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Posts posted by RogerApple

  1. Sorry, I must have been misinformed that this game has multiple aspects and that those aspects offer interest to multiple types of players, sorry for the confusion. I will now play this game as if it only has one part of itself.


    Ha that poster really destroyed you the one you quoted. I guess you aren't the special genius you claim you are. :D On topic people like yourself and in general really need to stop complaining and simply enjoy the game for how it is

  2. Someone who has been subscribed to the game from the very beginning (I think the actual in-game Founder title is for anyone who was a subscriber before March, 2012, but when people talk about 'being a founder' it's a bit looser than that).


    The Collector's Edition and the Rise of the Hutt Cartel pre-orders were both separate purchases people made, beyond just being subscribers - although obviously only people who were part of the game back then were in a position to make those purchases.


    I never hard to buy rise of hutt cartel. I suppose I got it for free with the expansion.

  3. First I'm not against feeling overpowered if it's up to players to decide if that's what they want or not.

    If you are happy with the game like it is atm, I have no problem with that. I don't want to remove anything from people that are happy. My goal isn't to force people to play my way, I just would like BW to add ways for players to adjust things, for themselves only, so they can enjoy the game more.


    There's 3 things mainly I would like:

    • a way to reduce XP or to stop earning it
    • a way to adjust my synced level
    • a way to adjust my companion efficiency


    Thoses 3 things would be optional and off by default so players that don't want thoses things or are unaware they exist would have 100% the same gaming experience they have now. Again, I can understand that some people are happy with things how they are and I don't want to make things worse for them.


    I explained that before the companion nerf and I can do it again...


    Nerfs and buffs like BW did are terrible ideas. There are many different kind of players playing MMOs, the usual "groups" we talk about are in fact way more complex than that. You can't simply reduce people to basic archetypes like hardcores, casuals, PvP'ers or whatever. In all thoses groups, while they share Something, they also often disagree about something else. So when BW releases thoses buffs and nerfs, they only please a part of the playerbase, which is stupid. Even when they try to find a compromise, they still don't please many people. Some people still want companions to be like they were in 4.0, some people still think companions are too good atm...


    So instead of trying to find a decent compromise that is just ok for a part of the community and wrong for some other part, why not let each player define for himself how things should be ? Why force feed us a general "solution" when each player could define its own, making the game better for himself without changing anything for others ?



    I can tell you how I play and what's the problem for me but that's not relevant, I don't want the game to change to answer my playstyle, I want it to change to appeal to as many people as possible. The goal isn't to make the game good for Joe Schmoe or me only but for lots of people with many different ways to play and many different interests.


    Anyway here's the main things I do in game

    • missions
    • warzones (regs)
    • GSF


    I'm crafting for myself and do once in a while normal flashpoints.


    The consequences of doing thoses things are for me:

    • I'm leveling too fast
    • I'm always overleveled
    • My character is always too good
    • My companion is always too good


    Just in case, yes I know I don't have to do all theses things, I also know I can play without a companion, or in passive mode, or with some abilities disabled and I can choose to play without upgrading my gear or with a hand tied in my back or whatever...


    The problem with thoses "solutions" is that they reduce what the game is, removing features just to make some others acceptable. Also they are completely unpractical, I would be spending my time micro managing things, summoning/unsomming companions based on content and conversations, enabling/disabling skills based on the mobs I'm facing, keeping multiple sets of gear, some times even for multiple roles to have good gear while doing warzones or flashpoints and bad gear for solo missions and somewhere in between for harder content, switching between them based on content, the companion I would use in convos couldn't be the one I fight with...



    Again the goal isn't to force players to play my way, nor it is for you to tell me I should be happy because I can do this or that crap, the goal is to increase how adaptable the game is to various playstyles because in the end, the more people are happy, the bigger the playbase is, the more EA/BW makes money, the more they can expand and improve the game....


    That's a nice little list you wrote out. The last time we heard about an "Optional" thing was the Companion Nerf. The entire time it was sold as Optional and to appease "all of the playerbase" I very seriously doubt if they tweak experience its going to be a hundred percent optional. It's more like mandatory. There lies the problem.


    Many people like myself have done nearly all the side quests for every class. So often we remember what they say by heart. You basically want to reduce experience for it to take even longer for it to level then it currently is. For me personally I felt they already caved on companion nerf. If they reduce experience to make a small minority happy. That would be the last straw for me as in playing this game.


    Basically if you want more of a grind. Maybe you should play a different game that fits your style. I'm not sold on the "optional" experience tweak. I heard this same thing before it wasn't what they said it would be. The majority already think experience is too little if anything they need to buff it.

  4. What I don't understand. What's keeping people from quitting now then playing a year from now and getting all the content at once. I'm sure they would release that chapter to play as HK sooner or later to subs. It just feels like from looking at homepage their going offer a small different perk each month to stay subbed.
  5. Can we not force Bioware to nerf this into the ground like companions? The leveling speed is perfect. Here's what I recommend doing:


    Make 4 chars in each faction. One of each class. Split ALL OF THE CONTENT available between those 4, without repeating. Do that, and you won't out-level all of the planets, I guarantee you, because I've done it.


    A lot of us play this game for the only thing BW is good at--the story (People who disagree with this can save their silly thoughts on the matter, believe me when I say I'm the last person who cares what they think). So we don't want to do the same mission on 4 different chars in a Faction--it is very 'non-canon' to us.


    If they actually Nerf experience because a small minority wants the grind to last even longer. I am quitting I am going to another MMO. There are limits. The Companion Nerf was one. If they manage to actually make the grind even longer then it currently it. I will happily play something else. I completed most of the class quest. People are forgetting. It's been a slow burning grind for past three year. How many subs has this game gotten. Under a million in less a year. This is literally killing the game. People will go play something else a small amount of hardcores on very light severs will be happy.

  6. People should seriously play another game that think its too fast. I'm sure there are other MMO's that are 100x more of a grind. It reminds me of people wanting to take companions buffs away. I'm just thinking are you trying to on purpose kill this game. Because you are taking most of the fun out of it. Who plays a game and says. This game needs more of a slow grind. Not me.
  7. im not going lie, i fit your profiling, i wish this game would f*&^*ing die,, so there can be room for new things, like kotor 3, swg 2, or even a swtor 2 or new mmo or single player game. The sooner it *********** kills itself off the sooner we get new games. :)


    I don't think if it dies they'll make a Knights of Old Republic 3. They likely just switch to another project. Or they'll remake SWTOR but for little kids. We should be happy with what we got.

  8. I always thought Long Term Subscriber benefits were a nice touch in games like this. Six months you get an exclusive stronghold, one year you get a distinctive legacy set, 2 years a special emote and a vehicle, 3 years a special companion, 4 years a black-black dye that never gets spent, etc.. Touches like that do keep people subbed if they're thinking about quitting but have 10.5 months paid for...


    This is why I only pay for a month at a time. I'm not sure I would want to pay for a year in advance at once. This is why I like to keep my options open. I still play the game. I PVP. I don't play as much as I used since the companion nerf. It seems to have lost the IT factor that made it so fun during the companion buff.

  9. Why is it so hard to understand. We are paying for a service with our hard earned money. We didn't get this game for free. If it were free we'd have no right to complain about it. Since we are paying something and they are a business I assume wants to keep our business its their goal to try make us as happy as we can be while making money. That's not entitlement that's business.


    If enough people are unhappy to the service. They go out of business. If they were not interested in making money. I would agree they could ignore this all day long. Since they are...they have to listen to a majority of their customers..

  10. I highly suggest you read, not skim, before posting:




    And as for this:




    Am I overreacting? Maybe; but I've dealt with it too often in the past to care enough to put up with it again; something always breaks and it's just not worth my time to deal with it before it gets fixed. And please show me one single major content update that BW has ever come up with for this game that had "no bugs at all". If you can do that, I'll show you the way to the lost city of Atlantis.


    I find and troubleshoot "bugs" and other problems all day at work; I'm not being paid to do it for Bioware, so I'm not going to waste my time with it.



    The thing is though like people who complained about Companion Buffs. You are saying "No one" should have early access to you because you "assume" it MIGHT have bugs. Then you say you refuse to log in at all. During the chapters I wasn't forced to do the next chapter. It was a hundred percent optional. If you really feel that strongly you could just not do the chapters do whatever else you were going to. The chapters when they were first released they didn't have bugs in it.


    You see the problem trying to make it mandatory that no one can play two days early. Kinda defeats the entire purpose of releasing it early.

  11. I can't speak for the OP as their motivations appear to be different than mine, but for me early access usually means more time spent having to deal with bugs. Even if I don't engage in the new content, there is often still something broken that affects me. So in order to avoid the headache and hassle, I've adopted the following policy: when early access starts, I don't log in. Then when launch hits, I don't log in. When the first post-launch patch hits, then I will finally update my client and log in. So longer early access means more time I spend away from the game; that is why I will complain about any early access being offered as some kind of "reward".


    You know your not forced to do the early access content. You don't even have "Start" the chapter if you don't want it. I really think you are over reacting by not logging in "at all" simply just do what you normally do and don't start the chapter to complain about it for bugs you are not even sure exist. You want it to remove from everyone because you "assume" there are bugs that exist. What if there are no bugs at all. It's a hundred percent optional. It's a good thing its in early access. I really think you should re-consider as I mentioned. It's optional and you are off the assumption there are bugs that exist in it.

  12. I'd have to argue with the highlighted part. But ultimately, the community seems extremely happy with where companion power levels are now.


    All the topics showing how unhappy they are sitll exist they are just moved to off topic. I think you are confusing extreme happiness with content. People were extremely happy when the buffs in 4.0 You saw how many people complained when it was yanked away. I can imagine people being much happier then when that was going on.

  13. If we were getting this game for free. I'd see your point and agree. We're paying money for subs and many of us are paying in Cartel Coins. If we pay for the product even if its not much. We do have a right to have a choice even as annoying to some as it may seem.
  14. I feel like their are always some people that ask for things that literally ruin a game. Someone complaining about two days of early access like its a bad thing reminds me of people who complained about the companion buffs. I almost can't believe he's seriously complaining. If he is serious. I so frustrated with certain players in this game for this very reason. Why on earth would you complain about two days of early access that your not even forced to play.
  15. It's sad to see so many people going. As much I complain I don't see any other MMO with choice aspect. I simply wish they would allow us to play the way we wanted. They kept this Nerf would be entirely optional. That it would be our choice to play two different ways. We were mislead. It wasn't optional. If they would simply buff companions to the way they were the majority of people would be much happier.
  16. The old traditions no longer likely apply. This is part of the modern MMO model, most online games seem to be moving in this direction....casual friendly, less group content, more solo casual content, housing, minigames, appearance, etc.


    It is likely a sign of the times. I think some folks refuse to accept that, and perhaps that is understandable.


    I feel something has been lost, most definitely. Perhaps even one day MMOs will not even resemble the games of old. But folks can choose to embrace the new paradigm or reject it.


    I choose the former.


    If the times are as you say. Most people are happy with companion buffs. So according to your logic that most people would like to play solo. The Nerf was actually a bad thing because it made Solo Content much harder and forcing people who don't want to group to group or quit the game it makes the Nerf less appealing it actually stripes away many of the solo content that the majority do enjoy.

  17. Whenever a company has to give out awards for being subbed. I think the sub numbers have gone down massively. I think they are going to offer a little perk for being subbed each month. I don't honestly see the difference if I sub eight months from now I can still play all chapters. Can't I. The only difference is the companion for a million credits you can get off Cartel Market.


    I'm glad they are releasing the next chapter this soon. I can't wait to play it. I think they're going dangle this carrot on a stick for a while now.

  18. i hope you realise you quoted a post that proves everything you just said is false


    I hope you realize most of what you said in the past was massive misinformation. Just like you refused to admit in the past when you had taken a position I'm glad you finally shown your true colors by throwing other words like god mode etc keywords only Pro Nerf Crowd. Thank you ignoring majority of my reply focusing on those parts. I'll move on to debate with someone who's up front about their stance. .

  19. it's ok to admit you had a hard time with easy content. again, the fun for me is getting better.

    i dont think it's opinion, it's fact. companions were very powerful in 4.0. do i equate that to god mode? yes, i felt like i could not die with a healer companion out.

    that opinion is directly not associated with the fact that i didnt care if they nerfed them or not. they are two separate topics entirely. if i felt like i wanted the companion gone, i would dismiss it. i dont need nerfs or buffs.

    ok so a few people on the forum say that, ergo more people had fun that way.


    thanks for, yet again, for the irrational declarations of fact.


    I said several times that you were Pro Nerf. All those times you said "I haven't taken a position " You lied back then I KNEW you had. I knew you were Pro Nerf but you denied it. I'm glad finally you can admit your true position. There's nothing "hard" about fighting mobs of three...pressing two buttons. You trying to insult me saying "L2play" is exact reason that this company went under a million subs from almost two million literally months after its release.


    You will never understand. No skill needed to press two buttons to fight through the mobs. When 4.0 hit you and people like complained and kicked for weeks till you got the nerf. If you don't understand that simpe basic thing there's no need for me to further reply to you. Then you won't understand the bigger picture.

  20. well you claimed to have difficulties with current companions in the second last boss fight in warrior story so i think it's absolutely a l2p situation in your case.


    hope you're not offended, about 90+% of sith warriors i see have no idea what they are doing. marauders worst of all.


    instead of asking for godmode companions, you should focus on your own ability and make it less of a grind that way.


    You are distorting what I said. I said during the fight before you faced Barras in the warrior storyline. Where you fought the cyborb half man half machine. Even as over powered my companion was. He was an elite and literally threw my companion around. That despite I was matching his level. Some reason they make some class missions unusually harder. For example making you face one or two different elites.


    It's amusing that you said you me literally a week ago. "I never taken a position in companions" here you throw around words like god mode so casually for someone that's never been Pro Nerf you certainty talk casually about it enough to fool me. More people had fun with companions in 4.0 then they did in any other part of the game. That's the honest truth, several people have echoed that.

  21. instead of using crutch companions, why dont you learn how to play your class effectively?


    there are plenty of resources on dulfy that can help teach you how to properly dps.


    People often say "This is faceroll" after playing world of warcraft again just literally a day ago. Playing that is literally a face roll. It doesn't take any special person to figure out the DPS. I could randomly press buttons and still kill that mob. It's a slow burning grind that is slow and burning that's why it's not fun. You think its because I don't "effectively play my class" or I don't "sit on here all day so I have time to press 2 buttons for two hours" it's not fun and repeating "play your class better" doesn't make it any fun. You are missing the entire point on why its not fun.


    Hint: It has nothing to do with playing your class.

  22. You know why don't people who are complaining just say it: They want SWTOR to be over. It's got nothing to do with development issues, or all the ******** people keep complaining about. Just admit it that you are bored with the game and that it's been running for far too long (four years) and it's time to end it instead of just pussyfooting around it? How about that?


    It's some people who are complaining...about those complaining..I wonder if they know ..they are literally the same as complainers. I don't want SWTOR to be over. Far from it. I don't with the new movie it will be over for least a year or two. I want it to better. I want companion buffs back. I want to enjoy logging back in instead of sighing.

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