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Posts posted by retekrepa

  1. Try that BT3 Jugg, you won't regret it. I have a BT3 Jugg as well, and it was an absolute blast playing with it, including all the expansions. I suggest you go for Immortal spec, that's the tanking one. Personally I had so much fun playing as a tank with the Jugg.

    BT3 Jugg with tank spec fits so good.

  2. If you mean the little Cartel Market sign on the portrait of the item, that doesnt affect the fact whether you're a subscriber or not. That just shows the quality and rarity of that particular item.


    Bronze = usually not a really good looking item, common drop

    Silver = silver items look normally somewhat better, between common/rare drop

    Gold = these look really good most of the times, rare drop

    Platinum = these look mind blowingly awesome, incredibly rare drop


    Hopefully I helped you to solve your problem :)

  3. You can have (almost) all the characters as companions from the KotFE and KotET expansions, depending on your actions. You can acquire Senya and Arcann as well, if you decide not to kill them throughout the two mentioned above.


    Also, I have to agree with Anduhar regarding the tokens. It's way less fun and you don't necessarily understand everything, such as how you already know Lana, why you're in alliance with Darth Marr if you play with a Republic character, etc. It's more enjoyable if you play the expansions before these two as well as the main story.

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