has happened.

    a few months ago i beat these two guys in a duel and they decided to kick me from the stronghold say i cheated then have nar shadaa general chat turn against them and then proceed to spam the chat with "YOUR'E ALL REPORTED SCREENSHOTED AND RECORDED"


    that's kinda hilarious actually

  6. Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


    The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


    Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


    How many cents does EA pay you for these posts?

  7. -snerk- You dont know much about Disney do you?


    Disney has sued Daycare Centers for having their characters on their walls...


    They also sued a Clown & Costumed Characters Rental Company for wearing Disney Character costumes.


    Disney very much has say over everything they own. Bioware is just the game host, Disney still owns Star Wars and can tell them anything they want.


    Did either of those two examples purchase exclusive Star Wars licenses from DIsney? I can't believe you thought that was a good comparison. :rolleyes:

  8. Ill just leave this here...


    They wont change Existing companions, but Im guessing Disney doesnt want any "New for players to aquire" companions being ran around in slave gear.


    Not so good for those who just wanted to dress her different, but it will prevent her from being put in the Slave Outfit they are trying to remove themselves from.


    Disney doesn't own Bioware. They have as much power over what Bioware does with the game as they do over what Fox does with X-men.

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