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Posts posted by Trollfacepl

  1. Their are brackets, but you get bolstered up so as long as you have gear in every slot you should do fine enough.


    Bracket 1: lvls 10-40

    Bracket 2: lvls 41-64

    Bracket 3: 65 PVP


    There are no 1v1 spots but you can schedule 1v1s or have tournaments in the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine.

    Thanks man really helpfull thx for help .

    One question : Why did they made flashpoint missions so hard ?

    I swear w would need to gank this mission with 20 players to have chances to beat this BOSS ( Why they made this boss so op ? ) !

    3 enemies 7 hundreds of thousands HP ( Each one ) !

  2. I PVP'd from 10 to 65 on my sentinel. I recommend this because it lets you see the usefulness of all your abilities as you obtain them.


    Then when you hit 65 you have enough comms and credits to fully gear up. The second i hit 65 I had all the best gear fully augmented w/ the enhancements that I wanted.

    I know how to chain abilites i play now as sith sorcerer but is there a lvl balance ( I don't want to meet a 65 lvl while playing as 30 lvl worrior ) ?

    Can you do a 1v1 matches in PVP ( I rather prefer duels than 2v2 i want to be able to focus on a sinlge target ) ?

  3. What level is good to start PVP ?

    I have experience in duels and i can defeat a player in 1v1 contest but i don't know if i don't get just straight up smashed and cutted to pieces by coopers ( I would have a solid chance in a duel match but when coopers show up i will be rather dead in 15 seconds ) i cannot handle 3 players at once it's improssible for me if they know how to cooperate i will die even against 2 players ( I don't know if i win against 2 not organized players ) and i know that is weak but when 2 players 2 classes that i have to deal with and 2 difrent strategies to pick against each one .

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