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Posts posted by oldin

  1. I have a question and a request.


    Since a major part of this game is centered around The Legacy and Alternate character progression.

    Are there any plans on having shared storage space OR being able to access Crewskills from the other characters on your account? I would like to be able to access the materials from another character from storage or their crafting skills without having to log off and remember who has the mats/profession. Perhaps make storage have specific slots/page that only hold crafting mats that can be access by any character?


    Also for Pete's sake can you please make a change to the GTN so that the TAB key switches from level 1-50 boxes instead of using the mouse to click. In almost every program that I use the TAB key cycles to the next selection and SHIFT+TAB to the previous.


    Thank You!

  2. I have a 50 Sage, 50 Commando, 45 Vanguard and a 41 Knight. I am trying out a Gunslinger now.

    I log on with the smuggler for some quick PVP. Get in a group for NC get beat. Try Voidstar loose, then Civil War, loose. What is the point of this post?


    The last two WZ we were down one man the entire game. No one joined either match the whole game! Now I am not complaining that we lost, whatever. But the fact that there was only going to be so many persons in the rotation for PVP and probably the same ones over and over again.


    I thought about rolling on another server with more population. It is not the fact that I would be doing most of the same quests again, that's cool. It is I would be leaving behind my legacy buffs and my maxed 400 crew skills, all nine of them.


    I don't care if I have to change my character names or legacy title. Just moving to a server with a larger pop would make my experience more enjoyable. I ended up opening mail, cleaning off my desk and watching Three Stooges the rest of the night. AFAIAC the Mutliplayer part of this MMO needs help. Server mergers or character transfers wold go a long way!

  3. I do not enjoy the game anymore. I didn't log in today, because I didn't feel like getting stomped repeatedly after a day of work. I do not recommend the game anymore - not to friends, not to coworkers, not at all. I couldn't. I think the last words I said about this: "meh, they screwed it up, it's just another wow grind now.


    It's just another spend-much-time-online game now.


    And not even a cool - and it is really cool - story can keep a game running if the mechanic is messed up.

    First motivation goes away, everything else just follows.


    I really didn't know how I felt about the changes until I read this. After I get home from work and feed the family I was excited to login and PVP and even if I lost I got a decent parting gift. I would PVP for 1-2 hrs straight. Now I PVP until I get my one win and log. Now I am even starting to question that. Regardless how you feel about the amount of rewards given. If it is not fun why continue doing it? I came back from a road trip this weekend with some friends. All the way back I normally would have tried to convince them to join up and try it out as they are all gamers. I spoke about the voice acting and the storyline. But then I could not justify telling them to join as who knows what changes will happen to alter game mechanics and how fast they will come.



    First the motivation goes away, everything else just follows.

  4. Please take into consideration the following.

    If a player that is queued up for a WZ is only looking to gain Commendations.


    I was in loosing matches with 3 or more Badges each time. At the end of the match I get between 20-27 Commendations.

    In the winning match that I was in I scored in HB two times along with my normal playing of killing, protecting, CC as a Tank. I get 70 Commendations.


    It seems more efficient to get my three medals for 27 Commendations and loosing a match quickly three times than to play well for 15 min and win one match.

  5. I have two ranged and one melee.

    I use click targeting when I am at range most of the time because I have a better view of the battlefield. When there are four or five enemies in a group and I need to target a specific one to CC or the guy putting the bomb on the door at Voidstar tab targeting should have a priority. Closest first, preferably in a 90 degree cone of view. not 180.

    I have tab targets some MOBS out of my field of view and did not know it until I was smeared

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