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Posts posted by AkumatheOni

  1. Hello, I'm having a big problem with the mobile security key.

    I literaly have to write it in its respective box in half a second when it shows up in my cell phone.

    Sometimes I wait 5 minutes trying to be fast enough.

  2. I bought and played 100 chips (75000 credits) and got the following:

    24 chips (which I also played)

    17 "green" rep items

    16 "blue" rep items

    6 "purple" rep items


    If you're not in a guild, and get 0 rep bonus, those would be worth 23310 reputation points. If you're in a guild with the max 10% rep bonus, they would be worth 25641 points. It takes a total of 70000 points to hit the "Legend" reputation level with the CRC. If my results are "typical", it would cost well under 250k credits to get enough rep items to reach legend status. So nowhere near a couple million credits needed. It would also takea couple weeks, as the weekly reputation cap for CRC is 30000 points. (If you started today, you could get 30k points today, then 30k more after the "reset" on Tuesday, and then the final 10k after the next "reset" the following Tuesday).


    However, reputation is only part of it. You also need ten Cartel Market Certificates. Those used to come in certain cartel packs, but no longer. And the slot machine itself is incredibly expensive - listed for about 25 million on the GTN on Harbinger, only a couple million less than the 27 million price tag on the one Revan's Mask listed. Though if you know someone who has a slot machine in their SH, you won't need to by one of your own. Note that I got zero certificates from playing the slot machine. So if they drop at all, that might require investing some millions of credis, possibly many millions, to get ten cartel certs.


    When the slot machines first came out there was much speculation (and many requests/suggestion) about more types of slot machines coming later, that would drop rep items for other cartel factions (Binary Star Realty, Esstran Exports, etc.) but no such luck. If BW ever had any plans along those lines, it seems they were abandoned long ago. Whixh is unfortunate, as the new packs don't drop any cartel rep items, AFAIK, so it's pretty much impossible to gain any reputation with those other factions. And with no way to get the required certificates, either, those reputation vendors seem mostly pointless....


    Wow, thank you very much for this complete answer.

  3. So, I have this friend that is having a big problem with the launcher, he is not a subscriber (he haven't tested the game yet because of this problem) so I'm posting this here so we can try to solve this (or someone could get me to a thread where someone have solved this same problem).


    He downloaded the launcher, but from a screenshot he gave me, looks like an older version of the launcher, one that has no images or the twilek and the horned guy, but it keeps showing the mensage: The Launcher is being updated. Please wait...


    That means he cannot even log in in the game.


    He download the launcher again and again and it didn't worked.


    Thanks in advance for your attention.

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